It’s Wednesday, May 12th, 2021…but before we begin, consider this meme forwarded by James Nichols which perfectly depicts the deplorable priorities of our present government:

Yes, while the Socialist sympathizers in 46*’s clown car of an Administration are busy ferreting out politically-incorrect pronouns, the AP is reporting the recent cyberattack on the vital Colonial Pipeline which supplies almost half of the fuel consumed on the East Coast has been linked to a criminal gang, the DarkSide, which, curiously enough, is “known to avoid targeting organizations in former Soviet bloc nations”.  Perhaps because, as the WSJ relates, the DarkSide organization likely IS Russian, or at the very least closely affiliated with the Kremlin.

In a related item, Jim Geraghty expands on the AP report by noting the…

“…DarkSide hackers pinky-swear not to attack hospitals, schools, nonprofits, or government targets. “The groups are increasingly becoming ruthlessly efficient,” says Brett Callow, a threat analyst at antivirus company Emsisoft. “They have more of a chance of success the easier they make life for their victims—or the easier they make it to pay them.” Say, fellas, who do you think uses all that oil from that pipeline you just shut down? Among others, hospitals, schools, nonprofits, and the government!

At the risk of irking every environmentalist who’s somehow convinced he can live without oil, maybe we should build more pipelines so we’re less dependent upon any single one? To adopt a common slogan running around these days, oil and natural-gas pipelines ARE infrastructure…”

An insightful deduction NRO‘s Kevin Williamson runs with in his regular Tuesday offering:

Every now and then, the world pauses briefly to say, “Hey, dummy — pay attention.”

Seventeen states and — oh, glorious irony! — the District of Columbia have declared states of emergency after the closure of the Colonial pipeline, which brings fuel from Gulf Coast refineries to eastern cities. Gasoline prices already are rising and are expected to rise sharply in the immediate future. Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, fresh off the indignity of losing the title of world’s busiest airport to Bai Yun International in Guangzhou, is nervously watching its fuel stores, as are other airports (including Charlotte Douglas and Raleigh-Durham) served by the pipeline. The population centers of the East Coast are at risk of significant disruption to everything from deliveries to travel — because almost half the fuel used in the most densely populated part of the country travels through a single pipeline that runs from Houston to Linden, N.J., currently out of service after an apparent act of extortion through cyberterrorism.

Hey, dummypay attention.”

Even if you believe, as President Biden says he does, that the United States must be coerced by federal bayonets to accept a radically different economic model that forgoes fossil fuels, abandoning the fossil-fuel infrastructure before that transition has happened — indeed, before some of the necessary technologies that might one day enable such a transition even have been developedis insanely irresponsible. It makes Americans hostages to a narrowminded and moralistic ideology. If you believe, as I do, that under any reasonably responsible policy fossil fuels — especially natural gas — will be part of the mix for the foreseeable future, then preventing environmentally responsible investment in and development of the necessary infrastructure is radical misgovernance…”

Now, imagine it was winter, and in addition to a shortage of gasoline, the Northeast was suffering an inadequate supply of home eating oilThen imagine, rather than 46*, The Donald had been in office.  Any question the reaction of the MSM would have been a might more vocal, as Tucker relates?!?

Unfortunately, as the Editorial Board at the Journal accurately assesses, the Colonial Pipeline shutdown is a warning of worse to come.

BTW, as Rebekah Koffler notes, contrary to some reporting, our government has known about this threat not for years, but for decades, with the first Russian cyberattack dating back to 1996.  In other words, whilst the Russkies have been busy planning and executing attacks on some of our most critical infrastructure, Progressives here at home have directed their energies at realizing, in no particular order of priority, racial division, speech codes, genderless locker rooms and toilets, a socially-engineered, enfeebled U.S. Military, unrestricted illegal immigration, a nuclear-armed Iran and ChiCom world dominance.

In the interest of full disclosure, we consider Dubya a Progressive, as in recent years he and his family have repeatedly shown themselves as such.  And though The Donald had four years to address the issue, we’ll grant him the benefit of the doubt, occupied as he was from the moment he was elected combatting uncorroborated claims of collusion, an implacably hostile opposition and press, disloyal subordinates and the constant threat of impeachment.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Being an inquiring Conservative mind, we wondered how on earth the Colonial Pipeline could have been accessible to malevolent outside forces, seeing as it should have been a secure, sealed system.  So we went to our go-to guy, a computer expert who will remain unnamed.  He posited the likelihood…which he’ll be looking to confirm in the next day or so…it resulted from a simple phishing expedition which hooked someone within the Colonial Pipeline organization whose computer was connected to the system into opening an email, thereby introducing the ransomware.

