It’s Monday, May 24th, 2021…but before we begin, in a break with recent tradition, the nation’s second Catholic AND worst President ever won’t be the speaker at Notre Dame’s commencement after some 4,300 “members of the Notre Dame community signed a petition urging 46*’s invitation be withdrawn due to his support for the unrestricted slaughter of the unborn.

The Groper’s peeps claim it’s owing to a scheduling conflict, but in fact, it’s a spiritual conflict: A battle between the very clear commands of the one true God 46* purports to worship and the falsehoods of the father of lies he in fact follows.

Rez ipsa loquitur, baby.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject of liars, courtesy of FOX via The Boss, we learn…

California Democratic lawmakers look to remove penalties for possessing a firearm during commission of a crime


“…The state lawmakers who backed the Anti-Racism Sentencing Reform Act claim the existing law, which allows prosecutors to seek additional time behind bars, is racist — 89% of the roughly 40,000 inmates serving gun enhancement sentences in California are people of color, according to figures from Restore Justice. (Great, but even if true, it’s a meaningless statistic without taking into account what percentage of those committing gun crimes are people are color!)

In California, the penalty for possessing a firearm while committing serious crimes, like robbery and attempted murder, means an additional 10-year term on top of the sentence for the underlying crime. Shooting a gun during the commission of the crime can add 20 years, wounding someone can add an additional 25 years to life sentence. The California bill would have reduced those terms to one, two or a maximum of three years and repealed any gun enhancement for some lesser crimes.

“There’s ample research that long sentences don’t deter crime. It’s actually the swiftness and the surety of consequences that deters crime, not the length of the sentence,” said Restore Justice executive director Jobi Cates. “The length of the sentence just costs the state and communities and families hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars and destroys lives. It doesn’t make us safer. It’s a myth.”

Prosecutors call that a huge mistake, especially now as violent crime spikes around the country. “The reason they should be sentenced more severely is the use of the gun greatly increases the danger that someone’s actually going to be killed,” said Kent Scheidegger, legal director at the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation. Certainly a longer sentence for a habitual criminal does improve public safety by preventing them from committing crimes during the time of the sentence.”…”

Soooo,…according to the Bleeding Hearts Club, the death penalty doesn’t deter crime, and now long sentences don’t deter crime?  Sorry, but WTF DOES deter crime: The prospect of becoming someone’s b*tch?!?

Though it goes without saying we dismiss the validity of any statistics or claims proffered by the likes of Jobi Cates, here‘s a radical notion:

As The Boss suggested, think about it: California’s Socialists want to go easier on criminals committing gun crimes while at the same time limiting lawful gun ownership in every way possible, and restricting concealed carry permits to a very select few, most if not all of whom are their fellow more-equal-than-other animals and/or their bodyguards.

It’s just another page from the Progressive playbook Tucker highlighted last Friday:

Next, writing at The Daily Signal, Tim Graham highlights how…

CNN’S View of Riots Depends on the Politics of the Rioters


In recent days, CNN has put a major emphasis on “new” videos of the dreadful Jan. 6 Capitol riot, expressing outrage in heavy rotation over Republicans who would try to dismiss what happened as resembling a routine day of tourism. You can’t say the people there were “mostly peaceful.”

CNN even aired an hourlong anti-Republican prime-time special on Sunday, May 16, titled “A Radical Rebellion: The Transformation of the GOP.” Host Fareed Zakaria began by lamenting how “An American president incited an angry mob to attack the U.S. Capitol.”

He concluded by decrying the GOP as “a band of ideological warriors with apocalyptic visions that fuel the end of days, see opponents as traitors and devils, and believes that all methods are sanctioned in its battle to save civilization and itself.” He added, “In short, the Republican Party needs to have a political exorcism, drive out its demons, and come to terms with the modern world.”

Just five days prior, Zakaria appeared on CNN to explain away Hamas’ launching hundreds of missiles at Israeli cities. No one in Gaza needs to have “a political exorcism.” They “have to” kill innocent people to get attention, he says. “What the Palestinians have to—I mean, they’re frustrated. They’re trying to get—uh—get some kind of attention.”…”

It takes a willful detachment from reality for one to use such inflammatory terms in describing an event where the only death came at the hands of a panicky Capitol Police lieutenant mere days after explaining away the unprovoked and indiscriminate launching of thousands of unguided rockets into civilian population centers as a bid for attention.

