It’s Friday, August, 21st, 2020…but before we begin, here’s who came through the bathroom door when we called out to TLJ for some help with a certain act of personal hygiene:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in concert with our Video of the Day (accessible through link #2 immediately beneath our Quote of the Day at the top of the page) in which Tucker Carlson highlights how far beyond mere lunacy The Left has lurched, we offer three cartoons which perfectly encapsulate the reality of contemporary Progressivism:

For more on what’s in store for America under the tender mercies of Dimocratic Socialism, we take you to Mayor Wheeler’s madhouse, where there’s a…

Manhunt underway for Marquise Love in Portland truck assault


“…Officials said in a press release they have made several attempts to reach 25-year-old Love, but have so far been unsuccessful. They have said they have probable cause for his arrest.

“The Portland Police Bureau is taking this assault and other incidents of violence extremely seriously,” said Chief  Chuck Lovell in a statement provided with the press release. “Our Detectives continue to investigate this assault as well as other acts of violence directed toward protestors, but we need more than just videos from social mediaIn order to hold individuals responsible for criminal acts, we need the public to provide information and refrain from tampering with evidence.”…”

“They have made several attempts to reach him”; what,…by phone…written invitation to meet for coffee with a social worker?!?  Love has a rap sheet as long as our arm; perhaps were Portland police to focus on attacks against law-abiding citizens rather than “other acts of violence directed towards protestors” they could make a more concerted effort to arrest Love rather than simply attempting to reach him.

But if you believe such insanity is limited to the confines of the country’s urban enclaves, this video forwarded by James Nichols should cause you to think again:

Can this mindless myrmidon really not know Black Lies Matter is

a political movement, one whose adherents, like their “social justice” warrior counterparts, aren’t interested in making tires, let alone manufacturing them at a profit?!?

Lenin had it right: such Capitalists will sell Socialists the rope with which they will hang them.

Meanwhile, absent a retraction, like The Donald, we’ve bought our last Goodyear product, including anything made by its Dunlop, Kelly, Fulda, Lee, Sava and Debica subsidiaries.

In a related item of disinformation, Condé Nast cluelessly and dutifully recounts how…


Forgetting for the moment we refuse to recognize the validity of the headline…as there IS NO SYSTEMIC RACISM AGAINST BLACKS IN AMERICA WHEN WE ELECTED A HALF-BLACK PRESIDENT TO NOT ONE BUT TWO TERMS…sorry, but only an idiot…or an ideologue unwilling to admit their error…would sing the praises of living in Ghana, or anywhere else in Africa, as a normal John Q. Ghanaian.

The huge irony is, while the biggest and the by far the most likely real threat to the safety of Blacks in America is other Blacks,…surprise, surprise…the same holds true in Africa.  Just ask the literally countless number of native Africans slaughtered by opposing tribesmen in Rwanda, Uganda, Zaire, Liberia, etc., etc., etc.  Guess the names Amin, Habré, Mobutu, Obote, Moi, Mugabe, Doe, Kony, Bashir and Mengistu don’t ring a bell with these ex pats.
Not to mention crime is rampant all across Africa, which, by definition, is Black-on-Black.  And as Trevor noted, good luck finding a cop, particularly if they’re from the same tribe as the perp!
But as Condé Nast’s Travis Levius was ignorant of such facts, he didn’t know to bring up Africa’s history…which, BTW, included West African nations selling those they conquered to White slavers, forming one apex of the triangular trade between Africa, Europe and the New World. 
Since we’re on the subject of those ignorant of the past, courtesy of James Nichols, on June 9th of this year OPB incorrectly informed us how…

A racist history shows why Oregon is still so white


Americans across the country have demonstrated for over a week now against systemic racism and police brutality. For many people, the protests have forced uncomfortable conversations about white privilege and the generations of prejudice against Black people and other people of color in the United States. (For others…such as wenot so much!)

These conversations are happening here in Oregon, too, a state that — no matter which way you cut ithas deep roots in racism.

Here is a refresher: Oregon began as a whites-only state, through a series of Black exclusionary laws that were designed to discourage Black Americans from living here in the first place.

“[These] laws point to the fact that Oregon was founded as a racist white utopia,” said Walidah Imarisha, a Black studies educator and writer based in Oregon. “The idea was that white folks would come here and build the perfect white society.” (Which begs the question why, if Oregon is soooo racist, Ms. Ismarisha would chose to live there?!?)

In 1844, when Oregon was still a territory, it passed its first Black exclusionary law. It banned slavery, but it also prohibited Black people from living in the territory for more than three years. If a Black person broke this law, the consequence was 39 lashes, every six months, until they left.

The territory passed another Black exclusion law five years later, in 1849. This one barred Black people who were not already in the area from entering or residing in Oregon territory.

The final exclusion measure made it into the Oregon Constitution as a clause when the territory became a state 10 years later in 1859. This clause went further than the territory’s second law by also prohibiting Black people from owning property and making contracts“It speaks very clearly to the ways that this place was founded to center whiteness, not only at the exclusion of folks of color but at the brutalization of folks of color,” said Imarisha.

These laws were rarely enforced but they did the job they were created to do: establish Oregon as a majority white state. And it’s why Portland, the state’s most populous city, is still known as the whitest big city in the United States.

According to 2019 estimates from the United States Census Bureau, Oregon’s population was nearly 87% white. (The figure for the Census category of “White alone, not Hispanic or Latino” was 75%.) The state’s Black population was just over 2%.

Although the laws were repealed almost a century ago, the racist language in Oregon’s constitution wasn’t removed by voters until 2002. But, Imarisha said, it’s important to note — just 18 years ago — 30% of voters elected to keep the racist clause in the constitution….”

Just so you know, all the exclusion laws Ms. Imarisha mentions were signed into law under Dimocratic governors.  The last Republican governor of Oregon left office in 1987, and Portland’s last Republican mayor in 1980.

And 70% of Oregon voters chose to repeal the meaningless references in the state constitution:

The measure removed historical racial references, such as “negroes,” “mulattoes” and “whites,” from the Oregon Constitution.

Ballot Measure 14 removes the references to race in these sections of the constitution, and also corrects some spelling errors. The measure does not change the constitution in any other way, and the original language will remain as part of the historical record.

Sorry, Walidah, but as the historic record records, “negroes”, “mulattoes” and “whites” were “RACIAL” references, not “RACIST” language.  That’s a HUUUUUGE difference.  But…

It’s also important to note half of eligible Americans don’t vote at all; and since we’ve no reason to assume Oregon’s any different, Imarisha’s 30% figure goes to 15%.  Then, as a significant portion of the electorate hasn’t the faintest clue about the impact of a given ballot initiative, they cast a knee-jerk vote either for or against change.

Here’s the juice: As The Boss wondered, what’s the cut-off where the sins of the past and disconnected don’t require penance in the present?!?  And because his ancestors actually owned slaves, should Kamala Harris and her father pay more in reparations than those like us who forefathers fought to end that peculiar institution?!?

Turning now to the Dimocrat’s latest debacle, as Jim Freeman relates at Best of the Web, like every other lying Liberal, Hillary…

Clinton ‘Really Meant It

A credibility issue for the Democrats.


Democrats appearing Wednesday night via their party’s virtual national convention certainly appeared somber and sincere. But the content of their oratory naturally raises the question of how seriously viewers should take them.

The former president’s delivery was outstanding. But his message would have been more compelling if–four years ago todayhis FBI had not sent an informant to record a conversation with someone participating in the political opposition’s presidential campaign. The exculpatory evidence collected that day from Trump supporter Carter Page–like much of the other exculpatory evidence the Obama administration collected on him–would not be shared with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court as the government improperly seized wiretap authority.

If there is one person in America who should not be lecturing us about the duty of a president to ensure our rights are protected regardless of our political beliefs, it is Barack Obama.

Another of Wednesday night’s speakers was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose comments raised similar questions right from the start. Mrs. Clinton said:

Good evening. After the last election, I said, “We owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead.” I really meant it.

She first uttered those words on Nov. 9, 2016, which would have been a good time to repudiate the bogus Steele dossier of accusations against Mr. Trump that her campaign funded and which the FBI used to secure the improper surveillance warrants.

That day of her concession speech, delivered the morning after Mr. Trump’s victory, also represented a good opportunity to decide that she would not spend the next several years refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election and making baseless allegations about members of both parties. But she did not seize the day.

So what did she really mean?

And while The Donald was one of many on The Right quick to highlight Barack Hussein’s hypocrisy…

…Steven Colbert was one of the few on The Left willing to delineate William Jefferson’s deliberate dissimulation when he observed, “I don’t think Bill Clinton gets to lecture ANYONE on what should happen in the Oval Office.”

But, as noted by NRO, Barry, Hillary and Der Schlickmeister weren’t the only Dimocrats lying like dogs, as David Harsanyi details how…

History Keeps Proving John Kerry Wrong

The former secretary of state continues peddling foreign-policy falsehoods.


It took approximately 20 seconds for former secretary of state John Kerry to drop the first flagrant lie in his Democratic National Convention speech on Tuesday, when he claimed that the Obama administration’s so-called Iran deal had “eliminated the threat of an Iran with a nuclear weapon.” It didn’t get any better from there…”

If truth equated to hits, even were he was possessed of incredible speed, arm strength and superlative fielding skills, John Kerry’s 0.000 batting accuracy would still preclude his consideration as a Major League shortstop.

Speaking of White people who speak with forked tongue, as the Daily Caller informs us…

Elizabeth Warren Included In DNC Native American Caucus Meeting


Not “how”, rather “WHY”?!?  Here’s Lieawatha’s biggest contribution to the conversation:

“Indian country”…seriously?!?  Surely she meant “Native American country”?!?  Whatever!!!  Yes, America: vote for the…

…ticket, so your hard-earned tax dollars can continue the efforts of those who’ve never worked a day in their lives to fund “Indian country”,…and: free healthcare; open borders and welfare, entitlements, health care and schooling for any illegal immigrant who can cross our borders; free college for those not willing to work while in high school; an energy grid the equivalent of that which requires rolling blackouts in California; etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  In other words…VENEZUELA!!!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…two from Ed Hickey…

…and one each courtesy of Mark Foster…

The Boss…

…Fielding Cocke…

…Speed Mach…

…and source unknown:

Enjoy your weekend!

