It’s Wednesday, April 29th, 2020…and here’s a special Wuhan virus edition of The Gouge!

First up, the headline which inspired this installment, courtesy of Tom Bakke and Zero Hedge‘s Tyler Durden:

After Decades Of Brainwashing, MSM & Governments Are Losing Control Of The People


Junior had it right:

That Donald J. Trump ever gained traction in the 2016 Republican primaries…let alone was elected President…bespeaks a very significant segment of the electorate having been situated somewhere between


Counter to the propaganda emanating from, and best efforts of, The Liberal Lowing Herd (i.e., America’s Progressive politicians, MSM, coastal enclaves, urban killing zones, ivied halls of Newspeak and overpaid athletes…not to mention Silicon Valley and Hollywood), a significant majority of Americans rightly blame the ChiCom leadership for what the world’s been unnecessarily forced to endure, and abhor the affectations of Liberals of every stripe to politicize the pandemic while shifting the blame from Xi Jinping and his WHO shill to The Donald.

EDITOR’S NOTE: For the record, the blame lies solely with the leadership of the Communist Party of China , not the 1.4+/- billion ordinary Chinese, nor the over 5,000,000 American citizens of Chinese ancestry.

Consider the following from…

(1). The Bureaucrats: When Los Angeles County’s public health director suggests the Wuhan virus is the first racially/and socio-economically-aware vector

…and neither the article’s author nor Ms. Ferrer bother to specify the pertinent underlying medical conditions (i.e., significantly increased incidences of obesity, diabetes and cardio-pulmonary disease) which undoubtedly resulted in the unrepresentative rates of death, it leads one to believe they somehow want the Wuhan virus…along with the President overseeing America’s response…to seem insensitive to the plight of minorities and the poor.

(2). Law Enforcement: Sorry, but when, even in the People’s Democratic Republic of Maryland, fifteen officers from four different law enforcement agencies choose to descend upon a restaurant/bar where some take-out customers have chosen to avail themselves of outdoor seating…for any reason…we’re of a mind to believe they’ll obey any pronouncement from their Misleader…INCLUDING the confiscation of arms guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment.  And RINO governor Larry Hogan, you can go to HELL!

(3). The Government: As detailed by Jim Freeman at Best of the Web

“…Meanwhile in New York, the amazing governmental feat of both crushing the economy and enabling the spread of infection is even worse than feared. A week ago this column noted research suggesting that the decision to reduce New York City subway traffic forced workers deemed essential by government into closer contact. Also now getting more attention is New York State’s decision to force the most vulnerable population to become even more vulnerable. Suzy Khimm of NBC News reports:

The coronavirus patients began arriving the last week of March, transferred to the Gurwin Jewish Nursing and Rehabilitation Center under a New York state mandate requiring nursing homes to accept those recovering from COVID-19, even if they still might be contagious.

At the time, the Long Island nursing home had only one known resident who had contracted the virus, according to the facility’s president and CEO, Stuart Almer.

A month later, Gurwin is battling an outbreak that’s killed 24 residents — only three of whom were hospital transfers — and one staff member, who worked in housekeeping, Almer said. And the nursing home is still mandated to take in recovering hospital patients known to have the virus, potentially increasing its spread in the facility.

Michael Goodwin observes in the New York Post:

Recall that the phrase “out of an abundance of caution” was used to justify shutdowns of schools, churches and commerce and impose social distancing guidelines everywhere. Nursing homes needed even more extreme protections, which is why all visitors, including family, were banned, lest they accidentally infect loved ones and start a daisy chain of death.

Yet when it came to those same facilities, members of Gov. [Andrew] Cuomo’s team didn’t exhibit a whit of caution or common sense.

On Friday the Post’s Bernadette Hogan, Carl Campanile and Bruce Golding reported on a Brooklyn nursing home which asked government health officials to route suspected Covid patients to the empty beds at the Javits Center or the Navy hospital ship Comfort. The requests were rejected. More than 50 patients at the nursing home have died of coronavirus.

