It’s Monday, April 27th, 2020…but before we begin, here’s further proof if members of the MSM weren’t possessed of double standards, they’d have no standards ‘tall.

Since Friday, Tara Reade has confirmed Larry King’s August 11, 1993 caller from San Luis Obispo WAS in fact her mother…

…which provides far more proof of Reade’s claim Hairplug Joe sexually assaulted her than Kavanaugh’s accuser ever offered of his guilt.

Larry King Live was on CNN; and though, as Breitbart relates, the existence of such evidence was suggested in Reade’s interview with Katie Halper as detailed at The Intercept, CNN didn’t comb their archives or even cover the story (and that, thus far, but once!) until after the Media Research Center broke it!  As Dr. Jill Biden is rumored to have said to her husband…

Editor’s Note: We apologize for the word “head” being inadvertently cut after “Dick” at the end of the Dr. Jill Biden clip.

And just when you thought CNN couldn’t damage its credibility any further, courtesy of Jeff Foutch, Biz Pac Review informs us…

Larry King Live’ episode with Tara Reade’s mom removed from CNN catalog.


We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: CNN has NOTHING to do with truth, justice or the American way.  Rather it’s purely a propagandizing promoter of Progressive politicians and policies.

As for the Increasingly Demented Groping Uncle in the Dimocrats’ Attic, watch for the powers-that-be to turn on Joe the instant they sense the #MeToo tide shifting against him.

Which would only serve to place them firmly on the horns of a different, equally-demented dilemma:

By the way, FOX News just posted this helpful timeline showing the respective reactions to the claims of Reade and Ford.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject of bias in the MSM as obvious as the ears on The Dear Misleader’s head,‘s Reagan McCarthy relates how the Main Stream…

Media Demonstrates Double Standard on Gov. Kemp’s and Gov. Polis’s Similar Reopening Plans


Democrats and members of the mainstream media spent much of the week unloading on Republican Governor Brian Kemp after he announced that certain businesses in Georgia would be allowed to resume operations starting on Friday

[Colorado’s Democratic] Governor Jared Polis announced reopening plans with a similar timeline to that of Governor Kemp’s plan, but was not vilified by the media, presumably due to his party identification…”

We’d observe “shameless” doesn’t remotely begin to describe such rankly blatant hypocrisy, but the MSM’s unvarnished partisanship crossed over into the land of thoroughly biased buffoonery some time back, as David Catron observes courtesy of The American Spectator:

“…The obvious question that will occur to most Republicans and conservatives is the following: Why is Gov. Polis getting an easier ride from the media and the Beltway bureaucrats than Gov. Kemp? Has Colorado done a better job than Georgia containing COVID-19? Nope. As of Thursday afternoon, according to the RealClearPolitics coronavirus tracker, Georgia has endured fewer deaths per million (82.1) than Colorado (88.2), has a lower confirmed case fatality rate (4.05 percent) than Colorado (4.67 percent), and has conducted twice as many tests (101,062) than has Colorado (50,645). Now, to answer the question with which this paragraph began, here’s how the Washington Post reported Kemp’s decision to reopen:

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s move Monday to lift restrictions on a wide range of businesses, one of the most aggressive moves yet to reignite commercial activity in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, put his state at the center of a deepening national battle over whether Americans are ready to risk exacerbating the public health crisis to revive the shattered economy.

Compare this to how the Post handles the concurrent reopening of Colorado’s economy by Gov. Polis using virtually identical criteria. First, it isn’t part of a feature story. It’s buried 14 paragraphs down in a reprinted Associated Press report about states considering economic restarts. Conspicuously absent are any portentous allusions to a “deepening national battle” or that it might “risk exacerbating the public health crisis”:

Gov. Jared Polis outlined a plan to ease statewide stay-at-home and nonessential business closures Monday. All nonessential retailers may soon offer curbside delivery and can fully reopen, at half-staff capacity and with protective measures. Offices and personal services can do the same in May. Schools, universities, gyms remain closed, along with indoor restaurant and bar service.

Most of the media were not so subtle. My favorite story about Gov. Kemp appeared in Vanity Fair under the title, “Front-Runner for Country’s Dumbest Governor to Reopen Essential Bowling Alleys, Nail Salons Friday.” The author of this journalistic tour de force, Bess Levin, tells us Gov. Kemp “announced on the steps of his state’s capitol that he was a massive imbecile.” Her tenuous grasp of syntax renders it unclear if she means he is overweight and stupid or if she believes he is, like, extra dumb. Either way, Levin supports this claim by insisting that Kemp “doesn’t listen to public health experts.” As it happens, his primary public health advisor is Kathleen Toomey, M.D., M.P.H.

