It’s Friday, August 12th, 2022…but before we begin, check out this tweet by the judge who signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant, then tell us, boys and girls, can you say…

…”The fix was in”!  We KNEW you could!  We should note, this…

…is a photoshop of this:

Since Epstein’s dead, only Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz or Ghislaine’s prison showermates will be able to confirm if…

By the way, anyone who reads us regularly knows we’re not enamored of The Donald, but we’ve heard all this “It’s over for Trump” horse hockey before, as this montage forwarded by the Nickel demonstrates:

Something tells us it ain’t over…

…until Trump says it is…which we fervently hope and pray comes before the 2024 election, as we fear The Donald’s knowledge of history, or just about anything else, is on a par with Bluto’s.

As Ben Weingarten notes of this video clip featuring Bruce Reinhart giving Lois Lerner the benefit of the doubt she clearly didn’t deserve…

P.S. Forgive the length of this offering, but there’s so much happening at once, and we’re compelled to cover all we can.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, we wanted to mention what follows was our initial selection for the Quote of the Day…

I once asked, ‘If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?’ Now I know the answer to that question.”

…along with this cartoon from the great Michael Ramirez:

That is, until we read the ridiculous remarks of Dr. Faux Chi.  To which we can only reply…

And a particularly pompous one at that, as it takes a special brand of a*shole to express incredulity when the citizens of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, a people with an independent streak a…

…who are historically fiercely opposed to anyone dictating their behavior, voice displeasure over mandated measures they know to be not only ineffective, but in many cases completely counterproductive coming from sources they know to be untrustworthy

Thus does the unelected bureaucrat who helped fund the virus the Chicoms loosed upon the world, perhaps deliberately, and whose unscientific mandates took hundreds of thousands of lives, destroyed millions of small businesses, eliminated tens of millions of jobs, cost trillions of dollars and nearly destroyed the nation’s economy disparage those on whom he inflicted such utterly unnecessary pain.  All the while enjoying the richest government salary…and pension…in history.  Here’s hoping he doesn’t live to enjoy the latter.

Now, back to The Donald, as the WSJ‘s Holman Jenkins expresses his belief…

The Justice Department plays with fire with its Trump and Hunter Biden investigations.


Well, that didn’t take long. The Merrick Garland Justice Department finally satisfied some of its critics by sending the FBI in search of something, anything, to pin on Donald Trump, though Monday’s raid reportedly had more to do with Mr. Trump’s possible possession of classified documents from his presidency than with Jan. 6.

Mr. Garland plays with fire here given that Americans of both parties have reason to distrust the political meddling of the FBI (ask Hillary Clinton).

In fact, the laptop evidence ought to have presidential historians everywhere rethinking their potted story about 2016. Is Hunter Biden the real reason Barack Obama preferred Hillary Clinton over his loyal vice president for the Democratic nomination?

Mr. Obama wasn’t blind. He saw what the laptop has only belatedly let the rest of us see. No sooner had he put Joe Biden in charge of the sensitive Ukraine portfolio after Russia’s first invasion in 2014, Hunter cashed in by taking a lucrative sinecure on the board of a controversial Ukrainian gas company. This was such a gallumphingly brazen move, one that Joe Biden refused to do anything about when approached by his staff, that it smells more like a culmination than an aberration…”

Three thoughts come to mind: First, as Larry O’Connor’s notes, Merrick Garland is a petty, vindictive, little man.

Second, without a compelling argument to the contrary, we’re with Kyle Shideler when he suggests to save the rule of law, the FBI as an institution must be dismantled, and its component parts placed under new management.

Third, as Joy Pullman accurately asserts at The Federalist, criminalizing political opposition to the regime is how the Founders’ Republic ends, as a two-tier justice system is not a justice system, but totalitarianism whose purpose is not justice but power and control.  And no, Chris Wray is not in any way, shape or form a good guy.

In two related items well worth you time, the Journal‘s Kim Strassel suggests the payback for Mar-a-Lago will be hell when Republicans regain control of the DOJ and FBI, while Best of the Web, after noting the self-congratulatory nature of Merrick Garland’s brief, question-less presser, goes on to offer a timeline of the DOJ’s interactions with The Donald.

Then there’s an absolutely must-read commentary we believe deserves inclusion in full from the WSJ‘s Dan Henninger, hardly a fan of the Orange Man, as he opines the…

An FBI raid against a former president should never happen. End of discussion.


Let us assume that for 99.99% of the U.S. population in early August 2022, the last thing on their mind was Mar-a-Lago. Instead, a short list of real things preoccupying Americans would include inflation, crime, battles in Congress over spending, Ukraine fighting World War III for us in Europe, and China conducting massive live-fire military exercises around Taiwan.

So it came as a surprise to discover Monday evening that the Justice Department and FBI decided the most important thing in the world just now was raiding former President Donald Trump’s estate in Palm Beach, Fla. Among other thoughts, a three-letter acronym starting with W comes to mind.

Forgive me for not spending more than a moment on the legal niceties of this event—the applicability of the Presidential Records Act, that it had be about “something big” involving classified documents, or that no one, including a former president, is above the law. They are all beside the point.

You can hate Donald Trump until your eyes pop out, but let us be clear: He was elected the 45th president of the U.S. He served four years in office. No former president who was disliked by many—not Clinton, Reagan nor FDR—had his home invaded by a squad of FBI agents. This should never happen in the U.S. End of discussion.

But it did happen. The Trump raid is now a wall-to-wall political disaster for the United States, doing more damage, if that’s possible, to the country’s internal divisions and even creating external risks.

Consider the current spectacle the U.S. is presenting to foreign adversaries. Multiple members of the sitting president’s own party in the past week—such as Joe Manchin and Jerry Nadler—have openly abandoned Joe Biden for an election that is two years off. Days later, the previous president comes under explicit attack from the FBI.

Imagine what we would think of the stability of China or Russia if events like this were happening to Xi Jinping or Vladimir Putin. That is how they see us—destabilized and vulnerable. Our opponents are redoing their global risk-reward ratios.

Incredibly, we are doing this to ourselves. Correction: They are doing it to us. Who are “they”? They, as of Monday, are who much of the political right says they are—the Swamp, the Deep State, the Regime, the Establishment.

Normally in times of hypermarginalized political opinion, it is worth attempting to argue on behalf of a functioning government system. But past some point, that becomes nearly impossible.

With this raid on a former president’s residence, the Swamp pushed past that point. The rest of us are being carried along in their undertow of political debris.

Washington has become a very small town, inhabited by people inbred by profession, marriage, schools and cultural disposition. The imbalance between the capital and the nation has been a problem for a long time, but as we say, life goes on. Until Trump. After Mr. Trump took office, the Washington establishment—the Comey-McCabe FBI, opposition Democrats, the press—asked the public to indulge the notion that the new U.S. president was a Russian pawn. No matter that the Steele dossier, the day it was published, struck many as Russian fabulism. The press published story after story based on anonymous sources that it might be real. It wasn’t.

Mr. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, and the public next got the Justice Department investigation led by Robert Mueller, a figure from Beltway central casting, which led to the Mueller report, which amounted to almost nothing. Then Adam Schiff, the impeachments, etc., etc.

In the event, the Democrats won back the presidency in 2020 when the incumbent Mr. Trump failed to put away an opponent who campaigned mostly from inside his house in Delaware. Trump takedown accomplished? Obviously not. For the Swamp, Donald Trump is Dracula, and they won’t rest until they’ve put a stake through his heart.

Which brings us to the hard part—Mr. Trump himself.

This incident may push the former president into the Republican nomination race, running—with evidence—against the Swamp’s institutional corruption. Within hours, Mr. Trump’s organization posted a 3½-minute campaign-style video about a “nation in decline.”

A second Trump term isn’t the last thing this country needs. But it’s about second to last. The raid on Mar-a-Lago proves that Trump Derangement Syndrome won’t go away until Mr. Trump is out of elective politics.

Trump II would not be a replay of Trump I, a more substantive, policy-driven presidency than his critics will admit. Trump II would be a four-year civil war. The Swamp wouldn’t drain. It would deepen. The rancor could drown us all.

American politics needs new, stable leadership. And Republicans need to find a way to talk about the Swamp’s threat.

It’s not a good day when Andrew Cuomo is speaking forcefully against the Mar-a-Lago raid on an elected president and Mitch McConnell is as silent as Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. Invest in sump pumps.

We’ll wrap up our coverage of things Trump with an item from American Thinker forwarded by Balls Cotton in which Ted Noel, M.D. expresses the opinion…

Donald Trump Must Be The 2024 Republican Nominee


I’ve written twice that Donald Trump should not be the next Republican nominee for President (here and here). I intended to write a counterpoint essay extolling Donald Trump as a devil’s advocate’s exercise. But with Inspector Javert Wray signing off on the raid at Trump’s Florida residence, no doubt enthusiastically approved by Grand Inquisitor Torquemada Garland, this has lost its academic flavor. Rather, I rise to praise Donald Trump as the necessary candidate for the Republican Party to oppose whatever infernal chimera Acheron will deliver up as The Donald’s hapless opponent.

In case you’re wondering, I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore. It’s time to bury the “Democrat” Party. And Donald Trump is the right undertaker…”

And here’s the point:

Donald Trump’s re-election can restore faith in America. We’ve all seen how high-sounding words tossed off by the Left as if they mean something are simply sociopaths lying about their plans to create Gulag America. They have a two-tier justice system in which the privileged are given a pass for things that cause mere mortals to lose life and liberty. Many are rotting in solitary confinement without the benefit of trial for the simple act of walking into the Capitol building after police waved them in. The list of evil perversions of justice is too long for this missive.

Donald Trump’s re-election would say that the Left has lost in a way that no other candidate can say. Their litany of lies has been rejected by We the People. Our champion, warts and all, will not be defeated. And We the People will not allow the cult of the elite to destroy the American Dream. We still believe that we have the right to bust our butts to make a better life and not have it stolen by the government.

