It’s Wednesday, October 21st, 2020…but before we begin, here’s a meme from Allison Dickey via the lovely Shannon which truly bespeaks what’s at stake on November 3rd:

The very future of the Republic the Founding Fathers bequeathed us; which brings to mind this timeless truth from one of their wisest:

Since we’re on the subject of would-be dictators, if Nancy Pelosi’s nephew has anything to do about it, Californians will never see a vaccine for the Wuhan virus:

TLJ says it’s the same for you poor saps still residing in New York, as Sonny Cuomo seeks to pit the same bureaucracy which oversaw the infection of thousands of the state’s elderly…

Casket outside Brooklyn nursing home filled with 6,500 covers of Cuomo’s book


…against the FDA.  While the Food & Drug Administration certainly has its issues, at least they didn’t order active COVID cases into the nation’s VA facilities.  

As Rahmbo first recommended…and this forward from James Nichols confirms…Progressives will never let the facts get in the way…

…of a good narrative destructive to The Donald.

Hat tip to George Lawlor for the forward from the New York Post.

Speaking of tinhorn tyrants, Kamala Harris admits the anarchy Socialists have sponsored won’t end on November 4th, regardless who wins the White House:

Here’s the juice: Thanks to their usual willingness to inflict long-term harm on the country for short-term gain, Progressives have put themselves in a bit of a pickle.  Having demonized law enforcement and legitimized rioting and arson as accepted forms of political expression, they’re powerless to stop it, at least without angering the most vocal…and violent…element of their base.  And when…


The police, who used to be minutes away when seconds counted, now won’t be coming at all.  Good luck with that, you unlucky urbanites.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, writing at his White House Dossier, Keith Koffler informs us the…

Former White House chief of staff tells friends that Trump ‘is the most flawed person’ he’s ever met


The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life,” the retired Marine general has told friends, CNN has learned.

The reporting comes from a new CNN special scheduled to air Sunday night, “The Insiders: A Warning from Former Trump Officials,” in which former senior administration officials — including former national security adviser John Bolton, former Health and Human Services scientist Rick Bright and former Department of Homeland Security general counsel John Mitnick — explain why they think the President is unfit for office.

Kelly’s sentiments about the President’s transactional nature and dishonesty have been shared by other former members of the Trump administration who also appear in the special…”

(1). We won’t hold our breath waiting for Tapper to ask his guests whether Joe Biden letting payoffs to himself and his family drive the nation’s foreign policy makes the former Vice President unfit for office, particularly in light of the Director of National Intelligence confirming Hunter’s emails are NOT part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

(2). So instead, Kelly would have us elect a lying, plagiarizing, corrupt kleptocrat whose policies would subvert the Constitution and likely usher in a Socialist state when he’s removed from office and replaced by his even more reprehensible Vice President.

Likewise, courtesy of the WSJ via Jeff Foutch, former SEAL William “Craven” McRaven informs us he’s already cast his ballot for Biden, thus going on record in support of (i) single-payer healthcare (for citizens and illegals); (ii) open borders; (iii) the evisceration of the 1st and 2nd Amendments; (iv) the Green New Deal; (v) reparations from those never owned slaves to those who never were (excluding, of course, Kamala Harris, whose ancestors actually owned slaves!); (vi) hyperbolic tax increases; (vii) unrestricted/anytime abortion (including survivors of the procedure); (viii) foreign policy based on payments…

…to the right parties; (ix) the diminishment of America’s Military; (x) the Socialization of Amerika; and (xi) among many others too numerous to mention, granting world hegemony to the ChiComs.

No offense, Admiral: we just want to ensure we’re on the same page.

Sorry, but why do so many otherwise seemingly intelligent people find it so difficult to disconnect Trump’s personality and character from his performance as President?!?  After all, can Trump really be the “most flawed person” Kelly has ever met?  Based on his own words, we can only conclude the former general’s never made the acquaintance of:

– William Jefferson and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former who deflowered an intern in his employ, repeatedly enjoying oral congress in the Oval Office, then, with the latter, ran a cash-for-influence scheme disguised as a charitable foundation, followed by the latter leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi and risking national security with an unsecured private email server. (P.S. It’s worth noting the former, through his utterly misguided decision not to send armored units into Mogadishu, was directly responsible for the sacrifices made by U.S. troops in what became known as Blackhawk Down!)

– Barack Hussein Obama, the first outgoing President ever to conspire to hamstring his successor, deliberately divide the nation with demonstrably false claims of racism…and, among many other sins, also left four Americans to die in Benghazi.

– Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, who oversaw the impeachment of a President they KNEW had committed none of the high crimes and misdemeanors with which he was charged.

– James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, all of who not only lied under oath, but also conspired with Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page (among others) to overturn the results of a lawful election.

– Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, Richard Blumenthal, Maize Hirono and the rest of the despicable Dimocrats who assassinated the character of Brett Kavanaugh and attempted, unsuccessfully, the same with Amy Barrett.

– Every senior Military officer who’s supported through implementation the destructive policies of women in combat and gays/transgenders openly serving in our Armed Forces, policies they KNEW to place our national security at risk.

