It’s Friday, November 15th, 2019…but before we begin, consider what passes for reasoned, seasoned political analysis in the MSM:

ABC Chief Political Analyst: GOP Rep. Stefanik a ‘Perfect Example’ of the Failures of Electing Someone ‘Because They Are a Woman


Matthew Dowd, chief political analyst for ABC News, suggested that Representative Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) was elected due to her gender after taking issue with Stefanik’s line of questioning during the first public impeachment hearing on Wednesday.

“Elise Stefanik is a perfect example of why just electing someone because they are a woman or a millennial doesn’t necessarily get you the leaders we need,” Dowd tweeted of Stefanik — the youngest Republican woman ever elected to Congress — who on Wednesday was named a member of Time’s “100 Next” rising profiles.

After criticism, Dowd deleted the tweet, and claimed that he was misunderstood for “just saying we need more millennials or more women [which] isn’t going to solve the problem of needing more leaders with integrity.”

One would expect the position of “Chief Political Analyst” for a major network news organization to be occupied by the most insightful person available, i.e., someone who wouldn’t require OJT…be learning lessons as they went.  Dowd’s primary qualification for employment appears to be he’s the most partisan person ABC could find

And now, as the late, great Paul Harvey used to say, for…

Here’s precisely what provoked Dowd into dissing Stefanik:

During the hearing, Stefanik won praise from conservative commentators for a sharp line of questioning which probed corruption allegations involving Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company which employed Hunter Biden.

Dowd and others criticized Stefanik for succumbing to partisan loyalties in response to her questioning of the impeachment witnesses. She has campaigned on country over party and done exact opposite in office,” Dowd tweeted.

In other words, any criticism of the Bidens, a clan whose corruption may well be second only to the Clintons, is viewed by Dowd as purely partisan politics, along with any other positions or advocacies which run counter to Progressive protocols.

None of which, to her credit, was Stefanik buyin’:

So Elise, here’s to you:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since we’re on the subject of the Ukraine Kangaroo Kourt, we present two videos which prove Adam Schiff-for-brain’s inquisition has as much credibility as a sworn statement from a Clinton.

First, after airing this observation, the Communist News Network‘s Jeffrey Toobin may want to update his resume:

Second, as Jim Jordan’s cross-examination of Bill Taylor proves, there’s good reason the mascot of both the Army AND the Dimocratic Party is an ASS!

Jordan’s had his way with the wimp; wait until he gets a hold of…

…the blimp!  (Our apologies to all the honest, patriotic officers and enlisted personnel whose honor these self-serving Socialist sycophants have besmirched: we meant no disrespect whatsoever towards you!)

Here’s the juice: in other words, as Kimberly Strassel notes at the WSJ, it was…

Impeachment as Usual

Democrats have managed to turn a grave process into a dully partisan one.


Democrats have already lost their impeachment battle. That’s the takeaway from Wednesday’s first public hearing. What was meant to be a moment in history turned out to be business as usual.

Democrats laid out their best case for removing Donald J. Trump from office, repeatedly using words like “extortion,” “bribery” and “abuse of power.” Mr. Trump was accused of “presidential misconduct,” of a “shakedown scheme” and of “corruption.” He was said to have broken the law and violated the Constitution. Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro analogized the president’s actions to “attempted murder.”

What else is new? The left has been leveling similar claims since before Mr. Trump was elected. When a party spends three years baselessly accusing a president of everything from being a Russian mole to obstructing justice, from profiting off the presidency to abusing security clearances and cheating on his taxes, that party loses the credibility to sayReally, this time, we mean it. Democrats didn’t lose the war for hearts and minds on Wednesday. They lost it three years ago.

Those hearts and minds are the only prize here. The media will continue to imbue this event with gravity, to report every bit of testimony as more “bombshell” evidence against Mr. Trump. But impeachment is a political process, so the measure of its “success” is whether its supporters can convince a bipartisan majority of the country that Mr. Trump took an action worthy of removal from office. Nothing in Wednesday’s hearing came close, and the Democrats took their best shot…”

Thus, like Inspector Callahan in the aftermath of the Dirty Harry bank robbery…

…House Dimocrats have shot their wad.  That is, until ANOTHER anonymous whistleblower…

…illegally makes contact with Adam Schiff-for-brains.  Hat tip to our sister-in-law Amy for the Branco cartoon.

Meanwhile, as this video featured at Real forwarded by George Lawlor relates, every passing day brings more and more reasons to question the veracity of the original “whistleblower”:

Next up, since, as that darling of The Left Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (aka, “Lenin”) related, the most dangerous enemy is internalNRO‘s David Harsanyi details…

Marco Rubio’s Bizarre Turn against Capitalism


Not even socialist Bernie Sanders could have unfurled a more exhaustive vilification of the market economy than Marco Rubio did in his recent Catholic University speech defending “common-good capitalism.”

If you think I’m exaggerating, note that the former Tea Partier now blames capitalism for stifling innovation, undermining religious institutions, stripping workers of their dignity, corroding good will among men, and driving childlessness, hopelessness, and suicides…”

We thought that was water Marco was downing…not Socialist Kool-Aid.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, courtesy today of NRO, John Hirschauer offers further evidence the theory of anthropogenic global warming is as much religion as junk science, as the EnviroNazis have just offered up…

An Icon for Saint Greta Thunberg

In San Francisco, a Biblia pauperum for Thunberg disciples.


Mass literacy is a very modern miracle.

Clerics in the medieval Church did not have the luxury of literate pew-sitters. They, rather creatively, used the architecture, sculpture, and paintings in cathedrals to convey the biblical narrative to the unlettered faithful. Gothic architecture so arrests the modern eye not only for its structural and formalistic brilliance but also because the ornature itself narrates the story of salvation.

The climate clerics have erected their own Biblia pauperum for the unwashed masses in San Francisco. One Atmosphere, an area non-profit, dedicated a mammoth mural yesterday of the teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg

Much has been said on the religious undertones of the cultish affection many adults have shown this Scandinavian teenager, but the mural elevates the metaphor to the level of analogy. The aims of the mural’s financiers mirror those of the Gothic architects: Make sacred truths available to the feeble masses who, but for the pre-chewed theology rendered in imago by their clerical superiors, would be unable to engage in the prevailing moral discourse.

The Gothic architects and the clergy who directed their artisanal creations had a much stronger case to make about the incompetence of their audience than do the Thunbergians. The population in the Middle Ages was largely illiterate and uneducated

In 2019, the once-illiterate masses can read. They’re just not that interested in what the Thunberg cultists are selling…”

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, we’ll call it a week with this instant classic from our old pal Jimmy Crilley:

Chalk it up to another untimely demise due to Arkancide!

