It’s Wednesday, February 9th, 2022…but before we begin, courtesy of James Nichols, the Daily Mail reveals a…

Scowling Barack Obama inspects the construction of his new multimillion-dollar Hawaii mansion and controversial sea wall


“…The building of the enormous beachfront property where Obama plans to retire someday was purchased for $8.7 million by his close friend Marty Nesbitt in 2015. The developers are currently building three homes on the site including two swimming pools and a security fence on the three-acre parcel of beachfront land.

But a century-old sea wall on the property is set to remain, despite state policies being introduced in recent years that were designed to preserve Hawaii’s natural coastlines. Environmental experts say structures such as beach walls actually cause coastal damage and beach erosion. Although the state of Hawaii has laws meant to preserve disappearing shorelines, beachfront property owners area able to bypass them…”

Say it ain’t so, BO, say it ain’t so!

As contributor Nichols observed, it’s the Man of The People inspecting his third multimillion-dollar mansion, the second at sea level, which, if you believe The Dear Misleader’s own bullsh*t, will soon be underwater due to rising sea levels caused by anthropogenic global warming, aka, “man-made climate change”.


Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since we’re on the subject of hopelessly hypocritical Progressives, NRO‘s Kyle Smith rips into…

Stacey Abrams’s Epic Face (Mask) Plant

A grinning, maskless Abrams enters the Hypocrisy Hall of Fame in an instantly notorious picture — but the ramifications are even worse than that.


Usually when social-media scamps accuse one another of an “epic fail,” they’re referring to some minor infraction, some small blind spot or light mangling of facts. This was not the case with Stacey Abrams’s historic blunder at Glennwood Elementary in Decatur, Ga. Such was the epic scope of Abrams’s miscalculation that it’s in Ben-Hur/The Ten Commandments territory. When it comes to political debacle, Abrams is the new Charlton Heston.

What a photo! Abrams, the only person at serious risk in the room, is the only one not wearing a mask. Surrounding her are kids who are at more risk of dying in a car crash than from Covid-19, and yet they’re all wearing masks. Why? Because she’s more powerful and important than they are. It was as if Marie Antoinette showed up for a “listening tour” meeting with the shop stewards of Starving Peasantry, Inc., and proceeded to stuff her face with gâteaux aux cérises et mascarpone as the rest of them listened to the sound of their rumbling bellies.

Abrams’s photo was not merely hypocritical, it was one for the Hypocrisy Hall of Fame: masks for the wee, not for me. But most politiciansmost peopleare hypocrites. Hypocrisy is a routine human flaw. The hypocrisy, in Abrams’s case, put into picture form one of America’s great divides. On the one side is the party of adults who support past, present, and ongoing performative mass-punishment of children via a draconian masking regime that they themselves don’t take seriously; on the other are those who understand that science indicates no sound reasoning behind masking children. (Or, for that matter, anyone else!)

Abrams doesn’t look like merely a hypocrite in the picture; she looks like a crocodile surrounded by a group of shipwrecked sailors with stumps where their legs used to be. Worse even than Gavin Newsom partying in French Laundry when he had ordered everyone else in the state to stay home with a Lean Cuisine, the Abrams photo combines thoughtlessness with cruelty. Abrams is the new face of Democratic Party child abuse.

The cute kids around Abrams represent millions of stunned victims of a sustained, nationwide, Democrat-led campaign of organized and unnecessary cruelty to kids enacted in contravention of evidence, international norms, and World Health Organization guidance. The psychic, developmental, and emotional damage that Democrats have pounded into kids over the last two years may never be overcome, although it will surely be punished by parents at the ballot box in November.

All of this is contained in the Abrams picture. It could not have been more disastrous messaging for her if it had been designed by the Republican Party. Indeed, the picture is so shocking, so hilarious, so absolutely on-target in undermining Abrams, that I at first assumed it had to be a fake. Yet it was sent out over social media by her own team, which then compounded its error by deleting the photo from Twitter, in effect announcing to the public that it had something juicy to hide.

Among political self-owns, the Abrams picture has few peers. It’s even better than the shots of 1988 presidential candidate Mike Dukakis driving a tank, which were meant to make him look like a capable military leader but instead made him look like Radar O’Reilly (and broke a cardinal rule of campaigning: Don’t wear someone else’s headgear).

It easily beats the photos of Swiss-boarding-school aristocrat John Kerry windsurfing while trying to brand himself as Joe Sixpack instead of Jacques de Suisse, or populist Ted Cruz jetting off to Cancun to sun himself while Texas froze — neither of these blunders had any policy implications.

The Abrams photo is such a career-toppling act of auto-damnation that it’s more like the picture of a leering Al Franken reaching out to grope the breasts of a sleeping woman who later noted that Franken, using the pretext of a USO performance, “aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.”

Or the tableau of Governor Chris Christie sunning himself on the Jersey Shore, which his government had closed to ordinary folks, then claiming, “I didn’t get any sun today.” (His spokesman later clarified, “He did not get any sun. He had a baseball hat on.”) But those revelations came in gotcha photos issued by the politician’s enemies. Imagine Franken issuing the grope photo himself, under the caption, “Senator Franken is reaching out to America’s women…”

Sure, Newsom survived his French Laundry escapade, then brazenly performed an encore at the NFC Championship game in Los Angeles, where he was photographed maskless indoors among celebrities. But Georgia is not California. Maybe Abrams should move there and start over.

Good luck with running again for governor, you bloviating blimp.  As Speed so eloquently observed…

Turning now to News from the Great White NorthFOX informs us…

Ottawa police arrest 7, threaten charges for others caught bringing fuel to truckers in Canada’s Freedom Convoy


Canadian police announced Monday that seven people have been arrested and more than 100 have been issued tickets in connection to “demonstration-related enforcement” in Ottawa. This comes after Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency Sunday afternoon as approximately 500 trucks and vehicles with the “Freedom Convoy” continued to linger in the streets of the Canadian capital to protest vaccine mandates and other coronavirus-related restrictions.

Ottawa Police Service issued a warning earlier Monday that “anyone found bringing fuel to the demonstration trucks in the red zone could be subject to arrest and charges.” (In violation of what law, we wonder?!?) Multiple vehicles and fuel have been seized. (Again, on what legal grounds?!?) Five of the seven arrests were for unspecified mischief. A sixth person was charged for driving while prohibited and a seventh for mischief “relating to property damage of a downtown business,” police said in a press release

More than 100 Highway Traffic Act and other “Provincial Offence Notices” were issued for offenses including excessive honking, driving the wrong way, defective muffler, no seat belt, alcohol readily available and having the improper class of driving license, police said…”

“Excessive honking”: Wow, they take the law seriously in the Great White North.  Hells bells, to the best of our recollection nearly half of Milwaukee was burned to the ground by real rioters with nary a citation issued.  We don’t know what’s worse: That such measures are legal under Canadian law, or that Canadian law enforcement is so eager to enforce same. 

Since we’re on the subject of Progressives making things up as they go along, FOX relates the new…

GWU president is ‘personally offended’ by art slamming China’s human rights record, has it removed from campus

Critics are calling on the president of George Washington University to answer why he is ‘personally offended’ by the art


The newly minted president of George Washington University said he was “personally offended” by art posted around the college’s campus condemning China’s human rights abuses. 

“Please know that I am personally offended by the posters. I treasure the opportunity to work with talented people from all over the world, including China,” George Washington University President Mark Wrighton wrote in an email. “I, too, am saddened by this terrible event and we will undertake an effort to determine who is responsible.”

A screenshot of the email was posted to Twitter by the artist behind the posters, known only as Badiucao. He is a China-born political cartoonist who frequently uses his work to criticize the Chinese Communist Party. The art took aim at Uyghur genocide, oppression in Tibet and Hong Kong, the coronavirus and China’s surveillance of its citizens

“Mr Wrighton is not an ignorant person. And certainly he is not innocent after this saga as well,” Badiucao told Fox News. “Perhaps his intimate tie with CCP and RMB has covered his love to students and human rights.”…”

The only question is how deep into Mark Wrighton has Xi Jinping dug his Communist claws.

