It’s Friday, October 23rd, 2020…but before we begin, here’s a thought: Dimocrats are behind the revelations revealed by Hunter’s laptop and business partner.  Like Hillary before him, they figure Joe’s a lock in the election, but far from the candidate they need or want to push their increasingly radical agenda.  So with the cooperation and connivance of their MSM fellow travelers, they hide the story until after the election, at which point it suddenly becomes news, Biden is either resigns or is impeached, and Kamala Harris ascends to the Oval Office.  And if Socialists sweep the Senate, it’s “Welcome to Amerika!”

This may well have been agreed upon beforehand, with Biden being promised the top of the ticket in exchange for naming Harris as his Veep, with the understanding he steps down for health reasons once he’s inaugurated, and the evidence of family corruption is just insurance in case he reneges on the deal.

Just sayin’.

P.S. If we found RINOs distasteful as a species before…

…we now consider them as contemptible as their Socialist kin.

P.S. TLJ called us in for The Donald’s big chance to pin The Groper to Hunter’s wall, and he completely blew the opportunity.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, in a forward from Jeff Foutch, the New York Post‘s Michael Goodwin relates…

Hunter biz partner confirms email, details Joe Biden’s push to make millions from China


Wait until Scranton hears about this.

One of Joe Biden’s ways of contrasting himself with President Trump has been to declare the election a battle of Park Avenue values vs. Scranton, Pa., values. Now we learn that Biden has secretly been playing footsie with China.

The statement Wednesday night asserting that the former vice president was a willing and eager participant in a family scheme to make millions of dollars by partnering with a shady Chinese Communist firm is a singular event in a presidential race already overflowing with drama and intrigue.

The dynamite assertion, believable because it aligns with earlier information we know to be true, came in a statement by Tony Bobulinski, who describes himself as a former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Joe’s brother Jim in the China scheme. Bobulinski unloads his bill of accusations in blunt but precise language and detail.

He confirms that he was one of the recipients of the May 13, 2017, email published by The Post eight days ago. That email, from another partner in the group, laid out cash and equity positions and mysteriously included a 10 percent set-aside for “the big guy.” Sources have said the “big guy” was Joe Biden. In a matter-of-fact manner, Bobulinski states that the “email is genuine” and that the former vice president and the man leading in the 2020 race is indeed “the big guy.”

That claim alone rips out the heart of nearly everything Joe Biden has ever said about Hunter’s many businesses and Joe’s knowledge of them. His repeated insistence that the two never spoke of the son’s global sources of money didn’t pass the laugh test.

After all, they traveled together to China on Air Force Two, where Hunter landed a $1.5 billion commitment from a government-controlled Chinese bank. Then there was Hunter’s $83,000-a-month gig on the board of a Ukrainian energy company — despite his lack of experience in Ukraine or knowledge of energy.

It was no coincidence that the vice president was the Obama administration’s point man in both countries. Wherever Joe went, Hunter went along, not to do good, but to do well. Very well.

There were similarly lucrative deals in Russia, Romania and ­Kazakhstan — that we know of…”

As usual, we won’t be watching the debate; we frankly cannot stomach listening to any of the three parties involved…four if Trump actually brings Tony Bobulinski to the debate and the former Naval officer ends up being a Trojan horse, which we believe is well within the realm of possibility, and reveals he made the whole story up on national television.  In which case, the unforced error Trump already made by associating himself personally with Bobulinski in any way will have been compounded.

That being said, were we The Donald, we’d walk out on the debate stage with the Post cover under our coat and respond to the Biden shill’s first question, by saying, “We covered that subject in the first debate; let’s talk about something really important”, then pull out the headline, hold it up to the camera and say, “Let’s talk about this!”

He should then follow up by attacking not Joe Biden, but the Biden shill representing the Fourth Estate, pointing out it’s more than curious the same MSM which refuses to cover confirmed claims of Biden family corruption had no such qualms during the Kavanaugh confirmation, publishing every unconfirmed salacious claim it could.  Likewise, for three years, this same MSM ran with the Russian collusion narrative based on a dossier they knew…or certainly should have known…was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

It may well prove to be the only time many Americans ever hear of Biden’s corruption.

In a related item, Best of the Web‘s Jim Freeman correctly concludes NOW the corruption story is about JOE, NOT Hunter, finishing his column by observing…

“…This column takes a back seat to no one in skepticism about the Beltway establishment. But given the documented overseas riches collected by the Biden family, it would be patently unfair to claim that the average Washingtonian is as corrupt as the former vice president.

