It’s Monday, November 9th, 2020…but before we begin, again in honor of the great Thomas Sowell, we offer a number of new random thoughts on the passing scene, starting with…

(1). How is it each and every time there’s a delayed ballot count or “computer glitch“, the votes involved always favor the candidate with a (D) after their name?

(2). Trump may stretch the truth at times, and even on occasion utter some outright whoppers.  But, for the better part of four decades, Joe Biden has not only repeatedly proven himself to be a liar, but completely corrupt.

(4). We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: we’ve never been a fan of The Donald as a person, but he has to finish this fight, or the bastages will pull the same stuff on January 5th in Georgia, and nationwide in November 2024. 

(4). If the Dimocrats steal Republican Kelly Loeffler’s Senate seat in the January 5th run-off in Georgia, GOP Congressman Doug Collins should be drawn, quartered and his ugly mug stuck on a pike to discourage such narcissistic stupidity in the future.

(5). Other than Tucker, who we’ll continue to catch via clips on YouTube, we’re finished with FOX News.

If we want to hear Progressive propaganda, we’ll tune in to CNN, MSDNC or NPR, aka Radio Managua. 

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We lead off the first edition of the week with this report from NRO:

Trump Campaign Refuses to Concede as Networks Call Election for Joe Biden


Wow!  You mean the same networks who refused to cover the story of Hunter’s laptop…failed to reveal the truth behind the Steele Dossier…etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam, ad infinitum?!?

Two thoughts immediately come to mind: first, Balls Cotton forwarded this…

Second, it hasn’t even been a week since the election, and despite clear evidence of voter fraud in every contested state and The Donald not yet having availed himself of his legal remedies, Trump is being pilloried in the press for not conceding

…with numerous “news” reports suggesting his refusal was somehow putting pressure on Republicans.  Seriously?  Other than Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, not a single GOP Congressman or Senator will face voters for another two years, which is the only kind of pressure we understand politicians ever feel.  And neither Loeffler or Perdue, both of who are facing a run-off election on January 5th, will be likely to risk offending the Trump base at this point.  Not to mention The Donald hasn’t said he won’t concede, only that he’s not prepared to do so at this time.

More importantly, Al Gore didn’t concede the 2000 election until December 13th, yet we don’t remember a single MSM reporter, news anchor or cable talking head once suggesting Gore was somehow acting the sore loser, let alone outside the law.

As this editorial from the New York Sun via the lovely Shannon observes…

Congratulations are in order for Vice President Biden on the decision of the big news agencies and broadcast networks to declare him president-electand on his vow to be president of all Americans. Yet if his heart is really in that vow, it strikes us as a mistake to embrace the honorific of president-elect before a concession by Mr. Trump or even a single state certification of the vote. Particularly since the vote’s integrity is being challenged.

The better way for Mr. Biden to have handled this situation, however awkward, would have been to thank the networks for their support and for calling the election for him — but then to remind them, and the American people, that the result has yet to be certified. And to say that out of respect for both the president and the presidency, he’d prefer to wait until the electoral college and the courts have disposed of any challenges.

That would have been the sort of unifying gesture that we would have expected from a man confident of his victory. And of a leader genuinely committed, as Mr. Biden claims he is, to healing the country. It’s an enormous thing that Mr. Biden has won (supposedly) the largest popular vote in history. Why try, then, to preempt the electoral due process for, in President Trump, the winner of the second largest popular vote in our history?…”

Since we’re on the subject of frauds, writing at American Thinker, J.B. Shurk suggests, accurately in our opinion… 

Democrat vote fraud is real, and Republicans must begin fighting back


Primarily because, as The Red Elephants record…

There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen


According to CBS News, President Trump does not plan to concede in the event that the media declares Joe Biden the winner of the election, and elected the 46th president of the United States. The Trump campaign and its top advisers called for multiple lawsuits on the grounds that the ongoing vote count would result in tallying illegally cast ballots.

The lawsuits will amount to an aggressive effort to highlight anomalies, statistical impossibilities, or other perceived problems that could affect vote counts before a final presidential winner is declared.