Yeah, but Donald J. Trump is a bully and a boor…and don’t get me started with his tweets!

Since we’re on the subject of John Kelly and CNN, inquiring minds also have to assume Kelly’s never made the acquaintance of the network’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin:

Evidently not.

In a related item from forwarded by Balls Cotton, Kurt Schlichter tells us…

Conservatism Now Means Defeating the Establishment


Look around you at the smoldering ruins of American society, and it’s clear that you owe our garbage Establishment nothing.

Not loyalty.

Not respect.

Not obedience.


It has failed you. And now it is dead to you.

Tear it all down.

Rip out its rotten foundations.

Burn the poisonous debris.

Rebuild it on a foundation of the Constitution.

There was once a social contract out there that we all thought we all signed on to. You know the outlines of the implicit deal. We agreed to give up certain prerogatives and to provide prestige and prosperity to those people – who became the Establishment – who would run our institutions for us. For example, we outsourced our right to avenge ourselves to the justice system and (except for immediate self-defense) to keep order to the police. We would respect and trust the objective, neutral truthtellers, called “journalists,” who would gather and disseminate the news and information we needed to be active citizens. And, in a formal way under our Constitution, we agreed to give government officials enumerated powers and to be bound by the rules implemented via due process and limited by the Bill of Rights.

It was imperfect, as all human endeavors are, but on the whole it worked.

Until now…”

Next, NRO‘s Rich Lowry records…

The Pollster Who Thinks Trump Is Ahead

The upstart Trafalgar Group doesn’t see 2020 the same way everyone else does.


Gee,…wonder why?!?

Which explains why Dimocrats are relying on their tried and true fallbacks for success on November 3rd, as detailed in this item forwarded by our mother-in-law Ann and penned by our best buddy Mark Tapscott:

New Data Analysis Finds 353 Counties With 1.8 Million More Registered Voters Than Eligible Citizens


Which, prior to Socialist chicanery, memorialized a nautical mnemonic to convert magnetic compass to true, OR a true compass to magnetic, by virtue of the fact, “True virgins make dull companions, add whiskey.”  Or, in the case of TLJ, copious amounts of Ménage à trois, a delightful red blend.

In any event, you can bank on the fact, when a “reporter” has the chance to ask a candidate a tough question, this is the interrogative they pose…

…and he evades the follow-up…

…he’s offering his best imitation of…

Meanwhile, as Keith Koffler notes at his White House Dossier

They saw him, they have his signature

and the computer is filled with his stuff.

And the Biden campaign doesn’t deny it. But let’s wait and see if the story is true!

Yeah…as TLJ is so often wont to say when the facts are against her…whatever!

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed Mach…

…Rick Page…

…Balls Cotton…

And last, but certainly never least, the lovely Shannon:

Finally, we’ll wrap things up with the Miseducation segment, courtesy today of the educated idiots at the San Diego Unified School District:

San Diego Unified changes grading practices to be equitable, less punitive


Starting this school year San Diego Unified will eliminate non-academic factors, such as student behavior, from academic grades, following a unanimous vote by the school board Tuesday to overhaul the district’s grading practices. The changes are partly to address racial and other disparities in current grading practices, officials said.

Experts, teachers and students have said that including non-academic factors into grades and not giving students second chances to learn or make progress can contribute to unfair disparities in grades.

For example, a student may have struggles related to home or other responsibilities that impact their ability to turn in work on time or learn content before a test. Common grading practices such as averaging a student’s grade over time can disadvantage students who started the year behind grade level and can discredit the progress a student has made, experts have said.

With the new policy adopted Tuesday, academic grades will only be about showing progress toward “mastery of standards,” rather than rewarding students for completing a certain quantity of work, according to San Diego Unified’s new grading policy, which will be implemented over this year and next. This approach is called “standards-based grading,” which has been the norm for elementary grades in San Diego Unified for years, said Kisha Borden, president of the teachers union. The changes approved Tuesday will primarily impact middle and high school students.

Students will no longer be docked in their academic grades for turning work in late or other factors related to work habitsThose aspects of student behavior will be judged in a separate citizenship grade.

Rather than getting one chance to get a good grade, students will be given additional chances to revise their work and show improvement“The idea that you can make a mistake and go back and fix it is powerful and allows kids to learn and grow in a more reparative and less punitive environment,” said Amy Wood, a parent at Lewis Middle and Franklin Elementary, during the grading presentation at the school board meeting Tuesday.

Under the new grading policy, when a student is caught cheating, schools must give the student a chance to reflect on what he or she did, repair trust and receive counseling or other helpInstructional Support Officer Nicole DeWitt said the district also is exploring offering “credit/no credit” grades to students with extenuating circumstances. For years, some teachers and experts have pointed to issues with traditional grading practices. Typically grading is often arbitrary and differs widely from one teacher to another.

Poor grades often are cemented into a student’s record without additional chances to revise and show progress or improvement, leaving a negative mark that hurts students’ chances to get into a good college or get other opportunities…”

Way to prepare your students for the harsh realities of life!  Is it any wonder so many Progressives are keen to turn America into another failed Socialist state?  It’s the only way they can cover up the failed products of their horribly counterproductive policies.

