It’s Monday, April 12th, 2021, but before we begin, courtesy of George Lawlor, the New York Post offers an invaluable perspective…in other words, it’s a must read…into the minds of the educated idiots running our school system at its highest levels, as a judge has ruled an…

Ex-UVA student can sue school after asking questions during a panel got him expelled


“…In total, Bhattacharya, Adams and the other dean debated back and forth on the semantics of the term for just over five minutes during the event. 

Later that day, assistant urology professor Nora Kern, who helped organize the panel and was in attendance, filed a “Professionalism Concern Card” against Bhattacharya, saying he “asked a series of questions that were quite antagonistic.” 

“He pressed on and stated one faculty member was being contradictory. His level of frustration/anger seemed to escalate until another faculty member defused the situation by calling on another student for questions. I am shocked that a med student would show so little respect toward faculty members. It worries me how he will do on wards,” Kern wrote, court records show…”

Nora Kern’s “shock” that a mere med student would dare debate a faculty member reminds us of Lieawatha’s unrighteous indignation over Amazon questioning HER veracity

…notwithstanding the fact truthfulness is a quality with which she’s utterly unacquainted.

And as this clip from Tucker’s Friday show demonstrates, an appetite for censorship is a hunger shared by every Socialist:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, speaking of shock, feigned or otherwise, we’re shocked…

…to learn via it’s…

Confirmed: The Laptop Belongs to Hunter Biden


Meet the Bidens, the All-American family…

…assuming you’re into debauchery, depravity and corruption of the vilest variety.

Turning from degenerate depravity to stupefying stupidity without even changing the subject, we learn from the New York Post again via George Lawlor the…

White House is considering cash payments to Central Americans to stem migration


Just to be clear, such payments would purportedly be meant to stem ILLEGAL migration.  Other initiatives reportedly under consideration include paying: (i) criminals not to commit crimes; (ii) drug addicts not to do drugs; (iii) Iran not to make nukes; and, (iv) Xi Jinping not to release the video featuring Dr. Jill he “deleted” from Hunter’s laptop.

Next, we offer another ten items intended exclusively for inquiring minds:

(1). Writing at the Journal, Ira Stoll provides further evidence professional sports ain’t getting the message, relaying that the Red Sox have weighed in to support a “zip code” scheme designed to replace a long-standing merit-based system with racial-engineered quotas at Boston’s prestigious “exam schools.  As Mr. Stoll observed, “Instead of selecting the top students in the city, exam schools would select the top students in each ZIP Code. More than one parent dryly speculated about how the Red Sox would fare were the team to abandon empirical measures such as fastball speed and home-run exit velocity and instead choose a starting lineup based on the baseball-player-age population of every country on earth, with a preference for countries with low incomes.”

Think about it: This would be like a major passenger carrier pre-selecting its pilots based on race and gender rather than flying ability.


(2). The WSJ relates a number of Fortune 500 CEOs participated in a Zoom call over the weekend during which organizers Ken Chenault and Ken Frazier (Amex and Merck respectively), urged their fellows to sign a statement opposing what they view as discriminatory legislation on voting, and what anyone not beholden to Black Lies Matter and wokeness consider common-sense measures to limit electoral fraud.  We welcome such a statement, as it will ensure their companies are added to our boycott.

(3).‘s Leah Barkoukis offers another example of MSM bias as she records…

“…In a report on his death, NBC also made sure its readers knew one more thing about the prince:

“The intensely private prince will likely be remembered for his early efforts to help modernize the royal family’s image during a time of great change for Britain and the world, especially at the outset of Elizabeth’s reign in 1952. He also developed a reputation for the occasional brusque comment and crass, if not racist jokes.”

But when Joe Biden referred to Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” or said you can’t go into a 7/11 or Dunkin’ Donuts “unless you have a slight Indian accent,” the media give him a pass…”

(4). Mayor Pete says American infrastructure has ‘racism physically built’ into it. This “wasn’t just an act of neglect,” he said, but was a “conscious choice.”  Yeah, Pete…

…like choosing to be homosexual, right?!?

(5). NRO reports, with 72% of ballots counted, about 71% of the Bessemer, AL Amazon warehouse workers voted against joining the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union.  Which begs the question what do Alabama Amazon workers know leading Dimocrats don’t?

(6). Again courtesy of NRO, we learn 46* is set to issue an executive order forming a bipartisan (Yeah,…RIGHT!!!) commission that will perform a 180-day study of potential changes to the Supreme Court, including court packing and setting term limits for justices.  Note, that’s term limits for SCOTUS, but not Congress.

(7). Who says promoting hate and division doesn’t pay?  Certainly not Black Lies Matter co-founder…

…37-year-old Patrisse Khan-Cullors, who, courtesy of James Nichols, Dirt informs us recently purchased  a secluded mini-compound tucked into L.A.’s rustic and semi-remote Topanga Canyon for a cool $1.4 million.  Hey, the scheme works for every other Socialist scam artist, so why shouldn’t the Commie Khan claim her slice of the Progressive pie?!?

As Jason Whitlock tweeted…

BTW, Twitter has since begun to remove any reference to the young Marxist’s purchase.  As we’ve said from this duplicitous organizations birth, to Socialists, it’s Black LIES that REALLY matter.

(8). In what is certainly good news for those determined the U.S. travel the well-worn path to Socialist utopianism, Best of the Web informs usa new analysis of 46*’s “American Jobs Plan” from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School finds that over the next decade the Biden scheme would reduce U.S. economic growth, capital stock, wages and hours worked. But there is something that the plan would increasefederal debt. In short, it’s a disaster for U.S. investors, workers and taxpayers.”  Other than that, it’s a tremendous plan…for those who love what Chavez and Maduro have done with Venezuela.

(9). Matt Vespa tells us it’s high time we stopped listening to Dr. Faux Chi and his fellow doomsayers who keep moving the goalposts on herd immunity because it means the end to them issuing unconstitutional edicts limiting how we live our lives. 

(10). For those interested, here’s a video which exposes the truth…and we emphasize truth, because there is so much deliberate deception and obfuscation on this issue…regarding the issue of equal-pay for women, with an emphasis on the effort in women’s sports.  The narrator is not quite our cup of tea, but he presents an excellent argument based on cold, hard facts:

P.S. If you have the time and are up for a real laugh, check out these videos detailing the reality of the WNBA:;; and

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from James Nichols…

…two from Speed…

…a few more forwarded from Mark Foster…

…three little bon mots courtesy of Ed Hickey…

…and last, but never least, our middle son Mike:

Finally, we’re gonna call it a wrap with an analysis of the Chauvin trial courtesy of a video forwarded by James Nichols featuring one Will Chamberlain (no relation to the former NBA great who scored 100 points in one game and…at least according to him…20,000 different women in one life).  Though the video is a bit long, it’s well worth the watch, as Will offers one of the most even-handed reviews of the trial we’ve reviewed thus far, and that includes our go-to-guy Andy McCarthy.

Here’s the juice: The fix

…is definitely in, with the only question being whether at least one juror will see through the lies.


P.S.S. If you have a moment, there’s a new wrinkle in the Ahmaud Arbery shooting we somehow missed, likely as it hasn’t received any coverage, being at odds as it is with the MSM narrative of Arbery as a innocent jogger interrupted while running in cargo shorts:

This is not to say Arbery deserved to be shot, let alone killed, or that the McMichael’s acted either appropriately or within the law; only that, like Trayvon Martin, Michael “Gentle Giant” Brown and George Floyd, Arbery wasn’t the choir boy/fitness fanatic he’s been made out to be.

Video of the Day

In a newly-released video, we can witness the killing of NMSP Officer Darion Jarrott by one Omar Cueva, a convicted felon with a violent drug history which began at age 13. Meanwhile, 46*’s flip-flopping notwithstanding (, no restrictions on the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms will stop career criminals from accessing weapons of any and every variety.

Tales of The Darkside

Sorry, but in all seriousness, what does Mayor Pete actually KNOW…about ANYTHING…much less the impact of tax rates on the competitiveness of American businesses?!? Then again, given the wokeness of contemporary corporations, we’re all for taxing the bejeebers out of them AND, more importantly, their executives.

On the Lighter Side

Liberal snowflake asininity PERSONIFIED!!!