He also noted the majority of the pipeline’s operations remain mechanical, and that the system was shutdown due to an overabundance of caution.  Sound at all familiar?!?

And here we thought TLJ receiving dozens of emails from unsolicited sellers was a problem.

Meanwhile, like the toilet paper shortage which accompanied the broken two-weeks-to-flatten-the-curve promise, the only reason most areas will experience a gasoline shortage is because of panicky idiots who don’t understand the issue at hand, which is expected to be rectified no later than Friday.

Which begs the question why, as Katie Pavlich informs us, despite the Colonial Pipeline situation, rockets raining down on Israel and everything else going wrong in the world, The Groper called it a day at 1534 (That’s 3:34 PM for you civilians) without giving any assurance America should…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the great and powerful…

Faux Chi Says Seasonal Mask-Wearing ‘Quite Possible


During an appearance on NBC News Meet the Press Sunday, U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci commented that seasonal mask-wearing is “quite possible.” “It is conceivable that in a year or two, that during certain seasonal periods with respiratory-borne diseases, people might elect to wear masks,” Fauci said.

He noted that many people have become accustomed to wearing face-coverings. Fauci cited the case study of Australia and their history of mask use and efficacy, attributing their mild flu season to diligent mask-wearing.

“When you have the ability of a particular virus to go further than just a few feet, clearly one of the most important things is proper ventilation, and number two, mask-wearing,” Fauci said of ways to minimize aerosol transmission. Fauci emphasized indoor-mask wearing in an environment with unvaccinated people, adding that it is “already a CDC recommendation anyway.” (Yeah, the guy who last year about this time sad masks weren’t necessary.)

Addressing host Chuck Todd’s question about the Biden administration’s target goal to vaccinate 70 percent of the U.S. adult population, Fauci responded, “I believe it is a reasonable goal.” He elaborated that it is important to dispatch “trusted messengers” such as sports figures, celebrities and entertainment figures, clergy, and doctors to combat vaccine hesitancy. Fauci continued that a second strategy to increase vaccination rates should be to expand accessibility via pharmacies and “mobile units to go out into not easily accessible areas.” (Like where: The Aleutian Islands…Point Barrow?!? Sorry, but what areas of the United States are “not easily accessible?!? This a*sclown hasn’t the faintest idea what he’s talking about!) “That’s how we get that last group of people that seem to be recalcitrant,” he added.

On the subject of COVID-19 deaths, Todd cited the recorded statistics that over 900,000 Americans have died from the disease. In response to the quoting of those numbers, Fauci said, “We have been undercounting.”

To which we say…

Sorry, Tony, but you’ve been OVERcounting COVID fatalities FROM THE GIT-GO. C’mon, man!!!

Here’s the bottomline courtesy of Balls:

Actually, it’s long past time.

In a related item, as Martha Rosenberg records at Epoch Times courtesy of White House Dossier, if the scamdemic has taught us anything it’s that fat acceptance is a dangerous idea.  The cold, harsh truth remains if you take the very old and obese, i.e. the most vulnerable, out of the COVID equation, the Wuhan virus’s impact on the general population has been negligible.  And while one should never denigrate an individual over their weight, neither should we pretend obesity is to celebrated.

BTW, in the last edition we mentioned a relatively lengthy but worthwhile video in which noted scientific writer Nicholas Wade delved into the actual origins of the Wuhan virus.  You can access a link to Wade’s print version here.  Either way, we highly recommend it as WELL worth your time. 

Next, TheWashington Free Beacon recounts the recent revelation of a rank and file union member who finally gets it:

Union Leadership Evaded Pay Cuts as Pandemic Devastated Membership


A California hospitality union spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on political campaigns and executive salaries as the coronavirus crisis ravaged its membership.

UNITE HERE Local 11, which represents more than 32,000 hospitality workers in California and Arizona, saw upward of 95 percent of its membership laid off at the peak of the coronavirus crisis. By the end of 2020, membership had declined by nearly 40 percent. Still, executives barely saw their salaries decrease in the face of the membership’s struggles, with the top three leaders taking pay cuts of around 1 percent. The union also continued to spend on political initiatives, pumping more than $431,000 into the 2019-2020 cycle.

