It’s Wednesday, October 14th, 2020…and here’s The Gouge!

First up, the polls notwithstanding, what if a major party ticket kicked off a national campaign tour and…nobody showed up?!?

Hardly the stuff landslides are made of; but perhaps Biden’s Arizona supporters are all rioting up in Portland.

For what it’s worth, we’re far from counting The Donald down, let alone out.  Sure, primarily owing to the MSM’s deliberate misrepresentation of Biden as an affable, gaffe-able old man (while certainly the latter, he’s decidedly NOT the former), a makeover Hillary’s personality made impossible, Groper Joe has an undeniable edge over Trump in likability.

Yet while Trump is in full campaign mode a mere 11 days after entering Walter Reed with a full-blown case of the Wuhan Flu, the Dimocrats Crazed Uncle in the Basement can’t recall the office to which he aspires…

…the name of the Republican candidate for President in 2012 (though we must confess we wish we could forget him)…

…what state he’s in (the flag to his left should have been a big hint)…

…or a statistic quoted mere moments before:

And in between demonstrating increasing symptoms of dementia, he continues to utter lies which are easily exposed, including having gotten his start at an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) the school itself denies he ever attended…  

…and getting “educated” on the civil rights movement in a Black church…

…none of whose members recall him ever showing up for a single service.

Still, we’re supposed to take as gospel polls indicating a man who’s acknowledged to have swam in the nude in the presence of female members of his Secret Service detail is running away with the 2020 election?!?

So take heart, and remember this observation and suggestion from our last edition:

As the best figures we can access indicate, out of 231,556,622 eligible voters in 2016:

25.6% voted for Clinton

25.5% voted for Trump

1.7% voted for Johnson

46.9% didn’t vote at all!!!

If a mere 3% of the electorate who didn’t vote in 2016 turned out for Trump on November 3rd, not only would The Donald once again win the Electoral College, he’s sweep the popular vote as well.

So here’s the juice:

Then we want all of youeach of you…to email ten…no, twenty…heck, make it thirty other people you know who are of like mind and make them solemnly swear to make their voices heard on November 3rd.

Then there’s this from The Spectator via George Lawlor, which should boost sagging spirits, contradicting as it does The Left’s contention suburban soccer moms are monolithically behind Biden:

Confessions of the Secret Suburban Trump Moms: Arizona


I voted for Trump in 2016, and I absolutely cannot wait to vote for him again in 2020. The President has lived up to every expectation I had of him. He is a change agent. Period. I would love to be able to speak freely about the hope that I have for the future of the country and frankly, the world, because of his policies. Alas, I dare not say anything as I live in a small, uber-liberal college town in Northern Arizona and fear that myself, my children and my business would be negatively impacted if I openly admitted to being a Trump supporter.

I am a 50-year-old married woman. My husband and I have two children, aged 13 and 15. (Do they, perchance, play soccer?!?) I have a bachelor’s degree with two years’ graduate work. We own a small business located in our quaint downtown district. I had been a Republican since my college years but had registered undeclared years ago having lost faith in the Republican party(Thank you George H.W., George W., John and Mitt!) I thought they were just as corrupt as the Democrats. They are both part of the Establishment, and in my opinion, work only for the system that keeps them in charge, instead of the people they are supposed to be working for. I also declared myself an independent because that sounded better to the people that I associated with in my town.

I know some people, even Trump supporters, get dismayed with things Trump says or tweets. I don’t. (Sorry, we still do…and always will, even if he wins a second term!) If Trump wasn’t exactly who he is, he wouldn’t be where he is and we wouldn’t be where we are, on the verge of draining the DC swamp. (Point taken.)

So that is my secret Trump supporter story in a nutshell. I am a Trump supporter. I am not a racist. I am not a homophobe, or any other ‘phobe’ for that matter. I love the USA. I hope and pray Trump wins in November. I wish I could shout it from my rooftop. Maybe I’ll get brave and do it, but probably not.

Take it for what it’s worth, but we’re betting this Arizona soccer mom’s story is shared by countless others like her all across the fruited plains…and even in the Land of Fruits & Nuts.

Meanwhile, as Tucker Carlson relates, Socialists will say anything to advance their self-serving politics:

And as this exchange between Judge Barrett and Senator Kennedy confirms, we MEAN anything:

“Butthead professor” is right, particularly as said Ibram X. Kendi never accused the likes of Sandra Bullock, Madonna, Charlize Theron, Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie of being “white colonizers” or “kidnappers”.

Which is just another way of saying, in the wild, wacky world of Socialism, some animals are more equal than others.

In a related item, the WSJ‘s Editorial Board correctly concludes…

Amy Coney Barrett Should Refuse to Recuse

She’d have a duty to hear election cases if she’s confirmed.


The Senate began confirmation hearings Monday for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and Democrats know they’re unlikely to block her ascension to the Supreme Court. So they’re rolling out a supposed ethics test that if she joins the Court she must recuse herself on cases related to the presidential election.

The claim is that because President Trump nominated Judge Barrett, she has a conflict of interest in judging election cases. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse argues the standard is “whether a reasonable observer could reasonably question her participating in a dispute involving Trump’s reelection.” One thing for sure is that Mr. Whitehouse has no idea what “reasonable” means.

President Trump’s nomination fulfills a constitutional norm, and an election involves official actions. If confirmed, Justice Barrett and her colleagues can assess the merits of any election lawsuit as they would any other case. The questions presented would be legal ones, such as whether a federal judge overstepped his role by ordering state officials to ignore the law and count late ballots.

The recusal push is part of a Democratic election strategy to stir outrage that the GOP is filling an open Supreme Court seat. It has no basis in law or the Court’s traditional practice. Judge Barrett would be shirking her duty if she did recuse, and she can cite as an authority no less an eminence than her old boss, Justice Scalia.

Recusal…recusal…recusal; seems to us a previous cowardly recusal

…cost Trump close to three of his four-year term in office.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these two from Balls Cotton…

…along with this helpful primer on the Founding Fathers’ reasoning behind the Electoral College:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with the Nature Segment, courtesy today of an unfortunate jogger and one ferociously protective feline:

Man stalked by mountain lion on Utah trail

He went for a run, and ended up running for his life


What the quick-thinking Mr. Burgess thought were cats turned out to be kittens…cubs to be precise; which reminds us of one of our favorite Three Stooges bits:

