It’s Wednesday, March 10th, 2021…but before we begin, imagine the shock and awe with which we greeted this headline:

Evangelicals for Biden Lose Faith in Joe


As pro-life leaders in the evangelical community, we publicly supported Biden‘s candidacy with the understanding there would be engagement with us on the issue of abortion. Biden wanted our support during the campaign, and we gave it on the condition there would be active dialogue and common ground solutions on the issue of abortion. There has been no dialogue since the campaign. We feel used and betrayedIf this is not done, it will raise questions about whether we are still welcome in the Democratic Party.

Which fairly screams the question…

We’re not in a position to judge such people’s faith, but we can sure as hell determine their discernment, and it’s that of a child…a child utterly unschooled in the history of Biden’s 47+ years of slavish devotion to the unrestricted slaughter of the unborn.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the WSJ‘s Allysia Finley relates how time has offered…

Vindication for Ron DeSantis

The media vilified him for rejecting harsh lockdowns. But Florida’s Covid-19 numbers are better than California’s or New York’s, and its economy thrives.


In the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed strict lockdown policies—many still in place—and became the media’s golden boy. “The governor of New York’s morning news conferences have become part of the country’s new daily rhythm,” the Washington Post’s Style section gushed in March 2020. “He’s the strongman who can admit he’s wrong. He speaks fluently about the facts. He worries about his mother, and by extension, yours, too.”

Gov. Ron DeSantis took a different approach and was pilloried. He was among the first to lift his state lockdown, adopting something resembling Sweden’s strategy of protecting the vulnerable while keeping businesses and schools open. “Florida Man Leads His State to the Morgue,” read a June headline in the New Republic. “Ron DeSantis is the latest in a long line of Republicans who made the state a plutocratic dystopia. Now he’s letting its residents die to save the plutocrats.”

A year after the virus hit the U.S., Mr. Cuomo’s luster has faded, and Mr. DeSantis can claim vindication. The Sunshine State appears to have weathered the pandemic better than others like New York and California, which stayed locked down harder and longer…”

This despite Florida having a significantly older and more-at-risk population than either New York or California.

Since we’re on the subject of despicable Dimocrats, courtesy of American Thinker via James Nichols, Patricia McCarthy suggests “Dr.”…

Jill Biden, the Meghan Markle in the WH, is egregiously guilty of elder abuse


The millions of Americans who were paying attention throughout the 2020 election campaign all became painfully aware of the fact that Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities were slipping and slipping fast.  His wife, as the person closest to him, should have been the one to call the campaign quits in order to reduce stress on the man.

Instead, apparently so anxious to become the First Lady by any means necessary, Mrs. Biden continued to push her failing husband’s campaign forward as if he were mentally qualified.  Of course all those around him knew as well that he was in the throes of dementia; it was impossible to miss the signs.

But in the end, no person is more reprehensible than Jill Biden.  From the moment Joe decided to throw his hat in the ring, she should have put a stop to it.  She of all people knows that the bulk of her family’s wealth is ill-gotten, via massive corruption and selling out to China, Ukraine and MNBA.  She knows exactly how depraved Hunter Biden is; she knows all about his many perversions, how many girls and women he has used and abused, some of them within her family While much of it has come to light, soon it will all become common knowledge.  Still, she thought Joe should be pushed into the campaign, certain that our wholly corrupt media would cover for both Joe and Hunter — and indeed they did and continue to do.  But that won’t last.

At this moment in time, Jill should be a bit nervous at how quickly so many Democrats are turning against the execrable Andrew Cuomo, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, for good reasons.  All those who spent a year singing his praises were utter fools because who and what Cuomo is has been obvious for simply ages just as who and what Joe Biden is has been evident for over forty years.  He was never an honest, intelligent nor a good man, never.  And now, thanks to Jill’s Meghan Markle-like wanna-be-ism, America is being ruined, executive order by executive order, and a horde of Democrats in Congress who have no spine nor a shred of real love of the country that gave them the privileges they now enjoy are too scared of Pelosi and Schumer to object.

