It’s Monday, August 15th, 2022…but before we begin, read this snippet from NRO’s account of the attempted murder of Salmon Rushdie and then remember…

Rushdie has been living under the threat of assassination since Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini — then the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran — issued a fatwa calling for the author to be killed in 1989. His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, was published in 1988, and included what was considered by some to be an unflattering and blasphemous depiction of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

The United Kingdom and Iran ended diplomatic relations with each other over the fatwa, and only reestablished them in 1998 when the Iranian president at the time, Mohammad Khatami, stated that he would “neither support nor hinder assassination operations on Rushdie.”

There is a bounty on Rushdie’s head of over $3 million offered by a religious foundation in Iran.

THESE are the people with who Progressives are dying to cut a nuclear arms deal.  Not only was an Iranian operative recently arrested for plotting to assassinate former John Bolton…

…but as Larissa Knapp, executive assistant director of the FBI’s National Security Branch recently stated:

“Iran has a history of plotting to assassinate individuals in the U.S. it deems a threat.”

Then again, who can trust anything uttered by the FBI!

It must also be noted the president of Iran has as much real power and authority as the Queen of England.  He, and it will always be a “he”, is effectively a figurehead who carries out the decrees of, and answers directly to, the Supreme Leader, a life-long office occupied since 1989 by Ayatollah Ali Khameni, who has NOT rescinded or taken a similarly meaningless, lukewarm position on the fatwa issued by his predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

We found this paragraph for a FOX News report both inaccurate and incongruous:

Iran’s government has long since distanced itself from Khomeini’s decree, but anti-Rushdie sentiment lingered. In 2012, a semi-official Iranian religious foundation raised a bounty for Rushdie from $2.8 million to $3.3 million.

Inaccurate because the Supreme Leader is the government of Iran, and Khameni has never distanced himself or his nation from Khomeni’s decree.  Incongruous owing to the fact Iran is a dictatorial theocracy in which there are no actions or thoughts other than those of the Supreme Leader guided by the tenets of Shia Islam; Hence, any religious foundation permitted to exist is “official”.  Meanwhile, Iranian media, again, under the direct control of the Supreme Leader, are lauding the attempt on Rushdie’s life.

But, hey, when it comes to these madmen acquiring nuclear weapons…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy expertly explains how the… 

Trump Warrant Furthers Justice Department’s January 6 Investigation

Already, we can see that the investigation is far broader than just the mishandling of classified information.


The Mar-a-Lago search warrant has been unsealed. Turns out it is what I told you it was going to be: an open-ended license to grab any item that might be relevant to the Justice Department’s Capitol-riot investigation.

To be sure, the government is very interested in reclaiming every bit of classified information — or, at least, information that it claims is classified — in Donald Trump’s possession at his Mar-a-Lago estate. The warrant, however, is not limited to evidence of classified-information crimes, not even close.

Subsection (a) authorizes agents to seize documents marked classified, but the license is much broader — the warrant allows seizure of not only containers in which classified documents are found (along with their other contents, even if they are not classified), but also of other containers found proximate to those first containers, again, regardless of whether the contents are classified. So, for example, if agents found one low-level classified document in a container that was stored next to ten other containers of nonclassified documents, the warrant permitted seizure of all of the nonclassified containers and their nonclassified contents.

Then there’s subsection (b), which permits the seizure of communications, in any form, regarding classified information. Note: The communications do not have to be classified to be seized; they can be nonclassified and about anything as long as they have some connection to classified information.

Where things get really, shall we say, elastic is subsection (c). It permits the seizure of any government and/or Presidential Records created” throughout the four years of Trump’s presidency.

Plainly, this has nothing to do with classified information. It is mainly designed to use the criminal law — the search warrant, an intrusive tactic for retrieving evidence of crimes — to enforce the Presidential Records Act, which is not a criminal statute.

Can DOJ get away with this? Perhaps. Section 2071 is very broad, targeting anyone who “removes” or “destroys” “any” government record. If you are wondering how this did not apply to Hillary Clinton’s removal of tens of thousands of government-related emails and willful destruction of tens of thousands of others, you are not alone.

My point for present purposes is that subsection (c) authorized the FBI agents to seize every scrap of paper from the Trump administration. There is no limitation to classified information. There is no limitation to the Presidential Records Act. There is no limitation to the unmentioned Capitol riot. Indeed, there is no requirement that any scrap of paper be connected in any way to any crime whatsoever. No restriction at all. If it was arguably a government record of any kind generated during the Trump presidency, the judge said the bureau could take it.