Since we’re on the subject of corruption in high places, when not otherwise occupied spreading utterly unfounded claims about The Donald having a “secret Chinese bank account, the Dear Misleader has been busily engaged mangling his meaning in front of crowd numbering in the tens…

…while Nancy the Red refuses to consider questions on her candidate’s conduct:

Meanwhile, NRO‘s Brittany Bernstein informs us…

Hunter Biden’s Purported Laptop Connected to FBI Money Laundering Investigation


The FBI subpoenaed a laptop and hard drive allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden in connection with a money laundering investigation, according to a new report. Documents obtained by Fox News show the subpoena was linked to a money laundering investigation in late 2019, though it is unknown whether the investigation is still open or if it directly involves Hunter Biden.

“The FBI cannot open a case without predication, so they believed there was predication for criminal activity,” a government official told Fox News. “This means there was sufficient evidence to believe that there was criminal conduct.”

Given what we know of Hunter Biden, would such criminal conduct really come as a surprise?!?

Turning now to International News of Note, writing at Foreign Policy, Michael Beckley reminds us of one dire consequence of electing a President bought and paid for by Beijing:

China Keeps Inching Closer to Taiwan

The United States needs to get serious about defending the island nation—here’s how.


Were we Taiwanese, we’d either be heavily contributing to Trump…or have made plans to relocate in the event of a Biden victory.

Next, again courtesy of NRO‘s Brittany Bernstein, news has surfaced indicating another carnal camel has gotten its nose under the wall of the Vatican, as…

Pope Francis Calls for Civil Unions for Same-Sex Couples


“…“Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family,” he said in Francesco, a documentary about his life, according to the Catholic News Agency. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”

Francis’ comments, which are likely to be seen by many Catholics as controversial, are reflective of his own views, and not an indication that the church will change its teachings on same-sex relationships…”

Yeah, as long as they’re just his own views; after all, it’s not like the personal beliefs of the Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City and Servant of the Servants of God carry any more weight than the average member of his flock.

The last time we heard such a ridiculous statement come from the Vatican was 1978:

We feel for “the faithful”.

Moving on, courtesy of FOX Business…which once again failed to fact-check the claims in an article before publishing it…another “study” not worth the paper on which is was printed, as we’re falsely informed…

Black homeowners paying $13,464 more on mortgages

Higher interest rates, property taxes and lack of refinancing opportunities are fueling the disparity, a new MIT study suggests


The authors of the study, released this month, attributed higher interest rates, higher property taxes and a lack of refinancing opportunities for the disparity in mortgage buying for Black homeowners. As a result, Black homeowners can expect to pay up to $600 more a year, or a whopping $67,000 over the lifetime of a mortgage in lost retirement savings, the study found.

“In addition to the extra costs from higher mortgage interest rates and mortgage insurance premiums, recent research shows that Black homeowners pay more in property taxes than similarly situated white homeowners,” the authors wrote in the study. Black homeowners face a 13% higher property tax burden compared to White households in the same jurisdiction, according to the study.

What’s more, Black homeowners are subject to paying higher interest rates as a result of allegedly being denied refinancing opportunities, the authors noted, explaining that when the Federal Reserve Board lowers interest rates, Black homeowners pay another $475 per year more than their White counterparts…”

Really?  We’re to believe property taxes are somehow effected by race?!?  And since when is the term “allegedly” included in a fact-based study?!?

Turns out the basis for the disparities featured in this “study” is set forth in the final paragraph of the article:

For historical reasons, Black homeowners on average have lower credit scores and lower down-payments and thus are disproportionately disadvantaged by risk-based pricing, and yet, that is the pricing system that predominates today,” the authors explained.

Ahhh, thus does the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and systemic racism rears its ugly head again, causing Black homeowners to pay more in property taxes than their White neighbors!

But don’t take our word for it; check out the actual “study” for yourself.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then this from TLJ…

…three more from Balls Cotton…

…and another from Speed Mach:

Finally, we’ll call it a week with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of Penn Live via White House Dossier and three Keystone State horndogs, as a… 

State court say PA men who had sex with horses, dogs, goats and a cow need to stay caged


“…All three men lived in rundown campers on a farm near Munson and the animals they sexually abused were their own. That abuse occurred for four or five years, police said. It was uncovered when the teen they had help them reported it to the authorities in 2018.

Investigators said the teen told them he would be summoned to retrieve the animals and take them to a specially designed chute where the men would have intercourse with them.

On appeal, Measnikoff, 36, Brubaker, 32, and Wallace, 42, claimed they were sentenced too harshly by county Judge Paul E. Cherry. They insisted Cherry only considered the nature and duration on their crimes and their involvement of the teen and not their needs for rehabilitation. [Judge] Bender agreed with Cherry that the three are where they need to be to get treatment for the mental abnormalities that led to their crimes…”

As Keith Koffler observed, any request from this trio for a therapy animal of any kind should be viewed with significant suspicion!