Mr. Cuomo’s government-led virus strategy has failed the most vulnerable patients, even as it destroyed businesses and jobs. He should immediately end the lockdown and allow free people to help themselves and each other—and that includes by generating the wealth necessary for survival.

One, quite literally, couldn’t make up such a sh*t show!  But what’s good for the goose is good for the gander: and if The Liberal Lowing Herd wants to hold Trump responsible for Wuhan-related deaths across the U.S., Fredo’s older brother killed those nursing home residents as surely as Luca Brasi’s swimming with the fishes. 

(4). The Elite: When The 2nd Richest Man in the World claims (i) Xi “did a lot of things right”; (ii) criticism of the ChiComs is a “distraction; (iii) President Trump handled the Wuhan response “particularly poorly” compared to other world leaders; and (iv) the WHO is a “phenomenal” agency, you know there’s more to the story…that perhaps being the source of Bill and Melinda Gate’s fortune is heavily invested in Communist China…and their foundation is the second-largest contributor to the WHO, only behind the U.S. taxpayer.

Thus the dishonesty of the ChiComs and/or WHO would reflect poorly on the judgement of Bill and Melinda Gates.  Oooh, we can’t have that, can we?!?  After all, Bill and Mel would rather you die than they look bad!

(5). Silicon Valley: We can only hope by airtime the clips from Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin accessible through links #1 and #2 immediately below our Quote of the Day at the top of the page are still available, for, as RedState reports, the original videos featuring the Bakersfield, CA doctors expressing their opposition to continuing the counterproductive lockdown has been deleted by YouTube as wrong thinking.

We could go onand on…from the hypocrisy of Nancy Pelosi’s well-stocked Sub-Zero, the creamy contents of which now costs more than 22,000,000 Americans can make in a year, to LeBron’s tone-deaf defense of his source of shoes…but we’ve made our point.

We’ll leave it to NRO‘s Jim Geraghty to summarize…though we can’t help offering a couple comments near the end in green:

NPR’s Spotty Report on the Wuhan Labs

The world’s top virologists have a lot of faith in the diligence and care of Chinese research labs.


Late last week, National Public Radio interviewed “half-a-dozen scientists familiar with lab accidents and how research on coronaviruses is conducted” and concluded “there is virtually no chance that the new coronavirus was released as result of a laboratory accident in China or anywhere else.” The NPR report’s conclusion is driven by some useful perspective from veteran virologists but also by a strange omission of several relevant pieces of information and previous accidental releases of viruses.

The assurances about the safe practices of Chinese researchers don’t align with the U.S. State Department’s 2018 assessment that “the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory.” NPR’s report briefly mentions the State Department assessment in passing, but never attempts to square its conclusions with the quoted virologists’ confidence in the diligence of Chinese researchers.

The NPR report also includes an odd omission in its discussion of previous lab accidents:

In the early 2000s, there were three documented cases of the original SARS virus escaping from a laboratory environment, according to Lim Poh Lian, a senior consultant at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases in Singapore. But the circumstances surrounding those escapes were vastly different.

In the case of a 2003 incident in Singapore, a student became infected with SARS after his samples were cross-contaminated with live virus. That virus was being grown in relatively large quantities in the lab for studies on the disease, and the student was not properly trained in safety procedures for the lab he was working in.

Yes, but the other two accidental lab releases of SARS separately occurred at the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing, part of China’s Center for Disease Control, and were blamed on “negligence,” a point that seems germane to the discussion of the likelihood of negligence causing an accident in a state-run laboratory in China.

