It’s Monday, May 10th, 2021…but before we begin, allow us to offer a few brief thoughts on the headline that follows.  You’ll forgive us if we offer a little play-by-play as events unfold, as there are not only gaps in this girl’s story as wide as her eyeliner, but the reporting’s equally inaccurate.

Student raises questions about enforcement of Yulee Middle School’s dress code policy

Alice Wagner was suspended for 10 days for a heated exchange with administrators


A student was suspended from Yulee Middle School after clashing with administrators over the school’s dress code, News4Jax learned Tuesday. (No, as the facts will show**, little Ms. Wagner was suspended solely for clashing with administrators.) Eighth grader Alice Wagner told News4Jax a teacher singled her out for an outfit that was considered too revealing. (Objection, your Honor!  Counsel is offering facts not in evidence.) Specifically, Wagner said the teacher made a remark about her body as she was leaving the classroom.

“(The teacher) told me I was ‘letting them hang out for the whole world to see,’ as I was exiting the classroom,” Wagner said. “I went to the bathroom and I came back and I said, ‘You need to stop sexualizing 14-year-old girls.’ (No mention of whether the teacher was male or female…yet!  And regardless of their gender, they’d only have been continuing a trend the nubile Ms. Wagner and her mother had already started.) I grabbed my stuff and I removed myself from the situation.” (No, not “removed”, rather temporarily “relocated”.)

Wagner said she went to the administration’s office to phone her parents but wasn’t allowed to make the call. (Objection, your Honor!  Again, counsel is offering facts not in evidence.) She said the situation escalated into a fiery exchange with administrators, which resulted in her receiving a 10-day suspension(**As noted earlier.)

Both Wagner and her mother, Sarah, acknowledged that the student’s outburst crossed a line“So, I don’t think it’s okay for her to talk to teachers that way,” Sarah Wagner told News4Jax. But I understand why she was angry. She was basically sexually harassed by her teacher. The teacher did apologize, she did understand what she did was wrong.” (So if the teacher’s a “she”, how on earth did she sexually harass your daughter by pointing out her boobs were leaving the classroom minutes before her body?!?)

The district declined to speak with News4Jax about Wagner’s suspension, saying it doesn’t comment on disciplinary matters involving individual students.

The student and her mother expressed concerns that the incident is part of a “systemic problem.” (Ah, here we go!) Wagner believes there’s a double standard when it comes to enforcing the dress code. “I believe that teachers are targeting women (You mean “girls”, right?!?) with mature bodies, women in general absolutely,” she said. “So just because I have a little bit of breasts, I get targeted.” (“A little bit of breasts”?!? Sorry, mom, but we’ve seen chests smaller than that on nursing mothers!)

The incident comes as school districts across Northeast Florida grapple with dress code policies. In March, an online petition was created after Bartram Trail High School students (Sorry, but when did adults start worrying about what kids think?!?) complained about the dress code at the St. Johns County school. On a single day, 31 female students were flagged for dress code violations. (So?  Regurgitating a number doesn’t mean the subject females weren’t violating the dress code.  And common sense would dictate a male student would either have to be shirtless, shoeless or almost exposing his genitals to violate a school dress code…at which point WE were sent home!)

The Nassau County School District has a dress code policy in place that forbids students from wearing “tops with thin or no straps, or tops that show midriff or expose the body.” The policy also bans see-through clothing and items that show undergarments. (NOW they tell us!)

The dress code was updated in January, and the district said it reevaluates its policy each year.

Wagner said she was told her undergarments were visible, but she claims the cardigan she wore that day would’ve made that impossible.” (Sorry, honey, but res ipsa loquitits: the boobs speak for themselves!)

Here’s the juice: First, given the mother’s attitude, Alice is one rotten apple that didn’t fall far from an already-diseased tree.

Second, if the young Ms. Wagner’s cardigan made the sight of her undergarments…whether it be the outline of her cups or the strap on her left shoulder…impossible, we’ll pay off the mortgage on Barry’s Martha’s Vineyard estate.