The FBI and Justice Department will be doing what I told you they’d be doing: Poring over everything and anything from Trump’s presidency to try to make a January 6 case. What was executed at Monday’s historically unprecedented search of a former American president’s home was not a traditional search warrant to find evidence of specific crimes. It was certainly not a search warrant solely to retrieve vital national-defense secrets. This search warrant was a license for a fishing expedition. In an ocean.

The Justice Department is hoping the Trump trove will yield proof that he did not believe his stop-the-steal rhetoric and was willfully trying to steal by fraud and political pressure an election he knew he lost. I believe that is what the Justice Department thinks it needs to charge the former president with corruptly obstructing Congress’s count of state-certified electoral votes, and with conspiring to defraud the government.

Whether they will find the needles in the haystack remains to be seen. But they made sure to get control of the haystack.

Here’s the juice: Andy McCarthy, though not a Never Trumper, is hardly a fan of The Donald, which is one reason we give significant weight to his opinion on anything Trump.  This is a lens through which one must consider the relative value of others’ views.

In a related item at, Matt Vespa introduces into evidence the opinion of Mike Davis, former clerk for Neil Gorsuch:

All of which, as the great VDH observes, leads intelligent, inquiring minds to at least ponder, however briefly, the possibility it’s time for…

FBI, R.I.P.?


The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.  

The FBI interferes with and warps national elections. It hires complete frauds as informants who are far worse than its targets. It humiliates or exempts government and elected officials based on their politics. It violates the civil liberties of individual American citizens. 

The FBI’s highest officials now routinely mislead Congress. They have erased or altered court and subpoenaed evidence. They illegally leak confidential material to the media. And they have lied under oath to federal investigators. 

The agency has become dangerous to Americans and an existential threat to their democracy and rule of law. The FBI should be dispersing its investigatory responsibilities to other government investigative agencies that have not yet lost the public trust.

Though we must wonder which government agency, investigative or otherwise, hasn’t yet lost the public trust.

Here’s a second shot of the juice: If, in fact, disbanding the FBI is an idea whose time has come, the Bureau has only it’s own lawless culture of corruption and bias…

…to blame.

Then there’s this quality quartet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Since we’re on the subject of R.I.P., NRO’s Kevin Williamson bids adieu to one Ricky Shiffer, the misguided unfortunate who attacked the FBI office in Cincinnati with a rifle and a nail gun.  As Williamson notes, Cincinnati is, “as everybody knows, the True and Hidden Occult Capital of the Satanic Deep State”.  Though in the ’70s, there was one Pirates fan who definitely thought the Big Red Machine was the very personification of evil. 

(2). You’ll glad to learn, as NRO informs us, the IRS has deleted its job posting seeking “Special Agent” applicants “willing to use deadly force.  Now if they’d only delete the posting for the additional 87,000 agents Joe Manchin advocates hiring.

(3). According to NRO, a second source has confirmed Bari Weiss’s account, which has been denied repeatedly by the New York Times, a senior opinion-page editor at her former employer told a colleague to “check with” Chuck Schumer before running an op-ed written by Tim Scott, an editorial originally solicited by the Times.  Like its ally the FBI, why should anyone on earth trust anything that rag prints?!?

(4). Whatever your personal feelings for The Donald, you cannot truthfully deny he’s repeatedly been treated with an obvious double standard, as this tweet…

…and video forwarded by the Nickel demonstrate:

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed…

…the lovely Shannon…

…and Balls:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another idiotic tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, as the divisive seeds The Obamao sowed reap yet another bitter harvest:

Atlanta PD releases bodycam footage after accusations of excessive force in neighborhood trying to leave city

If an officer explains you will be taken to jail for something and you choose to push the officer to that limit, you will end up in jail,’ police say


We found the initially recalcitrant, ultimately repentant perp’s desperate pleas to God, Jesus and Mr. Brooks particularly moving after playing a role from central casting of the Moochie and Barry’s Netflix production company.


Video of the Day

Sky News Australia highlights the irascibility of the Dimocrats’ demented deviant uncle in the White House attic.

Tales of The Darkside

This video from Matt Walsh provides invaluable insight into the psychology of entitlement that’s destroying the country.

On the Lighter Side

Courtesy of Balls Cotton and Military Times, most everything you’ll ever need to know about the workings of the AR-15.
