It’s Monday, March 8th, 2021…but before beginning, we present another bit of U.S. Navy history worth remembering, in this case…

Cat on a Cold Steel Dive Plane

With morale on board his nuclear-powered submarine way down, the skipper of the Finback came up with a novel-but risque-solution. The ten minutes of gyrating that followed has gone down in modern U.S. Navy infamy (?!?).


“…Ultimately, Admiral James L. Holloway III, Chief of Naval Operations, on 2 October 1975, found the former commander of Finback “guilty of permitting an action, which could have distracted the attention of those responsible for the safe navigation of the nuclear-powered submarine maneuvering in restricted waters.” Holloway agreed with subordinates that Stevenson had failed to exercise good judgement and did not follow regulations governing civilian visitors to naval vessels.

“Infamy”?  Hardly!  The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was infamous; this was merely…”entertaining”…particularly as no one was harmed, and the ship suffered no adverse impact to her safe navigation.

Here’s the juice: We’re left wondering what’s worse: a Navy in which topless civilian women COULD have distracted those responsible for safe navigation in restricted waters…

…or fully-clad,  commissioned female officers whose ineptitude and misconduct constituted a definite and deadly hazard to their vessel and crew:

We’ll take the former over the latter any day of the week.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We lead off the second week of March with one of our favorite topics of debate with Dimocrats: gun control and the 2nd Amendment.  First, consider the following observations forwarded by Balls Cotton:

– Eleven teens die each day as a result of texting while driving, more than all school shootings combined.

Maybe it’s time to raise the age of Smart Phone ownership to 21.

– If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry, USA.

– The Second Amendment has brought equality to more women than the entire feminist movement.

Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you’d know it.

– When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle.

– The NRA has never murdered anyone, nor ever received a dime of taxpayer funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.

– I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. But while we’re at it, let’s do the same when it comes to immigration, voter I.D., and candidates running for office. (Especially elected officials assigned to House or Senate Intel or Armed Services Committees! Currently there are no background checks whatsoever to include those sleeping with CCP spies or having CCP drivers.)

– Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and is armed to the teeth. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. Now tell me, how do you think that will end?

In conclusion, consider this harsh dose of reality courtesy of a meme from Ed Hickey:

Like the unconstitutional lockdowns and restrictions so many have meekly accepted in response to the incredibly overhyped Wuhan scamdemic…

Next, we must confess the headline accompanying last Friday’s edition of the Morning Jolt left us scratching our head, as Jim Geraghty suggested…

We’re Nearing a Serious Immigration Crisis


Yeah, and Dennis the Peasant was being repressed:

NEARING a serious immigration crisis” our ass!!!  C’mon, man…

We’re not “nearing a serious immigration crisis”; rather we’re already neck-deep in a full-blown, four alarm ILLEGAL immigration emergency occasioned by open-border advocates on both sides of the aisle!!!  So puh-lease, drop the pretense this has anything to do with ordinary, legal immigration.

Moving on, we offer five more items inquiring minds should find of interest:

(1). In what we know will come as a real shocker, CNN was slammed for a ‘dishonest’ report claiming Greg Abbott had NO EVIDENCE of at least 100 illegal immigrants being released into Texas DESPITE having tested POSITIVE for the Wuhan virus…CNN’s own coverage SUPPORTING Abbott’s assertion notwithstanding.

(2).‘s Katie Pavlich informs us the DOJ has dropped dozens of cases against the Portland rioters, a number of which involved felonies for assaulting federal officers, and were dismissed “with prejudice”, meaning the charges can not be brought again.  Don’t expect similar leniency for anyone even peripherally involved in the Capitol Hill commotion.

(3). Also writing at, Beth Baumann relates how, in an act they undoubtedly view as an investment in their party’s political future, Progressives appropriated your hard-earned tax dollars and mortgaged your offsprings’ futures to provide “COVID Relief” checks to prisoners AND illegal aliens.

(4). Again courtesy of Beth Baumann, we learn the ChiComs are demanding 46* roll back The Donald’s policy of defending Taiwan against military attack, terming such support a “dangerous practice” from which the United States must move away…as well as a violation of the terms and conditions of their 8-figure pay-off agreement with the Biden family.

(5). Writing at FOX, Josh Holdenried wonders why, despite being on the front lines since the scamdemic started, clergy of all faiths haven’t been considered “essential workers” by 43 states.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from Speed…

…along with a string from Ed Hickey…

…five more from Balls Cotton…

…and last, but certainly not least, a forward from the lovely Shannon demonstrating what happens when you fail to promote the Progressive narrative:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Science Section, courtesy of Breeze Gould and, which warns residents of the Mid-Atlantic…like us…

Billions Of 17-Year Cicadas Will Emerge; Mid-Atlantic the Epicenter In 2021

Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia will hear the loud mating call of billions of 17-year cicadas in May and June. The area will be the epicenter of the emergence.


“…Dr. Michael Raupp, known for his Bug Guy blog and a professor emeritus of entomology at the University of Maryland, said parts of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia will witness the spectacle.

“Maryland is at the epicenter of the cicada emergence, so there will be spectacular numbers of cicadas emerging very heavily, starting perhaps in early May,” Raupp told WJLA. “But the big ‘cicada-palooza’ is going to happen the last two weeks of May and into early June. So in some areas, there will be 1.5 million cicadas per acre emerging from the ground.” (1.5 MILLIONper acre!!!)

Once they’re above ground, the cicadas will head to the tops of trees to mate. Raupp said a cycle of romance, sex, birth and death cicada-style will happen in the trees. It will all start with the male cicadas blasting a loud call to attract mates; once they pair off, the females lay eggs in small tree branches. The collective song of male cicadas calling for mates can reach up to 100 decibels. Think of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle with straight pipes constantly running outside your window.

The male cicadas are the ones that make all the noise. They do it by vibrating their tymbals. As described on the Chicago Botanic Garden website, tymbals “are two rigid, drum-like membranes on the undersides of their abdomens.”

Newly adult cicadas are in a rush to mate because they don’t live very long after that — three weeks, maybe four. The females don’t have tymbals and can’t produce the same sounds. They wait quietly to do their job in perpetuating the species, which is to lay as many eggs as possible, up to 600 over their short lifetime. After mating, the females split the bark on living tree trunks, branches and twigs, burrow in and lay between 24 and 48 eggs at a time.

Raupp said residents should wait until fall — and the disappearance of the cicada swarms — to plant trees in 2021. Dog owners shouldn’t let their pets eat too many of the bug’s remnants.

You’ll get to bear witness to what is still an unfolding scientific mystery. Scientists can’t entirely explain the synchronized emergence of periodical cicadas, but one evolutionary hypothesis is that the forced developmental delay was an adaptation to climate cooling during the ice ages.

Two thoughts immediately come to mind: First, how did the climate warm after the Ice Age sans assistance from humans?  And second, we better get our new windows installed before the end of April!


P.S. If we ever needed further confirmation Magoo is from Mars while TLJ hails from Venus, we received it mere moments ago when, after slaving for several hours over another edition of The Gouge, we emerged from our office and inquired as to what our lovely wife was watching, and she replied, “The Prince Harry interview”.  ‘Nuff said.

Video of the Day

Nothing to see or worry about here, folks…please move along!

Tales from The Darkside

Michael Knowles highlights how dutiful Socialists think.

On the Lighter Side

Rick Page forwarded this updated version of “The Talk”.