Next up, another nonet of specially selected items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Speaking of ChiCom puppets, 46* threatened Monday, “If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine, again, then there will be no longer Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”  He then felt it necessary to add, “I promise you we will be able to do that“, though he declined to provide even the faintest details how he’d do it, or who “we” was.  Perhaps he had a mouse in his pocket.

Biden’s desperate, empty assurance of action reminds us of the scene in Animal House where it becomes apparent Professor Jennings has lost both the respect of and control over his class:

(2). Best of the Web questions whether we need a second, separate federal no-fly list for unruly passengers?  Interestingly enough, this is something which has affected us personally, as, despite numerous written pleas for relief, for almost 10 years we could not check in for a flight without a supervisor coming out and clearing us.  Then again, all we did in response was plan our time of arrival at the airport accordingly.

(3). The WSJ‘s Dan Henninger makes the case for Biden declaring publicly the pandemic phase of Covid is over so people can resume living in a reality not dominated by masks, tests or vaccines, as “it is manifestly clear that the panic phase of the Covid-19 pandemic has to end”, as the costs are simply…


(4). Also courtesy of the Journal, we learn Andrew Cuomo is planning a comeback mere months after resigning amid multiple claims of sexual harassment.

(5). NRO‘s David Harsanyi tells us the more we learn about the Afghanistan debacle, the more it becomes clear decisions were driven by politics and panic.

(6). Having learned nothing from the experience of Anne Arundel County, MD, the 46* clown car will now provide free crack pipes in the name of “equity

(7). Speaking of those who’ve learned nothing from history, the observations of Elisha Wiesel, daughter of Holocaust chronicler Elie Wiesel regarding the Beijing Winter Games, leads Best of the Web to correctly conclude, “Just like in 1936, the International Olympic Committee is unwilling to push the issue.”  Yet another International Profile in Cowardice.

(8). As Jim Freeman astutely observes, while Carl Icahn wants Mickey D’s to force suppliers to give pigs more space in their crates, thereby increasing the cost of pork-inclusive breakfast sandwiches, the only time the billionaire investor actually darkened the doors of a McDonald’s was some 20 years ago.  Which is far less frequent than Stacey Abrams can credibly claim.

(9). Noted street toughs Jim Carville and Al Hunt want to visit violence upon the unvaccinated, stating in a recent podcast

“I wish what they’d do is pass a law to make you immune from liability if you punch some unvaccinated person right in the face, which I’d really like to do. If you ask me what’s my first reaction to you if you’re not vaccinated, you don’t have any medical reason not to be, you’re a piece of s—, OK? I just want to punch you in the god—-ed face. That’s the way I look at these people,” Carville said.

“Agreed,” Hunt replied.

Their aggressive words notwithstanding, we’d be willing to bet our entire net worth neither of these two pansy-ass Progressives have punched anyone in their Liberal lives…including a time clock.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from G. Trevor…

…and Speed:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of the…

Tennessee BLM founder sentenced to 6 years in prison for illegally voting


“…You tricked the probation department into giving you documents saying you were off probation,” Criminal Court Judge W. Mark Ward told the founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Memphis, Pamela Moses, on Monday. 

Moses pleaded guilty in 2015 to felonies including tampering with evidence and forgery, as well as misdemeanor charges of perjury, stalking, theft under $500, and escape. She was ineligible to vote in Tennessee due to her tampering with evidence charge and was currently serving seven years of probation…”

If you can tell a lot about a man by the friends he keeps, then you can certainly assess the character of an organization by its members.  And Black Lies Matter stinks…


Video of the Day

Watch the commercial NBC refused to air.

Tales of The Darkside

Tucker notes how the Canadian government’s reaction to the Freedom Convoy proves the truth of the old adage, “Scratch a Liberal and you’ll find a Fascist”.

On the Lighter Side 

Though technically not a comic video, we find Jesse Watters always manages to inject a little humor into any subject he covers.