The NPR report quotes an e-mail from Lim: “While there is always some risk for lab accidents, risk is not reality.” Whatever that is meant to mean, the best scientists in the world have left smallpox in a storage room at the National Institutes of Health building, exposed coworkers to live anthrax on the CDC’s Atlanta campus, and Russia accidentally had an explosion at its laboratory storing smallpox samplesThe CDC’s Federal Select Agent Program collected 749 incident reports from select-agent research facilities from 2009 to 2015, and 79 percent of those incidents involved human error. It is unclear why Chinese labs would be immune to the kinds of accidents that befall some of the most respected institutions in the world.

The report contends that the idea of researchers who traveled into the wild to collect bats to research coronaviruses would be unlikely to encounter this particular virus:

That raises the first coincidence that would be needed for SARS-CoV-2 to come out of a laboratory: Scientists would have to find it in nature first. “Most of the viruses [carried by bats] actually probably don’t even have the capacity to infect humans,” says Anthony. So scientists collecting field samples would, in some sense, have to win the lottery to collect a coronavirus that happens to be highly transmissible in humans.

It is unclear why it would be wildly implausible for scientists to catch a bat that had this virus but perfectly plausible for a poacher working for a wet market to do the same.

A lot of the arguments in the NPR segment amount to insisting the staff at these labs are just too well-trained to have an accident like this. Perhaps they are. But recent months have demonstrated that a lot of institutions in China don’t want to report mistakes and bad news up the chain to their bosses. The world has seen Wuhan public health authorities spend at least three weeks insisting the virus could not spread from person to person when doctors in hospitals knew otherwise, and Chinese manufacturers sent at least 10 million defective and unusable tests, masks, and personal protective equipment to other countries. It is hard to believe that any group or institution is simply “too diligent” to allow this kind of accident to occur. (Hard? It defies belief!!!)

With all of that said, those who are advocates for the lab accident theory need to come to terms with a difficult fact: The evidence of the accident may never be found. If it ever existed, it probably has been destroyed by now. The Chinese government would never confess such a colossally consequential error. This is likely to be a theory supported with only circumstantial evidence for years, perhaps decades.

It is also important to understand that a great many people in powerful positions, both inside and outside of China, are consciously or subconsciously hoping the pandemic cannot be traced back to a lab accident.

If the source of the virus is a wet market or natural exposure — say, a farmer going into a cave to collect guano to use as fertilizer — then the villains of the story are familiar and aligned the status quo. No one likes poachers of exotic animals or endangered species. Experts have warned about the dangers of wet markets for years. While it will be difficult to significantly reduce the use of wet markets, or to tackle the $19 billion-per-year international wildlife trafficking trade, there are very few economic or political elites who openly support pangolin smuggling or dining on bats.

However, there are a lot of economic or political elites who invested a great deal of their credibility on the idea that the Chinese government could be a trustworthy and responsible partner in prosperity, despite regular disagreements with other countries about topics such as human rights, freedom of expression, and trade-rule enforcement.

This virus has, as of this writing, infected more than 3 million people worldwide and killed more than 209,000 people. China’s relationship with the rest of the world has never been more strained. Internal pressures in China have rarely been worse. Around the world, populations are scared, frustrated, newly unemployed, financially ruined, and angry. The revelation that a Chinese lab (Sorry, not just “a Chinese lab, but a CHINESE GOVERNMENT LAB!!!) was the ultimate source of all this misery could set off violent repercussions for the Chinese government, the Chinese people, or Chinese Americans. (Really? Like 9/11 set off violent repercussions for Arab Americans?!?)

We shouldn’t want the trail to lead back to a Wuhan laboratory. But that doesn’t mean we can avert our eyes from anything suggesting it does.

At the risk of seeming repetitive, view this Epoch Times video, then tell us the Wuhan virus wasn’t…even if accidentallybirthed in Beijing.

The question now is, how do we make them pay for their recklessness, which we’ll take up on Friday.

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these memes from Ed Hickey…

…Balls Cotton…


…Speed Mach…

…and last, but CERTAINLY not least, one from TLJ:

Which is why, after almost 41 wonderful years with TLJ, we speak like a pirate!

