It’s Thursday, May 29th, 2014…and here’s The Gouge!

First up, Wayne Allyn Root reveals the true meaning of the VA scandal, as he notes…

We Are All Veterans Now



The national scandal and disgrace at the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) is the perfect example of the disaster that awaits America with ObamaCare. We’re about to find out what it’s like to receive health care from the government…”

ALL of us…excepting of course…


…the very members of the ruling elite who are deliberately destroying the greatest healthcare system in the world!

By the way, Eric Shinseki’s incompetence is just a symptom of the larger disease; here’s the guy who needs to resign…


…or more appropriately, be fired!

And speaking of the ruling elite, having overseen what would have been described, at least under a Republican President, as the mass murder of our veterans, did it really surprise anyone to see The Dear Misleader attempt to appear at least minimally interested in the members of America’s Military?

Obama Makes Surprise Visit to Afghanistan



When’s my tee time?

To borrow a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

No, he’s no longer fooling anyone; not even the Black Knights of the Hudson:

Reports: ‘Icy’ Reception for Obama at West Point



Here’s how the WSJ describes The Obamao’s latest sounding of retreat:

Obama at West Point

The President skipped a few world events in his big foreign policy speech.



The speech President Obama delivered Wednesday at West Point was intended to be a robust defense of his foreign policy, about which even our liberal friends are starting to entertain doubts. But as we listened to the President chart his course between the false-choice alternatives of “American isolationism” and “invading every country that harbors terrorist networks,” we got to thinking of everything that wasn’t in his speech.

No mention of the Reset. “The reset button has worked,” Mr. Obama avowed in a 2009 meeting with Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s figurehead president. That was the same year Mr. Obama announced in Moscow that, “The days when empires could treat sovereign states as pieces on a chessboard are over.”

No mention of the Pivot or “rebalance” to Asia. This was billed by Hillary Clinton in 2011 as “among the most important diplomatic efforts of our time” and meant as proof that America’s withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan wasn’t simply a retreat from the world. But as assistant secretary of defense Katrina McFarland admitted in March, following the latest round of Pentagon cuts, “Right now, the pivot is being looked at again, because candidly it can’t happen.”

No mention of Mr. Obama’s Red Line in Syria against the use of chemical weapons. No mention, either, of the ostensible success of using diplomacy to disarm Bashar Assad. The President was fond of boasting of this achievement until recently, when it emerged that Assad continues to use chlorine bombs to kill his enemies. Somehow that also didn’t make it into the speech.

No mention of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, which occupied the bulk of John Kerry’s first year as Secretary of State and which has now collapsed as Mahmoud Abbas patches up his differences with the terrorists of Hamas.

No mention of Mr. Obama’s effort to seek “a world without nuclear weapons,” as he said in Prague in 2009, or of his arms-control treaty with Russia. No mention that Russia is widely believed to be cheating on the 1987 INF Treaty on medium-range nuclear weapons, and no mention that North Korea may be gearing up for another nuclear test.

We know that no foreign policy speech can cover the entire world. But listening to Mr. Obama trying to assemble a coherent foreign policy agenda from the record of the past five years was like watching Tom Hanks trying to survive in “Cast Away”: Whatever’s left from the wreckage will have to do.

Even the President’s die-hard disciples at CNN could only damn his performance with the faintest of praise:

As for us, we’re frankly ashamed a U.S. President would see fit to give such a speech anywhere; but we nonetheless appreciate The Obamao delivering it at West Point for at least two reasons.  (1). We didn’t have to sit through it during the Naval Academy ceremony last Friday (though Chuck Hagel’s stunning screed on sexual harrassment wasn’t much better); and (2). It served to highlight yet again the true significance of Obama’s presidency: 


And in today’s Environmental Moment, courtesy of the WSJ, Joseph Bast and Roy Spencer expose yet another lie at the heart of the global warming scam:

The Myth of the Climate Change ‘97%’

What is the origin of the false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming?



“…Of the various petitions on global warming circulated for signatures by scientists, the one by the Petition Project, a group of physicists and physical chemists based in La Jolla, Calif., has by far the most signatures—more than 31,000 (more than 9,000 with a Ph.D.). It was most recently published in 2009, and most signers were added or reaffirmed since 2007. The petition states that “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of . . . carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

We could go on, but the larger point is plain. There is no basis for the claim that 97% of scientists believe that man-made climate change is a dangerous problem.

In other words, SSDD: same sh*t…


…different day.

In a related item, the hits just keep on coming from an Administration hell-bent on wreaking havoc on the U.S. economy:

Obama set to announce massive carbon emissions rule but mainstream media mostly ignores study on potential costs



“…The forthcoming carbon emissions rule reportedly will be about 3,000 pages long. The Obamacarelaw was approximately 2,700 pages long.

Despite the immensity of the rule, a search of the Washington Post website on the IHS study’s title also produced no results. Similarly, a search of the USA Today website on the title produced no results…

Ditto the pages of the Old Gray Nag.

Finally, on the Lighter Side…


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