It’s Wednesday, January 29th, 2020…but before we begin, as Tobias Hoonhuit reports at NRO

Prince Andrew Has Ignored FBI’s Epstein Interview Requests


With all due respect to those at the FBI not given to political intrigue or who don’t consider themselves above the law…assuming such still exist…and in no way offering any defense or support of Andrew whatsoever, given the Bureau’s FBI’s conduct over the the past few decades, can you blame him?!?

After all, he’d be playing against a rigged deck, with interviewers who already likely believe…

You know, sorta like Mike Flynn.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since we’re on the subject of the precipitous decline of a once almost-irreproachable organization, courtesy of Jeff Foutch, Frontpage Mag‘s Lloyd Billingsley offers us…

Clues to the Coup Clan

FBI Ruby Ridge siege leaves lessons for Deep State deployment against Donald Trump.


How the current impeachment “trial” turns out is anybody’s guess but hardly the only unknown in the ongoing coup against President Trump. As many believe, if nobody in the FBI or DOJ winds up doing prison time, the Deep State wins and future presidents will face similar coup attempts. Some clues on what might or might not happen to FBI bosses emerged Sunday in “Government on Trial,” a Fox News documentary on the FBI siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992.

Like many in rural Idaho, Weaver and his family were fully armed. On the other hand, they lived peacefully and perpetrated no attacks against neighbors. The ATF tried to entrap Weaver on a gun charge and an exchange of fire claimed the lives of a U.S. Marshall and Weaver’s 14-year-old son, Samuel. (Who shot the Marshall for shooting his dog.) That brought in the FBI, which deployed 400 heavily armed agents, helicopters, armored personnel carriers, and trained snipers all against a single family.

The FBI’s rules of engagement allowed agents to shoot on sight. The agency believed that Randy’s wife Vicki was the “brains of the outfit” and FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot the unarmed woman in the head (We can only assume to neutralize the threat her brain presented!) as she held her infant daughter. Snipers are trained to “acquire” their targets, so not likely the killing was accidental. (“Not likely the killing was accidental”? How about NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER IT WAS DELIBERATE?!?)

Weaver and his friend Kevin Harris were also wounded, and Harris was near death when the siege ended. In the ensuing trial, Randy Weaver was acquitted on everything but failing to appear in court, (a court date for which he’d never received notice!) and his original tangle with the ATF was ruled as entrapment. The family received a settlement of more than $3 million but questions remained.

As the Fox documentary showed, it remains unknown to this day which FBI boss ordered the shoot-on-sight rules, and the mystery could be part of a cover-up. (GASP!) Michael Kahoe of the FBI’s violent crime division destroyed a key report on Ruby Ridge to prevent the U.S. attorney from turning it over to Weaver’s attorneys. Kahoe would up serving 18 months in prison, for actions in a case that rendered three people dead. (Lon “Ladykiller” Horiuchi was never charged and is still living on a fat pension you are funding!)

The campaign against candidate Trump, and the coup attempt against President Trump, has yet to claim any lives, but it has certainly ruined a few. As the Federalist reveals, James Comey and Andrew McCabe signed off on FISA warrants that were false, which is a federal crime. These were part of more than a dozen cases in which the FBI violated FISA laws.

FBI lawyer Kevin Klinesmith altered a key document on Carter Page and the phones of FBI players Strzok and Page were wiped clean of incriminating texts. U.S. attorney John Durham is running a criminal investigation, but so far no FBI or DOJ player has been officially charged, tried and sent to prison. A low-level fall guy the style of Kahoe would hardly match the magnitude of the crimes and essentially authorize future coup attempts by the deep state. That’s the lesson of Ruby Ridge.

FBI big shots emerged unscathed and the FBI went on to deploy massive military force at Waco, Texas, which claimed 75 lives including 25 children. If Comey and McCabe don’t serve serious time, the Deep State is sure to deploy against a future president and his supporters…”

Then again, Barack Hussein Obama (who has YET to offer an explanation for his six hours of absence during the attack) and his most-senior Administration officials sacrificed four Americans in Benghazi for purely political purposes, Hillary Clinton lied about her unsecured, private email server, then destroyed evidence relating thereto, and Sandy “Burglar” was caught destroying documents he had stolen from the National Archives.  Yet none involved served a day in stir; and “Burglar”, though caught dead to rights, only had to pay a fine.

