It’s Wednesday, July 10th, 2019…but before we begin, here’s a blast from the past which remains pertinent in light of current events, as, writing at PJMedia back in 2015, Stephen Kruiser observed

Love Her or Hate Her, Ann Coulter Warned Us About John Roberts 10 Years Ago



After conservatives took another gut punch from black-robed Obamacare cheerleader Chief Justice John Roberts, many of us were left wondering just what in the heck is wrong with this guy. After all, these Republican appointees to the Supreme Court are supposed to be on our side, right? They can’t all be David Souter.

It turns out that Ann Coulter sniffed another Souter-esque betrayal in the offing ten years ago:

After pretending to consider various women and minorities for the Supreme Court these past few weeks, President Bush decided to disappoint all the groups he had just ginned up and nominate a white male.

So all we know about him for sure is that he can’t dance and he probably doesn’t know who Jay-Z is. Other than that, he is a blank slateTabula rasa. Big zippoNada. Oh, yeah …We also know he’s argued cases before the Supreme Court. Big deal; so has Larry Flynt’s attorney.

But unfortunately, other than that that, we don’t know much about John RobertsStealth nominees have never turned out to be a pleasant surprise for conservatives. NeverNot ever.

I know it is all the rage in this era of hypersensitive feelings for some conservatives, and almost all moderate Republicans, to bristle at everything Coulter says and be dismissive of her because she has a knack for tossing out an outrageous headline-grabbing comment. Here’s the thing about her: she’s right a lot of the time.

Sure, I’ve got to deduct a lot of points for her flip-flop to become a Romney champion in 2012 but a lot of people were drunk on wishful thinking then (present company excluded). Other than that, she makes a lot of sense. So maybe pay just a little more attention to her from now on. And pray that Antonin Scalia lives to be 148.

Now we wish the same for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

As yours truly noted at the time:

“Can you recall even ONE Liberal justice elevated to SCOTUS by a Dimocrat EVER seeing the light of Conservatism?  No, it’s only Republican-appointed jurists

three stooges

…who turn out to be Progressives ideologues Conservative clothing.”

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: Roberts is yet another reason why, provided you’re a Progressive, the Bush family is truly the gift…

That it is, Edward; that it is indeed

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, two quick comments on the Trump-British Revolutionary War airports kerfuffle.  First, our reaction mimics that of Boone and Otter to Bluto’s WWII recollection in Animal House:

Second, as stated previously, had the MSM in general…and Jim Acosta in particular…made similar criticisms of the innumerable miscues of Barack Hussein “I’ve Now Been in…57 States?…With One Left to Go” Obama and Joe “Shotgun” Biden, perhaps we’d take their adverse assessments of The Donald more seriously.

P.S. Was the dude interviewing Biden a lady?!?

Next up, writing at his Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty records that, relatively speaking…

Trump’s Riding High! Okay, High-ish, Hitting 44 Percent Approval in the ABC News Survey


“In the latest ABC News-Washington Post poll, Trump’s approval rating hits the highest point of his presidency in that particular survey — but don’t get too excited, it’s only 44 percent. The survey finds 53 percent disapproving. But they also note, “roughly one-fifth of those who say he is not presidential say they approve of the job he is doing, and he runs even against four possible Democratic nominees in hypothetical ­general-election matchups. He trails decisively only to former vice president Joe Biden.” (And remember, this is an ABC poll!)

The economy’s doing well right now, but it’s been doing well for quite a while now. Pulling back from a conflict with Iran? The visuals from stepping over into North Korea?

Is it too early for voters to be comparing and contrasting him with a Democratic alternative? At the end of June, the Democrats on the debate stage committed to ending deportation of those who enter the country illegally, promised government-funded health care and education to those who cross the border illegally, promised to ban private insurance, most want to ban and confiscate popular firearms, Bernie Sanders said he would raise taxes on the middle class, and Kamala Harris sounded like she wanted to bring back forced busing of schoolchildren to improve diversity in schools. (Harris being Harris, she later flip-flopped on the private insurance and busing issues.) Meanwhile, Colin Kaepernick argued that the Betsy Ross flag was an offensive symbol of white supremacy, and the likes of Beto O’Rourke and Julian Castro agreed with him. Displaying U.S. military vehicles on the mall was compared to Tiananmen Square and a chunk of the chattering class insisted that Andy Ngo had asked for that violent assault.

Americans who find Trump “unpresidential” or worse might look at their lives and conclude that despite the president’s myriad flaws, they personally are doing pretty well and the country is, too. The economy’s thriving, businesses are hiring, we haven’t suffered a terrorist attack lately and it’s easy to forget the country is at war.* Enacting the Democrats’ agenda would bring sweeping changes to their lives, and the Democrats seem to feel fonder about black-masked thugs in the streets of Portland than the flag of the thirteen colonies. What clear-thinking American would want to empower that crowd?

*The country is still very much at war; not seeing a lot of news coverage about the threats to our men and women in uniform in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Niger, Yemen and, until very recently, Libya doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

In a related item, NRO‘s Deroy Murdock details how the…

Trump Haters’ ‘Unfit to Be President’ Smear Goes Bust

He is performing effectively.


It’s time for the Trump haters to ditch their “unfit” trope.