Moving on, courtesy of The Post Millennial via James Nichols, we learn…

Eugene Chung says the NFL told him he’s not ‘really’ a minority

Former NFL offensive tackle and decorated assistant coach Eugene Chung told the media on Saturday that he was denied a job because he was “really not a minority“.


Former NFL offensive tackle and decorated assistant coach Eugene Chung told the media on Saturday that he was denied a job because he was “really not a minority”. “I was like, ‘Wait a minute. The last time I checked, when I looked in the mirror and brushed my teeth, I was a minority. So I was like, ‘What do you mean I’m not a minority?'” That’s when I realized what the narrative was.

I was blown away, emotionally paralyzed for a split second. I asked myself, ‘Did I hear that correctly?'” “As soon as the backtracking started, I was like, ‘Oh no, no, no, no, no, you said it. Now that it’s out there, let’s talk about it.’ It was absolutely mind-blowing to me that in 2021 something like that is actually a narrative.”

“I’m not sitting here bashing the league at all, because there are great mentors and there are great coaches that embrace the difference. It’s just when the Asians don’t fit the narrative, that’s where my stomach churns a little bit.”

The 51-year-old Chung, who is of Korean ethnicity, is the first Asian-American first-round draft pick ever, and played a total of 55 games with the NFL in the position of offensive tackle. He then moved on to be an assistant coach with the Eagles, a position he held for 10 years, to Super Bowl success…”

Oh for a day when Chung won’t have to think of himself as “Asian”, but rather simply “American”, as just another of God’s children not separated by skin color or ethnicity.

Not while the curse of the Dimocratic Party still divides the body politic.

Then there’s these four items specially-selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). informs us the fully-immunized Fredo was recently seen in a convertible…alone…wearing a mask

This utter ignoranus is giving stupid siblings the world over a bad name.

(2). Speaking of Progressive posers, as NRO reports, while still favoring the convenient ChiCom narrative in which the Wuhan virus jumped from animals to humans, Dr. Faux Chi is hedging his bets in the event hard evidence emerges exposing Beijing’s…and quite possibly his own…culpability.

(3). In a related item courtesy of BizPacReview, serial liar and perjurer John Brennan now admits left-wing extremism has grown into a four-alarm fire fueled by Dimocratic rhetoric, a lot of it his own*. * Okay, he conveniently omitted that last part. 

(4). As The Daily Wire recounts, “In an investigative piece published Thursday, the Daily Mail‘s Josh Boswell reports that former FBI Director Louis Freeh donated $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016, when Biden still served as vice president, but during that same year he was soliciting Biden’s son Hunter and possibly Biden himself about future work, telling Hunter Biden, ‘I would like to talk with you and Dad about working together next year.'”

Here’s the juice: Washington isn’t a swamp, it’s an open sewer.  This…

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…and Brenda Berry:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another installment of The Headline Doesn’t Fit the Facts, courtesy today of a story stating the…

Capitol Police Launch Investigation After Congresswoman Nearly Run Over While Praying Outside Abortion Clinic


The Keystone Kops…really?!?  Will Quick-Draw McAnonymous be heading the investigation, gun drawn at all times in the event he happens upon unarmed, White female civilians breaching the peace?

As always, we report, you decide, but it appears to us rather than praying the good Congresswoman was walking…across the intersection at which the vehicle in question was turning right.  And while said vehicle (actually, as Marcus Aurelius pointed out, a four-door Dodge Charger rather than a two-door Challenger) might have been moving a mite fast immediately prior to encountering the Congresswoman, it certainly didn’t seem intent on scaring her, let alone threatening to run her down.

What we found even more curious was the Congresswoman walking up the street immediately after the non-incident.  Perhaps she was in shock?!?

Sorry, sports fans, but this was hardly the Scalise shooting.


P.S. We’ll be tied up all day Tuesday with the festivities accompanying the Blue Angels’ practice show in Annapolis, so odds are we won’t be publishing on Wednesday.  So ’til Friday…

Video of the Day

Tucker identifies the proper definition of “equity”.

Tales of The Darkside

Courtesy of Prager U, David Brog deals only in historical facts as he details why there isn’t a “Palestinian” state.

On the Heavier Side

As the risk being deemed insensitive, this video brings new meaning to the term “beached whale”!