We should also note the…er, “overreaction“…of the ATF and FBI at Rudy Ridge and Waco…which some might rightfully term government-sanctioned murder…are what led Timothy McVeigh to bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City.  This is in no way intended to excuse McVeigh, only to point out what might not have been had the ATF simply arrested Randy Weaver and David Koresh the next time they went to town.

In a related item suggesting government cover-ups aren’t confined to the United States, in a forward from Balls Cotton, Zero Hedge wonders…

Did China Steal Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponize It?


Last year a mysterious shipment was caught smuggling Coronavirus from Canada. It was traced to Chinese agents working at a Canadian lab. Subsequent investigation by GreatGameIndia linked the agents to Chinese Biological Warfare Program from where the virus is suspected to have leaked causing the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.

This Winnipeg based Canadian lab was targeted by Chinese agents in what could be termed as Biological Espionage.

In March 2019, in mysterious event a shipment of exceptionally virulent viruses from Canada’s NML ended up in China. The event caused a major scandal with Bio-warfare experts questioning why Canada was sending lethal viruses to China. Scientists from NML said the highly lethal viruses were a potential bio-weapon.

Following investigation, the incident was traced to Chinese agents working at NML. Four months later in July 2019, a group of Chinese virologists were forcibly dispatched from the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory (NML). The NML is Canada’s only level-4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc.

The NML scientist who was escorted out of the Canadian lab along with her husband, another biologist, and members of her research team is believed to be a Chinese Bio-Warfare agent Xiangguo Qiu. Qiu was the head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies Section in the Special Pathogens Program at Canada’s NML…”

We report; YOU decide…but here’s a hint:

Cue laughter after dissimulating billionaire makes light of the repression of free expression in Communist China.

Turning from a dissimulating billionaire to a deliberately deceptive multi-millionaire, courtesy of FOX News, Peter Schweizer relates how…

Bernie Sanders rails about common good but public service has made him (and his family) rich


In a related video from an interview with Mark Levin, Schweizer spins a similar story about the Bidens:

What a surprise Daniel Greenfield, again courtesy of Frontpage Mag via Jeff Foutch, reports Senator Sanders suggests it’s…

Impossible” To Know How Much My Plans Will Cost


No, impossible because Bernie doesn’t care how much it costs; after all, it’s not like he’ll be spending his own ill-gotten gains!

Is it any wonder, as Jim Geraghty notes at his Morning Jolt, Bernie’s continued appeal has the Dims in panic mode…and with good reason:

Bernie Is Frightening the Democrats


I know not everyone in the NR audience has such a warm-and-fuzzy perspective about our old friend and colleague David Frum. (Ourselves included!) But Frum is a guy who at least spent some time in the conservative movement and GOP politics, and periodically he reminds the mostly left-of-center audience of The Atlantic of how the world actually works, and when he does, it can turn out to be hilarious. It’s like watching a parent try to explain to kids that the coins in their piggy bank cannot, in fact, cover the costs of a trip to Disney World:

Bernie Sanders is a fragile candidate. He has never fought a race in which he had to face serious personal scrutiny. None of his Democratic rivals is subjecting him to such scrutiny in 2020. Hillary Clinton refrained from scrutinizing Sanders in 2016. It did not happen, either, in his many races in Vermont. A Politico profile in 2015 by Michael Kruse argued that Sanders had benefited from “an unwritten compact between Sanders, his supporters, and local reporters who have steered clear” of writing about Sanders’s personal history “rather than risk lectures about the twisted priorities of the press.”

