It’s Friday, November 6th, 2020…but before we begin, allow us to offer, in honor of the great Thomas Sowell, a few random thoughts on the passing scene.

1. Martha McSally: Why do Republicans continue to run proven losers?!? (Trust us, we could have added several more question and exclamation marks!!!)  Forgetting for the moment she’s an A-10 driver who constantly misrepresents herself as a fighter jock, as we wondered back when she was appointed to fill the remainder of John McCain’s term after the initial replacement, Jon Kyl, resigned

…having just lost to a bisexual former member of the Green Party after running what was at best a lackluster campaign, why on earth would you appoint a candidate with a history of losing to a Senate seat she’ll likely give up in the next election?  Was there no oneanyone…male or female, gay or straight, Black, White, Brown, Yellow or Red, with the solid Conservative record and charisma to win reelection?!? 

2. Donald Trump: We’ve never viewed The Donald as anything more than a bulwark against what The Left had to offer.  Note: We could have said The Far Left, but the two are indistinguishable, as the existence of moderate Dimocrats is a myth.  They moderate only when necessary to ensure they can continue to suck off the public teat.  But we digress.

After all, Trump has always been a two-edged sword: a continual liability (see “Tweets, The Donald“) while at same time, particularly if you consider the first Supreme Court with a Constitutionalist majority in living memory of value, an incredible asset.  Still, we find ourselves wishing, as the Washington Examiner‘s Tim Carney opines, Trump could, at least on important occasions, summon his inner Pence.

Unfortunately, English being a second language to the man, one might as well ask him to outrun Usain Bolt in the 100.  Though we’ve no doubt, if you asked him, he’d assure you he could.

3. Tucker Carlson: We know there’s a lot going on, but are we the only one wondering what happened to those damning documents he received about Hunter?  Boys and girls, can you say…

…”Geraldo Rivera” and “Al Capone’s Vault”?  We knew you could!

Now, owing to us suffering mild symptoms of battle fatigue, here’s a somewhat short and sweet installment of The Gouge!

First up, in a picture worth far more than a mere thousand words, Rich Terrell reveals the truth behind the nation’s boarded-up storefronts:

Next, courtesy of James Nichols, Candace Owens reports the tiniest tip of what we all know to be the inestimable iceberg of Progressive electoral fraud.

Since we’re on the subject of rampant voter fraud, courtesy of RedState via the lovely Shannon, Scott Hounsell politely requests…

Excuse Me While I Call BS


“…The point is thisOne or two statistically impossible outcomes is theoretical. In this election, Democrats with a sub 40% enthusiasm level for their candidate, were able to erase gains in states Trump won, erase registration advantages, turnout record voters, and beat their 2016 turnouts by 20 and 30%? It doesn’t add upI get people being mad at Trump.  Give Dems a 3 or 4 point uptick in their 2016 numbers.  10 and 12 points?  NopeI call BS.

It’s worth reading Hounsell’s analysis in full, as he goes into statistical detail as to why the reported outcomes in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Arizona don’t pass the…

…smell test.

And though this commentary from NRO‘s Andy McCarthy may not offer what you’d like to read, he at least provides an expert opinion as to what you might expect:

When Vote Fraud Is Claimed, Question Always Is: Did It Make a Difference?


On the matter of vote fraud, there is law and there are facts. We’ll hear plenty about fraud, but we’ll have to remind ourselves to ask: Did it make a difference? Even if the Trump campaign has potential claims in law, they would collapse if, as a matter of fact, they would not affect the outcome of the race.

Pennsylvania, which I’ve discussed extensively over the last three weeks, is a good example.

The point is that we must keep ourselves grounded in concrete fact in the coming days, as we listen to allegations that courts or bureaucrats lawlessly overrode the state legislatures’ power to set election rules, and of potential or actual fraud. Our first question should always be: “Even if everything you claim is true, would it have changed the outcome?” If the answer is no, that’s really the end of the matter, even if what a court did was illegal and even if there was some provable fraud.

This admittedly doesn’t satisfy our urge to see the manifestly guilty subject to the harshest possible punishment…including Joe and Kamala burn for eternity in the fires of Hell…but we’ve never known McCarthy to offer anything other than the facts as he knows them.  While vouching for the latter, we’ll leave the former to the The Almighty.