If there are traits that characterize powerful Democrats, it is gross ingratitude coupled with arrogance; there is no more serious character flaw than ingratitude.  Coupled with a lust for power over others, it is ruinous.  Those who are responsible for making Biden the 2020 candidate and for rigging the election in the numerous ways they did should have stopped and thought a bit about the consequences of their plans.  They should have said no.

But they didn’t…they didn’t.  And given the chance in 2024 to elect Kommielaa for a full term, they’ll happily rinse and repeat.

Next, we offer seven erudite items carefully selected for the inquiring mind:

(1). The WSJ informs us of what should already have been announced, as the CDC belated announced those who are completely inoculated can gather in small groups indoors sans masks.  We choose to ignore the CDC’s guideline the fully-vaccinated should still wear masks and social-distance in public as hopelessly unscientific. 

(2). Conservative Playlist inadvertently reminds us why we don’t miss The Donald and his 2nd-grade vocabulary, occasioned by his recent reference to Alaskan RINO Lisa Murkowski as “disloyal and a very bad senator“.  Trump’s diction reminds us of Babu from Seinfeld:

(3). The WaPo literally fawned over 46*’s version of Project Porkulus, initially stating, “Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty in defining move of presidency, before toning down its approbation in the face of criticism such as “North Korea is asking you to tone it down a bit”, and “Hey, check it out: Joe Biden ended poverty. The guy is amazing!”

(4). As NRO records, Missouri senator Roy Blunt announced he’ll NOT run for reelection.  Here’s the juice: As we’ve noted before, Hell hath no fury like our contempt for a Republican senator from a state with a Republican governor who doesn’t immediately resign after announcing they won’t seek another term.  By law, Missouri’s governor can appoint a successor, giving Blount’s replacement two years of experience…and far more importantly, the power of incumbency…under their belt.  So here’s to you, Roy:

(5). Also courtesy of NRO, Kevin Williamson details the politics of pensions, and how Dimocrats used the coronavirus crisis to bail out union pension funds.  Though, as Williamson relates, they’re just delaying the inevitable.

(6). As an item from Big League Politics forwarded by Breeze Gould informs us, a Black teen from a Philadelphia ghetto traveled to a primarily White suburb to shoot up a bowling alley.  BTW, we could find zero coverage of the shooting in any MSM source, only local news outlets or less-credentialed websites.

(7). Best of the Web reports Team Biden is setting expectations for the results of its MASSIVE economic interventions at…the employment levels of the pre-COVID U.S. economy The Donald created.  As author Jim Freeman observed, “Some voters may naturally ask themselves why they fired America’s chief executive for a successor who now aims merely to duplicate the record of the man he replaced. The more pressing question is how President Joe Biden will enable another era of historically low unemployment with a completely different set of policies.”

Then again, as evidenced by the results of our current poll near the top of the page on the right, 46* needn’t worry about running for reelection on his performance…though were we Kommielaa, we’d be concerned.  Dimocratic Socialists: Taking the soft bigotry of low expectations ever deeper with every decade.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this string from Balls Cotton…

…and three more from Speed…

…along with one each from G. Trevor…

…Ed Hickey…

…Brenda Berry…

…and last, but certainly never least, lifetime Long Islander George Lawlor:

Finally, having begun the edition by detailing the deeds of a leader, we’ll call it a wrap with the foibles of a follower, as FOX informs us…

Larry Hogan lifts many Maryland COVID restrictions, leaves mask mandate in place


…Hogan follows multiple other Republican governors in significantly rolling back coronavirus rules…

Those who can, do.  Those who can’t teach.  Anyone incapable of either, let alone earning an honest living, run for public office.


Video of the Day

46* can’t remember the name of his SecDef; imagine if The Donald had made a similar blunder. The Groper isn’t losing it, he’s LOST it!

Tales from The Darkside

John Stossel highlights how, even IF, in a few VERY rare circumstances, GOVERNMENT MAY be the answer, government BUREAUCRATS NEVER are.

On the Lighter Side

Ernst Udet: He was Bob Hoover before there was a Bob Hoover. And if you don’t know who Bob Hoover was, go on YouTube and check him out.