The Trump campaign will not steer clear. It will hit him with everything it’s got. It will depict him as a Communist in the grip of twisted sexual fantasies, a useless career politician who oversaw a culture of sexual harassment in his 2016 campaign. Through 2019, Donald Trump and his proxies hailed Sanders as a true voice of the people, thwarted by the evil machinations of the Hillary Clinton machine. They will not pause for a minute before pivoting in 2020 to attack him as a seething stew of toxic masculinity whose vicious online followers martyred the Democratic Party’s first female presidential nominee

Trump will terrorize the suburban moderates with the threat (or, more accurately, reality!) that Sanders will confiscate their health insurance and stock holdings, if not their homes. Trump accused Democrats of pro-ayatollah sympathies for noticing that his story about the killing of Qassem Soleimani was full of holes. In 1980, Sanders joined a left-wing party whose presidential candidate condemned “anti-Iranian hysteria around the U.S. hostages” being held at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, suggesting that “many of them are simply spiesor people assigned to protect the spies,” as Ronald Radosh reported in The Daily Beast. Imagine what Trump and his team will do with that.

A lot of stuff that was either no big deal or dismissed as “just Bernie being Bernie” in Vermont will look really bad in GOP attack ads in all of those swing states. I still can’t believe we haven’t seen a single commercial that even mentions Sanders’s otherworldly op-ed about women’s rape fantasies. The Sanders campaign will insist it was the foolish ramblings from a confused young man, written many decades ago. The Trump campaign will point out, accurately, that Sanders was 30 years old when he wrote it.

The whistling-past-the-graveyard assessment of Sanders for Democrats is that his particular quirks won’t much effect on the overall contours of the race; in a matchup between any Democrat and Trump, any Democrat just has to keep the blue states and flip the big three in the Upper Midwest — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — to win the presidency. But…a new poll released Monday measured head to head matchups in Delaware, and…Bernie Sanders is ahead of Donald Trump only by a point. Maybe not all those blue states look so secure if Sanders is the nominee

Bernie isn’t just the Manchurian Candidate, he’s the Moscow/Beijing/Havana/Caracas/Pyongyang/Tehran/Hanoi/Islamic Caliphate Candidate; and at the moment, he’s leading the Marxist pack!

Moving on, courtesy of National Affairs via Speed Mach, Arthur Milikh proffers a program for..

Preventing Suicide by Higher Education


“…Universities were meant [to] be the one fixed place in democratic society insulated from the ceaseless motion of democratic life, with its petty passions, consumption, and moral and intellectual fashions. They were meant to serve as the guardian of the mind and its greatest fruits. In previous eras, segments of society (especially the clergy and the aristocracy) were devoted to protecting learning and a tradition of books. But democracy does not support such classes, and it was originally hoped that the universities would assume this role. Regrettably, they are no longer animated by their original purpose of serving republican self-government or the freedom of the mind. As such, they must be treated as political entities.

That the freedom of speech is under attack on many campuses should not be surprising, given that the freedom of the mind, of which speech is the expression, is rarely understood as their purpose any longer. Without that purpose, most American universities no longer serve the public good for which they were created and for which they continue to be publicly funded. Their transformation, which in turn has led to the transformation of the nation, has taken place with the unwitting assistance of American taxpayers — and amounts to defrauding the public. If citizens are compelled to pay for others to go to college, it should be to the benefit of the entire nation — forming good citizens and advancing useful sciences, rather than teaching the rising generation that the nation is irredeemably evil. Taxpayers have funded the research, bankrolled the student loans (including generous forgiveness programs), and allowed the universities and their enormous endowments to operate without paying taxes. These funding sources are the operational life blood of universities, but they can no longer be justified. In fact, it seems likely that the nation would be better off if the vast majority of America’s more than 3,000 colleges and universities closed down…”

Is it any wonder Progressives want to push as many malleable minds as possible through their propaganda mills?!?

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these memorable memes from Mark Foster…

…this one from Shannon…

…and this classic from Jeff Foutch:

Likewise, yea, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil, for, though primarily owing to God being with us, as a back-up, we are the baddest, most-heavily armed citizens in the valley…or for that matter, in the country

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and the story of a…

Florida man arrested after shining laser pointer at planes


A Florida man was arrested Wednesday after shining a laser pointer at multiple pilots making their approaches at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, police said.

Charlie James Chapman Jr, 41, faces multiple charges after police said he temporarily blinded one of the pilots. Video claims to show him throwing rocks and directing the laser at a Manatee County Sheriff’s helicopter attempting to locate him…”

Shining a laser pointer at airplanes and throwing rocks at a police helicopters: so easy a caveman

…could do it!  Wait a minute…a caveman DID do it!!!

