It’s Monday, May 15th, 2023…but before we begin, we have to say, had we been the individual filming this incident in which a Starbuck’s employee in London tried to grab the videographer’s phone as they recorded his insane rant…

…we’d likely have laid him out.

As for this douchebag, were we running the jail in which he’s being held…

…we’d spread the word he was a kiddie raper, ’cause, as Officer Bud White so accurately observed…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the Morning Jolt accurately depicts…

The Predictably Disastrous Consequences of Halfhearted Immigration Enforcement

Chaos at the Southern Border


“Title 42, the policy that allowed U.S. border and immigration officials to swiftly expel migrants back into Mexico even if they ask for asylum, ended at midnight. This week, the U.S. recorded more than 10,000 illegal border crossings per day, the highest levels ever. The images of the crowds of migrants at the border are like something out of a disaster movie.

The arguments about illegal immigration and the border are the same ones we’ve been having for decades now:

  • If you discuss an amnesty for those who have entered the country illegally, more people attempt to cross the border because they want to qualify for and benefit from the amnesty.
  • If an overwhelming majority of Democratic presidential candidates endorses decriminalizing crossing the border, those in other countries start to believe that the U.S. does not really want to enforce its border or immigration laws.
  • When a sufficient number of elected officials denounce Border Patrol agents and call for the abolition of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, migrants may reasonably conclude that the U.S. government is, at best, conflicted about enforcing its immigration laws, and that it might some day repeal them entirely.
  • When localities announce that they are “sanctuary cities” and that their law-enforcement agencies will not cooperate with federal law enforcement on enforcing immigration laws, migrants know they have better odds of not being deported back to their home countries.
  • And of course, human smugglers are telling poor and desperate people in Central and South America that the U.S. border is open, and have been doing so since Biden took office.

The first step to effective enforcement of immigration laws is for the government to want to enforce its immigration laws. A significant number of American elected officials do not want to enforce immigration laws…”

We have seen steep drops in attempts at illegal immigration in the not-too-distant past, and not just because of the pandemic in 2020. No, one steep decline in illegal immigration occurred in 2017, particularly in the first half of the year:

Arrests of undocumented immigrants rose and apprehensions along the Southwest border were down significantly last year, according to the end-of-year numbers released Tuesday by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

During fiscal year 2017, there were a total of 310,531 apprehensions by U.S. Border Patrol nationwide. That’s the lowest its been in at least 17 years.

Of those apprehensions, nearly 98 percent were along the Southwest border. Apprehensions are used as an indicator to measure illegal border crossings.

April 2017 was the month with the lowest border enforcement activity on record, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which oversees Border Patrol. Since the April-low of 11,127 southwest border apprehensions, the numbers have crept back up.

I suspect you remember what happened in January 2017. The U.S. inaugurated a new president whose views and policies could not have been any clearer. The man had, and has, an epic amount of flaws. But a policy of clear, explicit warnings and strict enforcement, coupled with additional border fencing to direct migrants into areas with more enforcement personnel, as called for in 2017 by Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council — the labor union that represents U.S. Border Patrol agents — worked.

Our current border and immigration-law-enforcement policies aren’t working…”

Primarily because Progressives are actively aiding and abetting the flooding of the country with illegal immigrants!!!

Further evidencing the Biden clown car’s total disregard, indeed contempt for the citizens they supposedly serve, on Friday the White House on Friday claimed a ruling blocking the release of illegal aliens into the interior of the country without court dates is an act of “sabotage, while other federal agencies termed it “harmful”.  “Sabotage”: of what?!?  Biden’s effort to flood the country with criminal trespassers?!?  “Harmful”: to who?!?  Certainly not taxpaying citizens who are footing the bill for this government-sanctioned invasion!!!

Meanwhile, after sharing meaningless platitudes with the Spanish Prime Minister, 46* sat and smirked for over a minute in the face of questions from reporters about the complete chaos at the border until the Press was ushered out:

But as Wayne Allyn Root reminds us in highlighting a strategy we’ve featured before, this is all part of the Progressives’ purposeful plan:

Open Border Catastrophe Is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America That I Learned at Columbia University — Alongside My Classmate Barack Obama


“This open border disaster is not a “Johnny-come-lately” story. It is a plan that was created many decades ago by leftist radicals intent on destroying America.

…These Columbia University radicals (and traitors) had a plan named Cloward-Piven. It was named after two Columbia University professors: the husband-and-wife team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The plan was actually simple: get everyone possible in America on welfare, food stamps and a hundred other government welfare programs. Get so many on the government dole that the economy is overwhelmed, destroyed and collapses under the weight of the exploding national debt.

Basically, America goes bankrupt.

At this point, Americans would be in so much pain and so frightened that they would beg government to save them. And that is how they would “fundamentally change America forever.” Remember those words? They came out of the mouth of Barack Obama. He learned those words and this plan at Columbia.

Because of the collapse of the economy and society, Cloward and Piven believed America would be ready for socialism: bailouts, a permanent welfare state and a monthly universal-income check. The goal? Equality, equity, social justice. Recognize those words? Everyone would be in the same boat — dependent on Big Brother for survival. Look around. It’s all happening right now.

Except Cloward-Piven has been updated. It’s now 100% about the border. If you can’t get everyone in America on welfare to explode the debt, overwhelm the economy and collapse the country, open the border and invite the whole world in.

The world is filled with such terrible, miserable poverty that Americans can’t even imagine it. The poor in America are rich compared to the rest of the world. And that is why the whole world is coming. They know the border is open. The whole of Africa is coming. The whole Middle East is coming. China is sending millions of military-age males. Haiti is coming. Latin America is coming. Prisons are being emptied. An invasion of America is underway.

If you were poor… if you were starving… if you had nothing… if you were a criminal… if you were sick… if you were pregnant… if you had 10 kids… if you were a child with no future… wouldn’t you come to America? Trust me; everyone is coming…”

And without any kind of vetting procedures or tracking measures in place.  Hey, what could go wrong?!?

In an related item inextricably intertwined with the Cloward-Piven plan, the Journal‘s Editorial Board reveals what’s intended to be…

An EPA Death Sentence for Fossil-Fuel Power Plants

The Biden agency’s new rule means the end of natural gas-fueled electricity.


“Progressives groused that the Inflation Reduction Act lacked “enforcement mechanisms” to punish fossil fuels. Well, the White House took care of that Thursday with a new 681-page Environmental Protection Agency proposed rule that amounts to a death sentence for fossil-fuel power plants.

The Supreme Court last summer blocked the Obama Clean Power Plan, which would have forced a generation-shift in electric power to renewables from coal. The Biden EPA’s plan would do that and more by other means that are also probably unconstitutional.

Section 111 of the Clean Air Act says the EPA can regulate pollutants from stationary sources through the “best system of emission reduction” that is “adequately demonstrated.” Yet the EPA wants to require that fossil-fuel plants adopt carbon capture and green hydrogen technologies that aren’t currently cost-effective or feasible, and may never be. Only one commercial-scale coal plant in the world uses carbon capture to reduce emissions, and no gas-fired plants do.

Even if power plants implemented carbon capture, their cost of generation would double, rendering them less competitive against subsidized wind and solar power. There’s also the not-so-small problem of permitting. Thousands of miles of pipelines would have to be built to transport carbon to geologic structures where it can be injected. The EPA is sitting on permit applications for carbon sequestration facilities. Pipelines to transport CO2 would invariably run into the same regulatory roadblacks as those carrying oil and natural gas. Iowa farmers are already battling a pipeline to carry CO2 from ethanol plants to underground rock formations in North Dakota and Illinois.

…“By presenting all of those rules at the same time to the industry,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said last year, “the industry gets a chance to take a look at this suite of rules all at once and say, ‘Is it worth doubling down in investments in this current facility? Or should we look at that cost and say now it’s time to pivot and invest in a clean energy future?’”

But the clean energy future is still the future, and the technologies that EPA wants to mandate don’t exist. Forcing fossil-fuel plants to shut down prematurely will endanger grid reliability. Don’t worry, EPA says, plants won’t have to fully comply for seven to 12 years. But their owners and utilities must make economic investment calculations today.

The proposed rule won’t make an iota of difference to the climate as China and India ramp up coal power. Even EPA’s CO2 emissions reduction estimate over the next two decades amounts to only a third of that between 2010 and 2019 as natural gas replaced coal.

The EPA is gambling that it can sneak this through the courts. But the rule is a de facto mandate to shift to renewables from fossil fuels, which Congress never explicitly authorized. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 Massachusetts v. EPA decision that let the agency regulate greenhouse gas emissions rests on shaky ground. EPA is inviting a legal challenge that could boomerang, and let’s hope it does.”