Third, and most importantly, Alice Wagner’s reaction to a teacher calling attention to her appearance is simply a symptom of another Dimocratic-induced disorder: treating with the young as though they were the equals of their elders in both judgment and wisdom born of experience.  They cannot know what they do not know…or in this case, what they obviously never were taught at home…and thus cannot be dealt with as if they do.

Otherwise, you’d have teenagers determining global economic and energy policies.


And as the recent kerfuffle at UVA demonstrates, the concept holds just as true…or should…for colleges and universities as it does grades K-12.

We’ll never suggest…

But we’ll likewise never agree youth in any way confers either judgement or wisdom:

Then again, neither does, in certain cases, age:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy lends his usual insight into… 

The DOJ’s Abusive Indictment of the Police Who Killed George Floyd

Federal prosecution of these defendants makes no sense — except as a political matter.


At best, the Justice Department’s indictment of Derek Chauvin and the three other former Minneapolis cops involved in George Floyd’s killing nearly a year ago is overkill. At worst, it is an exercise in political zeal that could undermine the accountability being achieved by state prosecutions. In the meantime, it is abusive — ironically so given that the charges are brought under the guise of upholding civil rights, though it obviously has not dawned on the Civil Rights Division’s social-justice warriors that police have civil rights, too.

As a law-enforcement matter, the federal prosecution is not defensible. It is a needlessly redundant expenditure of federal resources to achieve a result that will already have been achieved by the state prosecutions. It puts defendants in jeopardy a second time for the same wrongful actions. Convictions would not advance accountability, but there is a significant risk of acquittals that would undermine accountability. And, under the guise of prosecuting an abuse of civil rights, the Justice Department and its Civil Rights Division are quite intentionally violating the civil rights of the defendants to fair criminal proceedings in the state court.

Of course, as a political matter, the prosecution makes all the sense in the world. The Biden administration needs to appease its angry base on the hard left. The administration is not in a position to deliver landmark progressive legislation. Instead, it is using the Justice Department to project solidarity with Black Lives Matter and other woke activists, fueling a toxic narrative that the nation’s police are the shock troops of America’s systemic racism.

This won’t end well.

It’s also worth noting such a preemptive surrender to The Mob exposes the myth of Merrick Garland’s supposed moderation.

Speaking of things which won’t end well, the Journal reported…

Militants killed at least 25 people in three explosions targeting girls outside a school in a predominantly Shiite neighborhood in Kabul


Dimocrats turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the horrors which followed America’s withdrawal from Vietnam, and they’ll do it again here, as the clown car which is the 46* Administration has yet to even begin to arrange stateside accommodations for the thousands of native Afghans who aided our 20-year effort against the Taliban.  Yet there’s plenty of room at the Motel 46*…as well as billions of dollars in taxpayer funds…to host an unlimited number of illegals…in perpetuity.

Since we’re on the subject of foreign special interests Progressive powers-that-be will protect before ordinary American citizens, in an absolutely MUST-READ edition of his Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty relates…

What the Chinese Space Program Can Tell Us about the Wuhan Labs


Before we dive into the Wuhan laboratories again, notice this story in the New York Times this week:

Part of China’s largest rocket, the Long March 5B, is tumbling out of control in orbit after launching a section of the country’s new space station last week. The rocket is expected to fall to Earth in what is called “an uncontrolled re-entry” sometime on Saturday or Sunday.

Whether it splashes harmlessly in the ocean or impacts land where people live, why China’s space program let this happen — againremains unclear. And given China’s planned schedule of launches, more such uncontrolled rocket re-entries in the years to come are possible.

The article notes that the Chinese space program is the only one that has “lifted rocket stages this big to orbit and left them to fall somewhere at random,” and that the “Aerospace Corporation, a nonprofit largely financed by the federal government that performs research and analysis, predicts re-entry will occur on Saturday at 11:43 p.m. Eastern time. If that is accurate, debris could shower down over northeastern Africa, over Sudan.”

The good news is that Sudan has a lot of empty desert. The bad news is that as of this morning, the center of the circle on the Aerospace Corporation’s map is not that far from Khartoum, which is the home of 5.2 million people.