She is an epidemiologist with a bachelor’s degree in biology from Smith College. As a Fulbright Scholar, she studied indigenous healing practices in Peru. Dr. Toomey earned her M.D. and M.P.H. degrees from Harvard University. She then went to work for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where she served in various leadership positions, including CDC Country Director in Botswana. Dr. Toomey now serves as the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Health. It was she who advised Gov. Kemp to issue a shelter-in-place order for Georgia on April 2, and it was she who advised him to lift it based on the guidelines issued by the Trump administration on April 16.

Dr. Toomey’s résumé suggests that she just might be a “public health expert.”…”

MSM bias…WHAT bias?!?

In a related item, as NRO‘s Jonathan Tobin relates, such political prejudice results in some conspiracy theories being afforded more equality than others.

Next up,‘s Guy Benson asks, rather naively in our opinion…

Did the WHO Leak Misleading Information, Undermining a Promising Anti-Coronavirus Drug Trial?


My opinion of the World Health Organization is in the toilet, but I can’t quite bring myself to believe it is so malevolent that it would be engaging in manipulations like this on purpose.  And if they were, to what end?

Guy,…seriously?!?  Can you really not even faintly imagine a complete shill like Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus…a “man” who covered up three…count ’em, THREE…cholera outbreaks while serving as Ethiopia’s health minister so as to not adversely impact his country’s tourism, and who owes his position to the individual intercession of Xi Jinping…wouldn’t be willing to give his ChiCom benefactor every advantage in bringing to market the first effective treatment for a virus he spawned?!?  SERIOUSLY?!?  After all, it’s not like Xi doesn’t personally profit from every product his 1.4 billion peons produce!

Guy, we love your work, but wake up and smell the evil, brother.

Speaking of evil, it’s the subject of our next item, as, courtesy of Jeff Foutch, Front Page Magazine highlights how the…

Democrats’ Fascism Shines Through

Totalitarians expect their commands to be obeyed instantly – and without question.


Someone once said that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the guise of fighting fascism. Updated version: Fascism has come to America, in the guise of fighting a virus. Nowhere has Democrats’ totalitarian instincts come out more clearly than in their response to the coronavirus.

David Horowitz says: “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” In the case of Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the totalitarian is not only out but goose-stepping toward the New Reich. Instead of “Sieg Heil,” it’s “Obey or Else.”

On April 17, 3,000 to 4,000 came to the state capital to protest the shutdown and some of the governor’s more outrageous edicts, to wit: You can’t travel between two residences you own. You can fish in a kayak, but not a motorboat.  (Which prompted Geoffrey Griffith to forward this depiction of a truly P.C.-created conundrum!)

You can buy lottery tickets but not garden seeds. Leelanau County Sheriff Mike Borkovich explained: “We’re trying to keep the peace,” but “The economy is coming apart in northern Michigan…People are frantic to get back to work. They have been very edgy.”

Whitmer is a particularly nasty piece of work. She railed that the demonstration was a political rally “where people aren’t wearing masks and they’re in close quarters and they’re touching one another.”

Whitmer warned: “That puts us in a situation where we might actually have to think about extending the stay-at-home-orders, which is supposedly what they are protesting.” Mr. Orwell, call your office. (“Right thinking will be rewarded, wrong thinking punished.”)

Fascists don’t like protests against themselves. They expect their commands to be obeyed instantly and without question.

Fascists also don’t understand civil liberties. When New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy was asked about the constitutionality of his executive order on social distancing in a FOX News interview, he cavalierly replied that when he issued the regulation he “wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights,” adding “That’s above my pay grade.”

When he became New Jersey’s governor in 2018, Murphy said he did “solemnly promise and swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States,” which, when last I checked, includes the Bill of Rights. Fascists don’t like constraints on government.

As they move toward their nominating convention, perhaps the Democrats should have armbands to complement their face masks.

Totalitarian tyrants…

…they’re all the same!

The fact a sitting governor would permit fishing from a kayak but not a power boat not only demonstrates Whitmer’s myrmidonic devotion to the EnviroNazis, but…

That she would ban pain-relieving joint replacement procedures while protecting abortions as “life-sustaining” healthcare just goes to prove why there’s a seat reserved for her on the hottest level of Hell…where she’ll deservedly have the rest of eternity to become acquainted with others of her ilk.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these memes submitted by Speed Mach…


…Ed Hickey…

…the Penguin…

…and last, but certainly not least, Balls Cotton:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with this timely cartoon courtesy of our buddy Mark:

