It’s Monday, February 15th, 2021…but before beginning, since the intelligence level of your average Liberal recommends them for communication by picture, we present…


Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, another energy-related item courtesy of Speed, as The Dallas Morning News reports…

State power grid warns of rotating outages if electricity demand overwhelms supply

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas emphasized the need for people to reduce energy use.


The state’s power grid could take the rare step of rotating power outages statewide as early as Sunday night and will do so Monday and Tuesday, if demand outpaces supply as expected because of the bitter cold, officials said Sunday afternoon.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid, emphasized Texans should reduce energy consumption as temperatures dropped. The grid could reach unprecedented winter level demands, said Dan Woodfin, ERCOT’s senior director of system operations.

Demand is one of the issues facing the power grid, but the cold is causing other problems, too. Electric generators are vying for natural gas as people turn to that fuel for heating. Icy conditions also knocked out almost half of the state’s wind power generation capacity as wind turbines froze across the state, Goodfin added.

“Due to this high demand and reduced resource availability…we could be in emergency operations as early as tonight and we would expect to be in emergency operations tomorrow through at least Tuesday morning,” Woodfin said…”

Granted, given the photo above, were we a Texican (we wish!), we’d have to confess…

And past temperature extremes have resulted in rotating power outages as recently as 2011.  But Texas is one of the few states in the Union which is…or SHOULD be…energy independent owing to its huge reserves of fossil fuels.  Yet the powers-that-be have somehow limited generating capacity and made the Lone Star state dependent upon the vagaries of renewable energy sources.

Further proof, as if any were needed, Ronaldus Maximus was dead-on, balls accurate in his observation government isn’t the solution, government is the problem.

Next, courtesy of, we’re with Derek Hunter as he frankly confesses…

I Couldn’t Care Less About Democrats


You want to play poker with a Democrat, because you can always count on them to overplay every single hand they’re dealt. It’s like a compulsion – whatever they have, you can count on them to exaggerate or freak out and blow it up into something more than it is, no matter what it is. After four years for Democrat pearl-clutching over every Trump tweet, I’ve become pretty numb to the left-wing outrage machine. With this second impeachment, AFTER Trump has left office, I’ve lost all interest in not only what Democrats are whining about now, but in anything and everything Democrats do, say, or want.

Watching the opening arguments over whether or not the Senate has any constitutional power to hold an impeachment trial of a former president, I was overwhelmed with a sincere sense of not giving a damn. I was as disgusted as anyone by the events of January 6th; I worked in that building and absolutely love it. I still get the same chills I got seeing the Capitol Dome in the distance I got when I started working in D.C. back in 2001, and am of the firm belief that if anyone loses that sense of wonder and awe at seeing it, they should leave the city immediately and find another line of work.

Seeing it trashed was, to put it mildly, aggravating. And I know that was an opinion shared by the majority of Americans. But…”

Trust us, like Brenda in the LL Cool J video, Derek’s got a BIG ole but!

Turning from buts to Balls, courtesy of Mr. Cotton and American Thinker, one Andrea Widburg records…

Our United States Navy is now a woke institution


One of Obama’s most consequential acts was to purge the Pentagon of leaders who did not subscribe to a woke, leftist philosophy. For more than a decade, the military has been at least as dedicated to implementing social justice principles as it has been to achieving military readiness. The latest manifestation of this trend is the Final Report from Task Force One Navy (TF1N), the goal of which is to “embrac[e] Inclusion and Diversity.”

For decades, the American military has been a splendidly operating merit-based institution that revolved around a shared commitment to the mission – defending America. With a woke Pentagon in charge and an anti-American, leftist administration calling the shots, the Navy’s TF1N Final Report indicates that the new Navy will emphasize racial and sex divisions, implement quotas, and elevate “lived truths,” “feelings,” and subjective claims of systemic racism over military readiness.

Yeah,…John Paul Jones must be rolling over in his crypt.  Heaven help us in the event of war with the ChiComs.  Or, perhaps more accurately, Heaven help Taiwan, Japan and the rest of Southeast Asia.

Moving on, we offer the following articles which should prove of interest to inquiring minds:

(1). As the Journal notes, Mike Pence is likely suffering symptoms of acute whiplash after Dimocrats sang his praises as a man who “showed us what it means to be an American”, a man of courage “who upholds his oath, his faith, his duty and most of all upholds the Constitution.”  No worries: the moment it appears he’s running for President he’ll be the same old religious zealot and bigot he was under The Donald.

(2). Via White House DossierFOX Business informs us gas hit its highest price in 12 months after Progressive celebrities pressured Biden to cancel more pipelines, while a Gas Buddy analyst warns, “prices are likely to continue rising in the weeks and months ahead.

(3). In another sign power-hungry Progressives don’t understand the public no longer trusts a word they say or write, 46* says Americans will be wearing masks through next year , while Reuters quotes one Sharon Peacock, director of the COVID-19 Genomics UK consortium, as stating, “I think, looking in the future, we’re going to be doing this for years. We’re still going to be doing this 10 years down the line in my view.”  Yeah, Sharon: you and the horse you rode in on, but not the rest of us.

(4). Though the inflammatory headline reads Zinc, Vitamin C Have No Impact on Coronavirus Symptoms, that’s not really the issue, as, in deliberately understated fashion, the story ultimately reveals what most of us already knew: both zinc and Vitamin C are known to boost the body’s immune systems.

(5). And just when you thought Progressives couldn’t get any crazier, this forward from George Lawlor proves you wrong, relating the Oregon Department of Education is “encouraging” teachers to register for training “recommmending” “ethnomathematics”, which argues, among other things, White supremacy manifests itself in a focus on finding the right answer. After all, why would you want the math to be right?!?

Oh,…yeah.  “Part of the toolkit includes a list of ways “white supremacy culture” allegedly “infiltrates math classrooms.” Those include “the focus is on getting the ‘right’ answer,” students being “required to ‘show their work,'” and other alleged manifestations”.  Which are important to note, as systemic racism and White supremacism is everywhere!

(6). Meanwhile, the lies out of the Groper Administration continue, as a Biden press aide was suspended after reports surfaced he threatened and demeaned a female reporter, and the White House came under fire for a ‘slap on the wrist’ despite 46* previously and publicly swearing he would FIRE every and any appointee who disrespected their colleagues.  The aide in question, one T.J. Ducklo, graciously spared his boss further embarrassment…and any additional broken promises…by resigning.  Which means he was instantly hired by some big-money Dimocratic donor or corporation…at a significantly higher salary.  And no, we haven’t researched it, but we’ve no doubt it’s nonetheless true.

(7). NRO‘s Andy McCarthy highlights how the Dimocrats squandered their impeachment-trial moment, as even he was left wondering: Where were the details of Trump’s actions while the riot raged, and where was the evidence to support their specific charge of incitement?

It’s worth noting the Journal’s take on Trump’s acquittal:

“…it’s difficult to think Mr. Trump ever envisioned what followed: that instead of merely making a boisterous display, the crowd would riot, assault the police, invade the building, send lawmakers fleeing with gas masks, trash legislative offices, and leave in its wake a dead Capitol officer.

Which provides the perfect segue into…

(8). As, when confronted with clear evidence his death WAS MANIFESTLY NOT the result of blunt force trauma of any kind, The New York Times quietly retracted its claim Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick suffered death by fire extinguisher.  We find it more than passing curious the Journal felt the shooting of an unarmed Ashli Babbitt by one of Sicknick’s colleagues didn’t merit mention.  Or that The Slimes didn’t retract it’s anonymously-sourced, inaccurate assertion until after Trump was acquitted on charges he was directly responsible for Sicknick’s death by said fire extinguisher.  

(9). So much for science, as, despite the CDC urging schools to reopen ‘as soon as possible’, saying COVID risks CAN BE MITIGATED, the leaders of the Party of Science and its biggest contributor still refuse to force teachers back into the classroom.

(10). Immediately after forcing it to clear Beijing of any responsibility for loosing the Wuhan virus, China refuses to provide the WHO raw data on early COVID-19 cases, as officials withhold personalized information on patients that could help determine pandemic’s origins.  In other words, after getting Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (He’s a PhD, NOT an MD) to clear them without any real evidence of their innocence, the ChiComs refused to provide the very information which would incriminate them.  Reminds us of the MSM’s relationship with the Clinton, Obama and Biden crime families.

(11). Sorry, but are we the only one totally disinterested in reading or listening to the self-absorbed Ashley Judd describe the circumstances of breaking her leg while walking at night in the Congolese rain forest?  Seriously, will someone please tell Ashley the majority of people on the planet don’t have easy access to pain killers or hospitals should they suffer an injury while walking through the rain forest at night…which is why they generally don’t walk in the rain forest at night!!!  C’mon, man, only an utter idiot would walk in the rain forest at night, as there are snakes and other VERY deadly creatures out and about.

Besides, as our missionary brother Rob, PhD in Anthropology, who lived in Cameroon and Togo for 12 months, what was then northeastern Zaire for 6 years and later Kenya for some 12 said, only witches walk the rain forest at night, at least according to native beliefs.  As Rob suggested, while this a story just begging for an enterprising young reporter’s investigation, it will likely get as much attention as Sonny Cuomo’s cover-up of his slaughter of New York’s elderly.

Here’s the juice: For Ashely’s edification…and education…we should also note Rob tore his ACL while playing volleyball in Cameroon.  He somehow managed the discomfort without ready access to pain medication or proper medical diagnostic equipment.

Upon his return to the States some eighteen months later on furlough, his knee was damaged to the point he underwent major surgery requiring rods to be inserted above and below his knee for stabilization after his procedure.

Needless to say, his recovery was both lengthy and painful, primarily because, while in Africa, he too lacked Ms. Judd’s insurance.  So much for WHITE privilege versus WEALTH privilege.

(12). CONFLICT ALERT: As the New York Post recently posted, Audrey Strauss, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is the mother-in-law of Melissa DeRosa, the Cuomo aide who admitted to the nursing home cover-up.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this string from Ed Hickey…

…another series from Balls Cotton…

…along with two from Mark Foster…

…and Speed…

…as well as some geriatric humor from Rick Page we appreciate more with every passing day:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with this Greg Gutfeld video via James Nichols revealing what Jen Psaki’s like when she’s NOT atop the podium:


Video of the Day

Tucker weighs in on two breaking stories: Sonny Cuomo’s COVID cover-up and the Lincoln Project’s disintegration. It’s a bit lengthy, but WELL worth your time, as he provides a number of details the MSM will never reveal.

Tales of The Darkside

This clip of Adams interceding in an argument between Jefferson and Hamilton underscores the inherent friction which today threatens to AGAIN tear our nation apart.

On the Lighter Side

James Nichols forwarded this satirical yet accurate assessment of the REAL interest in the heart of most NeverTrumpers.