What’s more, this scenario of Chinese space debris landing on populated areas already happened. One year ago, when the world was grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic (Which also came from China…CHINA!), China launched experimental spacecraft and debris ended up landing on the Ivory Coast: “China’s successfully [sic] maiden flight of its Long March 5B which lofted an experimental spacecraft into orbit last week, has come under scrutiny with reports suggesting that debris has hit parts of the Ivory Coast in Africa. Had its 20 ton core stage passed through Earth’s atmosphere 15-20 minutes earlier during reentry, the rocket’s debris could have rained down on New York City, report those monitoring its progress.” (Soooo…no great loss!)

The Times article quotes astrophysicists who call the Chinese space program’s management “negligent” and “irresponsible.” That’s funny, because over the last year and a half, there’s been a lot of talk about Chinese government-run science programs being negligent and irresponsible. Why, it’s almost like this is a pattern of behavior from a negligent, irresponsible authoritarian regime!

The Chinese government does not give a rat’s patootie if it hurts or kills people in other countries. It wants what it wants, and it doesn’t care who pays the price in blood. (In other words, Socialists are the same no matter their nationality!)

Oh, and one other point in that Times article: “Chinese space officials have not publicly addressed the uncontrolled re-entry since then, despite attention and worry around the world.”

When the Chinese government is confronted with a problem, the regime’s default setting is to deny the problem exists. (Proving once again

Socialists are the same no matter their nationality!)

The Chinese government’s official statistics would have you believe that the COVID-19 pandemic effectively ended in that country in March 2020. The official statistics declare that the most populated country in the world, with more than 1.4 billion people, ranks 96th among all countries in cases, with just over 90,000, and 58th in deaths, with 4,636. To believe the Chinese official numbers, the entire country has seen four people die from COVID-19 since April 2020, and that they’ve never had more than 1,000 active cases on any given day over the past year. According to the Chinese government, no variant of COVID-19 has touched them in any significant way.

Meanwhile, just across the border, India reported 414,188 cases of infection and 3,915 deaths.

And that’s just today.

Want to see something really odd? The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, an independent global-health-research center at the University of Washington, published a new estimate of the total death toll from COVID-19, attempting to account for cases missed earlier and left out of data from unreliable regimes. The report concludes, “Our analysis estimates that by May 3, 2021, the total number of COVID-19 deaths was 6.93 million, a figure that is more than two times higher than the reported number of deaths of 3.24 million.”

But the only reference to China comes in a footnote.

Similarly, The Economist put together a fascinating and detailed chart showing the percentage increase in excess deaths in each country by month, from January 2020 to April 2021. It’s an absolute triumph of data visualization. But China’s not on it, because the publication could only use data from countries and localities that publish data on deaths from all causes.

I don’t begrudge these institutions not listing China if they can’t find reliable data. But shouldn’t someone be making a bigger stink out of this? We already know from leaked documents that China understated the number of cases and deaths and covered up the truth in the opening weeks of the pandemic by AT LEAST a third. Why is everyone just shrugging at absurdly implausible official numbers now?

And if a virus that originated in China ended up inflicting calamitous damage to the lives, public health, economies, and societies to all countries all over the world, but most severely the United States and India…isn’t that more or less what Beijing would have wanted all along?…”

Not to mention a certain political party in the United States?!?  As Jim also mentions in his column… 

Yes, as Michael Brendan Dougherty and everyone else says, you should set aside the 43 minutes or so and read Nicholas Wade’s deep dive into the possibility that not only did COVID-19 originate from a laboratory in Wuhan, it may very well have been deliberately optimized to infect human beings through gain-of-function research — and that the U.S. government may well have financed some of that research.

Best of the Web‘s Jim Freeman hits on that last subject as well, wondering whether when it comes to China, Fauci and the origins of COVID, did the virus come from a Chinese lab funded by the celebrated doctor’s U.S. government institute?

