It’s Friday, February 12th, 2021…but before we begin, Iowa’s Chuck Grassley lends some Midwest wisdom and common sense to a policy only power-hungry Progressives could promote:

By the way, we can’t put a finger on the precise date Peggy Noonan went around the bend, but given her latest at the Journal, there’s no doubt she’s fully immersed in the culture of The Swamp, likely occupying the lily pad adjacent to John Roberts.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this LATE-BREAKING NEWS ALERT:

Cuomo aide told NY Democrats administration hid nursing home data to keep it from Trump DOJ

Melissa DeRosa, secretary to the governor, told leading Empire State Democrats Cuomo feared the data could “be used against us” by the Justice Department 


Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy wonders…

What Happened to Officer Sicknick?

Democratic impeachment managers have a duty to explain how Officer Sicknick died.


In its article of impeachment, the Democrat-controlled House alleged that former president Donald Trump, by his “incitement of insurrection,” was responsible for murder. That is an essential rationale for impeaching Trump. It is the most serious accusation that has been leveled. The impeachment article states that, incited by Trump to storm the Capitol and “fight like hell,” Trump supporters “injured and killed law enforcement personnel,” among other heinous acts.

The accusation about killing law-enforcement personnel refers, of course, to Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick, who was pronounced dead on the night of January 7, more than 24 hours after the siege on the Capitol had ended.

Adding to the serious but vague accusation in the impeachment article, the Democratic House impeachment managers, who are the prosecutors in the Senate trial, elaborated in their publicly filed pretrial memo (at p. 28): “The insurrectionists killed a Capitol Police officer by striking him in the head with a fire extinguisher.”

It is noteworthy that the Democrats’ pretrial memo was filed on February 2, nearly four weeks after Officer Sicknick’s death. Yet, during those four weeks, significant questions about the impeachment managers’ murder allegation have arisen. It has been a bedrock principle of American due process for over half a century that if prosecutors are aware of evidence that would tend to show an allegation they made is false, inaccurate, or at least incapable of being proved, they have an obligation to disclose that fact to the accused.

So what is the Democrats’ proof that Trump supporters murdered Officer Sicknick by bashing him over the head with a fire extinguisher?…”

One thing’s for certain: THIS…

ain’t it, so it’s highly likely whatever proof they claim to possess comes from the same source as Adam Schiff’s evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia.  Meanwhile, federal investigators are looking into whether bear spray might have caused Brian Sicknick’s death.  We guess when the coroner finds no evidence of blunt force trauma you have to pursue an alternative cause of death, the MSM’s reporting to the contrary notwithstanding.

Next, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel records…

Joe Biden’s Covid Schooling

Rather than reopen classrooms, the new president coasts on his predecessor’s work.


Handling a pandemic is hard work. Lucky for Joe Biden, he’s discovering his predecessor did most of the heavy lifting.

Mr. Biden ran on two big promises. One was national unity, which he has redefined as Republicans agreeing to his agenda. The other was to “get control of the virus that’s ruined so many lives”—enabled, he says, by the Trump administration and “the worst performance of any nation on earth.” He would do this by “finally” imposing “a plan” to get the economy running, schools open, vaccines distributed.

The new administration has spent every minute talking coronavirus. Yet 90% of its energy has gone to trashing its predecessor and resetting expectations, not to any sweeping policy change. Logistically, it would seem Mr. Biden inherited a fine plan after all. In the few areas where he might actually force improvement—notably reopening schools—the president has whiffed…”

Joe Biden couldn’t hit a pitch from Barack Obama with a tennis racket.  His takeaway from his purported two-hour (as he could remain awake that long) conversation with Xi Jinping

If we don’t get moving, they’re going to eat our lunch. They have major, major new initiatives on rail, they already have rail that goes 325 miles per hour with ease. They are working very hard to do what I think we’re gonna have to do.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, according to 46*, the biggest threat China poses to the United States is its development of high-speed rail.  Then again, considering it almost bankrupted California, America’s closest equivalent to a Communist dictatorship, perhaps the ChiCom’s pursuit of high-speed rail is a good thing.

Moving on, we offer a selection of articles and commentaries inquiring minds will likely appreciate:

(1). In a forward from George Lawlor, Threadreader‘s Emily Burns echoes what many like ourselves have been saying since the outset: the Wuhan virus has been deliberately politicized, and the lockdowns aren’t intended to control COVID, but rather meant to control YOU

(2). Just when you thought you’d heard it all, turns out you hadn’t, as, unbelievably, the once-Golden State just updated its vaccine rollout to include medicinal cannabis workers in some of the highest prioritization tiers.