Wake up and smell the dependency, people: They’re not overloading the country with illegals, forcing a “green” energy future on the nation which quite literally CANNOT be even REMOTELY realized, destroying the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian morals and values, dividing us along racial and socio-economic lines, emasculating our Military, replacing education with misinformation and indoctrination and spending the country into bankruptcy because they’ve got the best interests of the average American, or, for that matter, illegal alien at heart.

It’s because they’re confident they’ve rigged the system to ensure they’ll end up…

…the animals more equal than others.

Case in point, as, for those needing further proof Biden is on Xi Jinping’s payroll, the editors at NRO provide it, noting Joe is once again capitulating to China, as the flight of the Chinese military spy balloon over the U.S. increasingly appears to be the occasion for U.S. concessions to Beijing, rather than the other way around.

Oh, and the informant associated with the whistleblower at the heart of the latest revelations of the Biden crime family’s corruption has, according to Newsweek, gone missing.  Yeah, and Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself…and Vince Foster moved his own body after he committed suicide.

Moving on, here’s one more sextet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). In another warning about the decidedly unconstitutional intentions of the Biden clown car, the Journal‘s Editorial Board also cautions if you liked last night’s spaghetti, Joe wants you to taste it twice, as his Energy Department (you know, the one seriously advocating for an…

…all-electric military) wants to rewrite rules on already-costly and inefficient dishwashers to make them pricier and even MORE inefficient!!!

“The press release on dishwasher standards makes clear the intent is to reduce “carbon pollution” and combat the “climate crisis,” never mind that the trivial CO2 emissions savings from your ill-functioning Whirlpool are laughable next to the coal power plants China is building.”

Not to mention their expanding Military, which isn’t the least bit concerned about DEI standards, enlisting transgenders queers or drag queens and converting to electric tanks.

(2). Speaking of the mentally-ill, NRO‘s Madeleine Kearns wonders are Conservatives winning the debate on transgenderism?  BTW, in response to Bud Light’s plummeting sales, Anheuser-Busch is evidently offering every employee at its wholesalers a free case of beer.

(3). As Andy McCarthy expertly observes, the prosecution of Daniel Penny is an outcome the law did not require but that extortionate progressive politics demanded, because:

“New York City does not have a justice system. It has a political system masquerading as a justice system. It is run by one party, the Democratic Party, which is the tool of progressives who see prosecutorial power as a weapon for achieving their race-obsessed vision of social justice.”

It’s worth noting over $1,000,000 has already been raised to aid in Penny’s defense.

(4). Since we’re on the subject of money, Gavin Newsom continues to distance himself from his own Reparations Task Force as their recommended payout to those who never suffered under either chattel slavery or Jim Crow totals over $640 BILLION!!!  C’mon, Gavin: After all, that’s less than 10x the cost of the…

Bullet Train to Nowhere!

(5). In a related item, the citizens of the once-Golden State might be a mite concerned Gavin Newsom has managed to run up a $31.5 billion…that’s “billion”, with a “b”…budget deficit.  But no worries, the good governor assures Californians, “We have a $31.5 billion challenge, which is well within the margin of expectation and well within our capacity to address.


(6). Like a fat, ugly dog determinedly clinging to an over-chewed bone, April Ryan just can’t give up a good narrative:

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed…

…Balls Cotton…

…Ed Hickey…

…and Andy Meyers:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Sports Section, and news a player we’ve never heard of in a sport we haven’t watched in over 20 years has been suspended from all team activities for eight games after he flashed a gun in an Instagram video.  Here’s the video, which, if you stop at the 13-14 second mark…

clearly shows this:

Yeah, that’s a gun.  In all seriousness, WTF was this guy thinking?!?  Sure, lots of people are featured in photos with a variety of weapons, but this is a professional athlete in the position, whether he likes it or not, of a role model.  Then again, if the commissioner of the NBA and its biggest star can, if you’ll forgive the phrase, “kowtow” to the ChiComs for personal profit, why can’t a homeboy brandish a pistol?!?


Video of the Day

Ron DeSantis offers a cogent, detailed argument against a digital currency controlled by the federal government The Donald could never HOPE to make.

Tales of The Darksidew

Proof age doesn’t always bring wisdom, particularly in Progressives.

On the Lighter Side

If you’ve ever wondered how silk is made, wonder no longer. Hat tip to Mark Hannon for the video.