From former CIA chief John Brennan on the left to the Never Trumpers on the right, Donald J. Trump is “unfit” to be president. Or so they insist. Somehow, they claim, a combination of incompetence, mental illness, and excessive fast-food consumption all render Trump incapable of executing his duties.

While this has been an absurd and ugly lie since Trump’s inauguration, these stalwart naysayers now should see that Trump is entirely equipped to do his job. Trump’s critics surely will disagree with his policies and decisions. But the last few weeks should make even them admit that, whether they cheer or jeer his actions, he actually is performing as president, and effectively so.

President Trump knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s getting it done. He is, indeed, fit for office, as confirmed by these and other victories — not least the confirmation of 123 constitutionalist federal jurists.

Finally, as the Russiagate hoax recedes into memory, Democrats’ fading impeachment chants underscore their status as Earth’s sorest losers — ever. As these storm clouds vanish, Americans are seeing how President Trump can govern when he does not hear nearly every Democrat and journalist scream “RUSSIA!” 24/7/365. Just imagine if William Barr, and not Jeff Sessions, were attorney general from Day One, and the Russigate/Mueller travesty never happened. Americans could have had for the last two and half years the president who has governed for the last four weeks.

Maybe, maybe not; but Janet Reno would have proved a better Attorney General than Sessions…and she died on November 7, 2016!  That being said, Sessions could go a long way towards redeeming himself in our eyes if he stood for his old Senate seat in Alabama…and forced Roy Moore onto the ash heap of infamy.

Meanwhile, as Liz Peek details at FOX News, Trump’s resiliency coupled with their candidates’ ever-increasing cravenness is forcing sentient Socialists to face their greatest fear:

Democrats confront the unthinkable — Trump’s reelection


Democrats and their liberal media pals are in full panic mode as it dawns on them: Donald Trump could actually win reelection.

Despite fielding an unprecedented number of would-be candidates, Democrats have so far failed to find a standard-bearer likely to unify their party. As the recent debates showed, the party has moved left, and further left still, leaving the majority of Americans behind as they try to placate Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and other noisy progressives.

At the same time, the better-than-expected June jobs report confirms the economy remains strong, dampening ceaseless speculation (and left-wing hope) about a pending recession. Meanwhile, relentless hounding of the president by his political foes has had zero impact on his popularity among Republicans. If anything, the unimaginable vitriol has further hardened his support.

Maybe the intelligentsia is not so intelligent after all…”

We can hardly wait for the fireworks to begin:


This is one event we’d gladly pay to see.

On a side note, Liz Peek’s prose is noteworthy for another telling observation she made:

It says something that the press was rhapsodic about the Pride Parade in New York but could not find anything good to say about a parade celebrating our nation’s military.

Can we get a hearty “amen”?!?

Meanwhile, the only thing looking black for America’s “first black president” is his future, which is darkening with frightening speed:

Bill Clinton Denies Knowing Anything About His Pedophile Friend Jeffery Epstein But Flight Logs Show Otherwise


President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffery Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York. In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane: one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation,” Clinton’s spokesperson said. “Staff, supporters of the Foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip. He had one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002, and around the same time, made one brief visit to Epstein’s New York apartment with a staff member and his security detail. He’s not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida.”

According to extensive reporting and flight logs, Clinton took at least 26 trips to Epstein’s private island where much of the abuse occurred. He ditched his Secret Service detail to do so…”

Far be it from us to doubt the word of a man…

…found to have lied under oath about previous illicit sexual activities!  Only time will tell if Hillary once again stands by her man; the bigger question is whether Epstein lives to stand trial.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this string of memes from Balls Cotton…

…as well as this self-identifying Toyota emblem observed by our old friend Supah T whilst he exited the District through the Peoples Dimocratic Insane Asylum of Takoma Park

…along with this accurate depiction from our sister-in-law Amy of what’s now become the mantra of the entire 2020 Dimocratic field:

Finally, we’ll call it a week with the Just When You’d Thought You’d Heard It All segment, courtesy today of and a behemoth of truly bovine proportions:

Anti-U.S. Government’ Fat Therapist Wants to ‘Undo’ Western Civilization


“…The Philadelphia Inquirer interviewed Sonalee Rashatwar, a ‘fat-positivity therapist,’ who has a large (large“, get it?!?) following on Instagram. She’s not just into body acceptance, though. Rashatwar is a “nonbinary” activist who is “anti-cop, anti-U.S. government, anti-military,” and interested in “undoing Western civilization.” Her main focus is curing the world of “fatphobia,” which is a residual effect of “colonial brutality.” 

Planned Parenthood refers some of their patients to this “activist therapist.” And she can be your therapist for $150 an hour. That’s a steal

Rashatwar has been heralded by the far left, including feminist outlets like Bitch Media and Refinery29. The services offered by her center include a workshop called “Food as a Viable Coping Tool.” 

Her website and about page are proud of the fact that Rashatwar peaked in popularity when she was featured in Breitbart in 2018 “for naming thinness as a white supremacist beauty ideal.” Since then, she has become a “sought-after speaker who travels internationally to curate custom visual workshops that whisper to our change-making spirit and nourish our vision for a more just future.”…”

She “travels internationally”: in what, coach?  Fat chance! 😉

More like…

…NASA’s Super Guppy!


P.S. We’ll out of town through Sunday evening, so ’til next Wednesday…