Many reporters at press conferences that took place in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan on Thursday asked his political appointees and supporters for evidence of the wide-scale problems they alleged occurred. (The same “reporters” who refused to ask Biden about or report on his son Hunter’s laptop!) If it is just the mathematical evidence Americans are looking for, there is endless evidence. Here are just the facts…”

Think about it:

Here’s the WSJ’s Kimberly Strassel’s take on the subject, along with a related string of her tweets featured by Matt Vespa at

Next up, NRO‘s David Harsanyi details why…

This Is Biden’s Worst-Case Scenario for a Presidency

If he wins, he faces the prospect of gridlock — and howls from the socialists over any attempt at bipartisan negotiations.


Let’s just say this wasn’t the repudiation the Left was looking for. If Joe Biden wins the presidency, he will have beaten one of the most eccentric and flawed candidates in American history, and then only during a once-in-a-century pandemic and a massive economic contraction. It’s unlikely Donald Trump loses this election without coronavirus. I’m not sure he loses this election if he had a good first debate.

...Trump antagonists were contemplating a filibuster-proof Senate and enduring Democratic Party majorities as recently as last week. Yet it was Democrats who lost ground in numerous important ways. We were subject to a political environment obsessed with race and identity politics, and Republicans still made inroads with Latino and black voters in states such as Texas, Florida, and elsewhere. The most dramatic example can be found in Zapata County, the second-most-populous Hispanic county by percentage in the United States. Obama won it by 43 points in 2012. Hillary won it by 33 points in 2016. Biden lost by 5 points. (Imagine what President Harris will lose it by in 2024!)

And now, Democrats might not have Trump to kick around, but they could have ownership of a vision-less, gaffe-generating president whose best political attribute was not being the Trotskyite in the Democratic Party primaries. (Though he did select her as his running mate!) To find less enthusiasm for a presidential candidate, you’d probably have to go back to Bob Dole. This, even though Biden was largely sequestered from the public. The media will continue to coddle him, but there would still be a bunch of outrageous promises for him to keep — such as his pledge to stop COVID while keeping the economy growing at the same time.

Joe’s luck has turned. Trump, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton all came into office with majorities in both the Senate and House, as well as a honeymoon. All of them — yes, even Trump — were far more talented and charismatic than Biden. In those days, moderates still roamed the halls of Congress. Even George W. Bush was able to pass a big education bill (unfortunately). Right now, the prospects of Republicans holding the Senate are high. Even if the GOP loses run-offs in Georgia, a thin majority makes any big reform improbable. One now wonders if such reforms would even get out of the House, where Democrats now have one of the slimmest majorities of any party in decades. And what will the House look like in the future? Most pollsters were predicting a Blue Wave would give Democrats control of a number of Republican statehouses and thus redistricting. As of this writing, Democrats have flipped none.

After a possible COVID-relief and, maybe, an infrastructure bill, Biden would face the prospect of gridlock. There will be no Green New Deal hiking energy prices and destroying personal freedom. There will be no Court-packing. No state programs funding late-term abortions. There will be no single-payer socialized medicine. No gun bans. No big tax hikes. There will be no big progressive reforms. It’s also difficult to see Biden replacing a “conservative” Supreme Court justice. Not in the foreseeable future.

And any attempt on Biden’s part to engage in bipartisan negotiations with Republicans to boost his fortunes would almost certainly be met by immediate condemnation from the growing socialist faction that Democrats embraced during the Resistance years. The socialists won’t go away. And middle-class Latinos in Florida and Texas will keep hearing from them…”

In a related item,‘s Guy Benson weighs in on…

The ‘Blue Wave’ That Wasn’t


Cowabunga, you despicable douche nozzles.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, there’s the likely explanation for Biden’s vote total brought to us by Brenda Berry…

…as well as three more from Balls Cotton…

…along with this one, with which we’ll call it a wrap:

Along with Joe Biden and the ho…er, horse…he rode in on!