 (3). In a related item of Liberal lunacy also courtesy of George Lawlor, as The Federalist informs us, immediately on the heels of the WHO colluding…er,…concluding the ChiComs couldn’t be the source of the Wuhan virus…that came from Wuhan…which is in CHINA

 …a member of the Groper Group suggests 46* is considering domestic travel restrictions for red states such as Florida while catching and releasing untested illegal aliens into the heartland.

(4). If we hadn’t stopped watching professional basketball well over a decade ago, Mark Cuban’s latest act of cowardice would certainly have made the decision for us.  We are shocked, in a state like Texas, anyone would actually watch the Mavs.  Sure, the NBA, in a rare display of sanity…NOT patriotism…in professional sports overruled Cuban, but we trust Texans remember it’s the thought that counts!

(5). There cannot be any political motivation behind the new Dimocratic prosecutor in Fulton County, GA opening a criminal investigation into The Donald’s ill-advised phone call in which he pressured Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to change the election outcome. 

(6). Here’s a real shocker: In a city with one of the highest homicide rates in the country, over the last two years, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was on out-of-town travel 20% OF THE TIME.  Then again, can you blame her?!?

(7). If TLJ brings anything home from Pearl Milling Company, it’s going right back to the store…or straight into the trash.

Here’s the juice, courtesy of Balls Cotton:

This Jordan Peterson illustration has never been more relevant than in today’s Cancel Culture, not as regards the successful or famous, but everyday Conservatives with a voice…like us:

And in the EnvironMental Moment, brought to us today by another forward from George Lawlor, Issues & Insight records how the…

Global Warming Alarmists Keep Letting Their Masks Slip, Reveal Their True Motivations


Give the green shirts long enough and they will reveal their true intentions. This happened most recently when a Massachusetts official said “we have to break” the will of the average person to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It’s another in a long line of admissions made by the climatistas – thank you, Steven Hayward, for adding that descriptive term to our lexicon – that inadvertently exposes their authoritarian urges.

Ranting last month before the Vermont Climate Council, David Ismay, Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker’s undersecretary for climate change, said that “60% of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles,” produced by people on “the street” and seniors on fixed incomes.

“There is no bad guy left,” he continued, “at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, turn the screws on, and break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you, we have to break your will.”

He then added “I can’t even say that publicly.” Which itself says a lot.

Baker appeared to be unhappy with the comments and indicated that Ismay was going to get what we hope, but cannot assume, will be a stern a lecture from another administration official. But no one can, as lawyers like to say, unring that bell. Ismay’s comments are out there, and they disclose more than the alarmists want known.

They hope to push through their agenda behind a wall of deception that is fueled by much of the media, activist researchers, unelected officeholders, and probably every Democrat in this country and their leftist counterparts in the rest of the West.

Yet at unguarded moments, global warming warriors have told us what’s behind the climate scare.. Christiana Figueres, one-time executive secretary of United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the climate activists’ agenda is not to protect the environment but to pull down capitalism. In 2015, she said the task ahead was “to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Even though Joe Biden’s climate czar John Kerry has admitted that “we could go to zero (CO2 emissions) tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved,” there remains a manic, economically destructive urgency to “do something.” Why? Apparently we have to “break the will of the people” because, well, just because.

We hope the West, if not the world, soon sees the alarmists for what they are: Charlatans and hacks who cover up their pursuit of political and personal agendas with an ornamental layer of environmentalism. It’s no overstatement to say they pose a danger to us all.

In a related item, this graphic from AEI via Balls Cotton demonstrates why, given the facts…

…the purported goals of the Environazis can never be taken as anything but an attempt to disrupt the nation’s economy…or a very poor attempt at humor. 

Which brings us, however inappropriately, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Ed Hickey…

…four more from Balls Cotton…

…two from James Patrick…

…along with one each from Speed…

…and Geoff G…

…as well as two from the lovely Shannon:

And last, but certainly not least, Brenda Berry reveals the real reason behind Biden’s war on women athletes:


Video of the Day

Part 2 in John Stossel’s exposé of the 5 myths of Socialism, and all the evils this twisted ideology entails.

Tales of The Darkside

Just to prove those ignorant of history are just plain ignorant, only Manhattan’s elite could fail to recognize the guy who signed in as C.E. Yeager.

On the Brighter Side

Courtesy of Rick Page, a bit of history which deserves to be remembered.