In a related item, one we SHOULD have been able to include as yet another sordid story straight from The Crime Blotter, we learn of an… 

Entire Southwest Airlines flight forced to deplane in Nashville after passenger refuses to wear mask


“…The female passenger boarded the 9:20 a.m. flight to Las Vegas, where she was reportedly asked to wear a mask, but she refused. The plane returned to the gate and officers were called to the scene to deal with the passenger. The woman also would not follow instructions to leave the plane, which forced all passengers to [be] deplaned so they could escort her off, the Tennessean reported.

The woman was taken to the Southwest gate for a ticket refund and then taken to a non-secure side of the airport, the outlet shared. She was not arrested…”

Which begs the question why WASN’T she arrested?!?  She refused to follow the lawful instructions of a flight attendant, which is a federal crime.  Yet the subject in question not only was not arrested, but given a refund on her ticket. 

It’s the “broken windows” explanation of the relationship between urban decay and crime taking wing.  Existing laws, which specify significant penalties for interfering with a flight attendant, are rarely if ever enforced; consequently, flying felons continue to disrupt the travel plans of law-abiding passengers with impunity.  Now, what do you think the impact on the frequency of airborne interference with a flight attendant would be had this horrid harpy been arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to five years in prison and fined $50,000.  Okay, the question was rhetorical.

The same holds true, and this is our point, for those engaged in electoral hijinks.  As we see it, perpetrating voter fraud is an assault on the very heart of our constitutional Republic, and thus should be considered akin to treason.  Yet, when was the last time anyone served time for what is in fact a commonplace crimeArrested?  Certainly.  Tried?  Sometimes.  Convicted?  Occasionally.  Incarcerated?  Rarely, if ever!

And such incredibly illicit activities won’t cease until one of two things happens: the Dimocratic Party dissolves, or a punishment commensurate with the crime…twenty years minimum…is consistently enforced.

Which brings us to our final item, Jim Geraghty’s first post-election edition of his Morning Jolt:

No Clear Winner Yet

Twelve Big Lessons from Last Night and This Morning


We don’t have a declared winner in the presidential race as of this writing, but last night taught us a lot.  Wow. As of this writing, we don’t have a clear president-elect. You would probably rather be in Joe Biden’s position than President Trump’s position at this hour…but Biden doesn’t have it locked up. Here are twelve things we know already…”

Spoiler alert: none of them are good for the Dimocrats.

Here’s the juice: Sure, we’d all like to see The Donald take the Oath of Office a second time as the head of every Socialist explodes

…in a symphony of sight and sound.  But there’s a silver lining in even this darkest cloud of defeat.  We still have the Senate, which means President Harris and her very short-term predecessor can only enact their agenda via executive fiat, which means said orders can be appealed to a Supreme Court with a solid Constitutionalist majority.  For example, while Joe and the Ho may be able to prohibit future fracking and drilling activity offshore and on federal lands via the EPA, such limitations will be reversed by President Pence after January 20, 2025.  In other words, we’re in better shape than when The Dear Misleader was elected in 2008!

Also remember, as Daniel Francis reminded us, contrary to the common wisdom…and the MSM narrative…Biden and Harris are bought and paid for by Wall Street and Silicon Valley, thus their sponsors will be wholly opposed to policies which might undermine their net worths.

And four years of America experiencing, if only via executive orders, what Kamala Harris and the Dimocratic Party are all about, is sure to make Pence in 2024 a lock.  The fact much of the country could use a break from “The Donald 24/7” is simply an added bonus.  Put another way…

So take heart, dear ones: the dark’s always deepest right before the dawn.  And we have the Light of the World in our corner.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…along with a couple from Brendan Clark…

…one from the lovely Shannon…

…and last, but in no way least, this one from our sister-in-law Jackie:

Now, we aren’t saying either Biden or Harris is Satan, just that they’re both in his employ.

We’ll leave the last word of the week to Dan Aykroyd’s character in Samurai Night Fever:

In the meantime, keep the faith!