Now get out of our way!”

In other words…

But they haven’t; rather the existing rules…from illegal immigration to criminal activity of every variety, insider trading to the straw purchases of firearms…simply need to be practiced and enforced, by and upon everyone, equally!

Here’s the juice: upon taking both Henninger’s and Noel’s points into consideration, absent the introduction of some heretofore unknown photograph of him with a child, there’s never been a stronger case for the candidacy of the man possessed of The Donald’s single strength and none of his myriad weaknesses:

Though we’ll happily settle for Mike Pompeo.  Then again, you could always nominate the second-most detested candidate in history.  Err in hast, repent…and suffer…at your leisure.

Speaking of suffering, courtesy of Patriot Post via Balls Cotton, Nate Jackson questions the veracity of the nation’s illegitimate Chief Inflictor of same:

Zero Inflation? That’s What Biden Says

The only thing equaling a big fat zero is Joe Biden’s empty and false boasts about the economy.


What is it with Joe Biden and “zero”? “I just want to say a number: zero,” he boasted after yesterday’s Consumer Price Index report revealed 8.5% annual inflation. “Our economy had 0% inflation in the month of July. Zero percent.” Elsewhere, he said, “July’s 0% inflation and last week’s booming jobs report underscore the kind of economy we’re building — an economy that works for everyone.”

His 25th Amendment insurance policy, Vice President Kamala Harris, said the same thing: “The data shows our economy had 0% inflation in July.”

And bumbling White House spokesmouth Karine Jean-Pierre tripled down: “We just received news that our economy had 0% inflation in July. While the price of some things went up, the price of others, like gas, clothing, and more, dropped. (Unfortunately for American families, only goats can eat clothing!) In fact, the current drop in gas prices is the fastest in a decade — saving American families with two cars $106 per month on average.”

Gas prices fell from the record high Biden created, but never mind that. Team ShamWow wants to dupe unwitting Americans into thinking that President Brandon’s really got inflation under control…”

What the Biden clown car fails to mention, but the WSJ does, is though gas prices did in fact fall…from the record levels their policies caused…the cost of practically every else rose, while, more importantly, there was 3.6% drop in real weekly pay for the average working American.

Then there’s this sextet of selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1).  Though we don’t agree with every assertion in his essay, NRO’s Kevin Williamson makes some valid points when he opines lying is free…until it isn’t.

(2). The Western Journal details how at one point Thoroughly Modern Milley…

penned an insanely arrogant four-paragraph letter of resignation to The Donald, essentially declaring Trump unfit for office and therefore unwilling to serve under him.  Here’s the kicker: Instead of resigning, Milley determined to fight Trump from within…by ignoring or countermanding the lawful orders of the Commander-in-Chief he was duty-bound to obey.  Then again, like Chris Wray, Trump was the one who appointed him.

(3). Gotham mayor Eric Adams suggested he would bus New Yorkers down to Texas to campaign against Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s reelection for the “good of America” in response to Abbott busing illegal immigrants from Texas to the Big Apple.

(4). If you thought bombastic douchebaggery was solely the domain of Dimocrats, this video of Joe Mullins, county commission chairman in Flagler County, FL, should disabuse you of that notion:

It’ll warm the trooper’s heart when he learns Joe Mullins recently declared bankruptcy.

(5). After watching this video, you’ll agree with us Stacey Abrams knows as much about the God of Christianity as Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi:

(6). Since we’re on the subject of those knowing nothing of God, an item from the Nickel informs us the Fargo, ND school board has dropped the Pledge of Allegiance from its meetings for not aligning with its diversity values.  ‘Cause…well, you know…”God” with a capital “G” is the Judeo-Christian God.

(7). In another forward by the Nickel, The Federalist‘s Kylee Griswald offers a tongue-in-cheek take on 20 things the Feds probably planted in the boxes they took from Trump’s house.  Our favorite is #4, though the theme of this meme from Balls is almost as funny:

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s four memes from Politically Incorrect Humor, a site Breeze Gould turned us onto…

…along with these from Speed…

…the lovely Shannon…


…the Winkster…

…and two direct from Patriot Post:

Finally, we’ll call it a week with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, as it’s been revealed…

Nurse charged in LA wreck has history of ‘mental health issues,’ 13 previous crashes


We’re both dumbfounded and amazed by two aspects of this tragedy: Dumbfounded a woman with supposed mental health issues and thirteen crashes already to her credit, the very definition of an accident-waiting-to-happen, was still driving; Amazed L.A. DA George Gascón finally found a crime deserving of prosecution. 


Video of the Day

Jonathan Turley and Martha MacCallum discuss how what Merrick Garland’s offered to date is far from sufficient.

Tales of the Brightside

This video highlights the primary reason we infinitely prefer Ron DeSantis over The Donald: his controlled combativeness and complete command of facts and figures, with no need to rely on a string of meaningless superlatives.

On the Lighter Side

The Biden clown car’s revised version of circling back.