In a related item, courtesy of, Scott Morefield offers an infographic, backed by over 70 citations, which completely obliterates the child-masking narrative.  Also, be sure to check out our Video of the Day, accessible through link #2 immediately below our Quote of the Day at the top of the page, in which former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb states it’s high time all mandatory mask mandates were eliminated. 

Meanwhile, here’s another shot of the juice, in the form of a photo forwarded from our old friend and classmate Koz:

In the interest of accuracy, the actual quote was somewhat different, but the thrust was along the same line: 

Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

Regardless, the truth of the misquoted statement is undeniable given what we continue to endure for no good reason whatsoever.  The Dimocrats simply replaced the threat of foreign invasion Goering mentioned with the purported peril of a foreign-born pandemic, and the result proved…

Case in point: We were seated with two other couples at a wedding reception Saturday evening, and one of the ladies present wore her mask almost the entire time we were at the table, removing it only to eat her entree after eschewing her salad.  Everyone had been vaccinated, yet this woman, likely in her 40s, was unwilling to remove her mask, despite the fact the table was at least 6′ in diameter, and she was well-acquainted with the individual immediately adjacent to her.  Holy…


Yet we’re supposed to live our life kowtowing to her unreasoned fears?

Next, we offer five more selections intended for the rarified intellects of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). If any House Republicans are undecided whether to remove Liz Cheney from any position of leadership, or anyone in Wyoming uncertain as to whether to vote her out of office in 2022, the fact she secretly orchestrated the January 3rd WaPo op-ed slamming Trump should lead them to conclude she needs…and deserves…to go.

(2). On the occasion of the upcoming one-year anniversary of The Donald’s incredibly successful initiative to develop a vaccine to counter the ChiCom’s latest gift to the Free World, The Washington Free Beacon reminds when Trump launched Operation Warp Speed, MSM “experts” slammed his “reckless” optimism.

(3). How bad must an idea be when even Angela Merkel recognizes it?!?  Okay, okay, not exactly an infrequent event for the dimmest bulb Delaware’s ever produced.

(4). Courtesy of James Nichols, Human Events records why, win or lose, the electoral audit in Windham, NH must be celebrated, ESPECIALLY if it’s lose.

(5). In a forward from George Lawlor, USA Today noted the passing of Bo, the Obama’s Portuguese Water Dog, who was certainly deserving of a better home.  Though we were assured at the time the Obama daughters had named the dog after a cousin’s cat, many, ourselves included, found it more than coincidental “Barack Obama = BO“.  Imagine the furor which would have erupted in the MSM if Trump had been narcissistic enough to name his dog “Donald” or “DeeTee”.

All of which brought to mind the confusion which would have ensued in certain Canadian circles had our friend and frequent contributor Ed Harvey been living in the Great White North with a dog he’d named after his initials.  It’d be the Newfie version of “Who’s on First?

“Ed, what’s your dog’s name, eh?”
“No, what’s his name, eh?”
“Ed, what’re you, deaf, eh?”
“Take off, you hoser, that’s his name, EH!”

Then everyone starts drinkin’ lagers and gets piss drunk, eh?


Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed…

…Ed Hickey…

…and the lovely Shannon…

…along with the latest from the Indian Hills Community Center courtesy of Balls Cotton:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Sports Section, as, courtesy of George Lawlor, the New York Post relates how a pandering…

Pelosi shares photo of wrong black player in botched attempt to honor Willie Mays


After blaming the misidentification on a staffer, Pelosi added, “Besides, all these football players look the same to me.”


Video of the Day

Former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb gives America’s mothers the best gift they could ask for on their special day, as he says it’s high time mask mandates were ended, even indoors, and individuals begin to make personal risk assessments, not impose their unreasoned fears on the rest of us.

Tales of The Darkside

John Stossel details the insanity inevitable when government serves only itself and its political donors. We particularly like the line from Ryan Flota, president of the Kentucky Household Goods Carriers Association, that his organization doesn’t make the laws. Yeah, they don’t make ’em; they just pay politicians to pass them.

On the Lighter Side

“Holy ‘ill-advised ad placement’, Batman!”