Additionally, as California ordered lockdown measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, the union sent members to Georgia to canvass for Democratic Senate candidates prior to the January runoff elections in defiance of the state’s orders. The union campaigned with the voter-registration nonprofit group New Georgia Project, founded by Stacey Abrams.

A temporarily out-of-work member of the union expressed frustration with the union’s priorities. The member told the Washington Free Beacon that the union was unresponsive to concerns about health benefits and was difficult to contact. He said that setting up meetings with union officials was nearly impossible.

“Some members, they do wonder what the union is doing with the dues. I don’t think [union leaders] actually care about the members,” the member said. “They care about their pockets, that’s all they care about.”…”

Better late than never.

Since we’re on the subject of deceptive Dimocrats (do they come any other way?!?), Best of the Web describes…

Biden’s Latest Jobs Whopper

Now he’s just making it up.


“…As President, Mr. Trump did implement some valuable regulatory reforms, but never reached an agreement with Congress on new infrastructure spending. Now consider the $2.7 trillion Biden plan, which doesn’t include the Trump regulatory reform agenda and spends far more in total but less on actual infrastructure. On Thursday in Lake Charles, Louisiana President Joe Biden said, according to the official White House transcript:

Everything we’re — we’re gone through is now the, sort of — the blinders have been taken off the American people. They know how bad of shape things are in. But it creates — if we move — all the economists, including the liberal as well as conservative think tanks, point out what we’ll create when we pass this Jobs Plan — we’ll create up to 16 million good-paying jobs. Not $8 an hour or $12, not $15 — prevailing wage jobs. Wages you can raise a family on.

If newspapers still wanted to do “fact-checking” after the Trump era and tried to address all the flaws in this one short paragraph, they’d run out of space for Pinocchios.

A month ago this column noted a Wharton analysis projecting the Biden plan would reduce U.S. wages, hours worked and GDP—significant economic destruction.

Now Mr. Biden is selling the preposterous claim that all economists predict his plan will create 16 million high-wage jobs—nearly 40 times the high end of the Trump White House forecast for infrastructure jobs based on its plan featuring more actual infrastructure, plus deregulation to enable construction.

Given the taxes Mr. Biden has proposed to fund his plan, the real question is how many jobs it will eliminate. Having discouraged workers from taking jobs, Mr. Biden now wants to see how many employers he can discourage from offering them.

Surprisingly, and even more surprisingly given the source, CNN has fact-checked Biden’s claims of support for his massive spending plan and determined them to be false.

For more on 46*’s plans to wreak additional havoc on the nation’s economy, we offer this item forwarded by Speed from the Washington Examiner headlined Joe Biden’s imperiled economy.

Moving on, here’s a nonet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Here’s some of the reaction to Sonny Cuomo’s new seating rules for baseball games and other outdoor events based on an individual’s vaccination status:

(2). As the Washington Examiner‘s Josh Siegel reports, China now emits more greenhouse gases than rest of developed world combined

rendering any agreement to save the planet from what we’re told is imminent peril which doesn’t require immediate action by the ChiComs to drastically reduce their emissions quite useless.  Then there’s the possibility, which we consider far more likely, the purported threat is a complete and utter farce which serves only as an excuse for Socialists to reorder the world economy.

Then again, at least Beijing’s still willing to call an ignorant political puppet an ignorant political puppet.  Though not every

…ignorant political puppet, at least not publicly.

(3).‘s Matt Vespa explains why those who rely on the MSM for news haven’t heard about the CDC’s collusion with Teachers’ unions to keep schools closed.

(4). The WHO claims the coronavirus strain found in India is a “variant of concern.  But of course they do; anything to extend the  bureaucratic control they’ve managed to establish by exacerbating the unreasoned fears of the ignorant and uninformed.

(5). HHS announced Monday it’s reversing a rule initiated by former President Donald Trump that defined “sex” as biological, in an effort to prevent “discrimination” against transgender people in health care practices.  Sooooo…

(6). The Boss forwarded this incredibly insightful and thorough must-read account of the billions and billions in spending Progressives have wasted trying to provide homes for those homeless, the vast majority of whom neither want nor are capable of caring for a fixed dwelling.  As The Boss, who lives in L.A. wrote, “The LAPD officers I speak with regularly say 90% of the homeless in our area are meth addicts.  They also tell me those people don’t want to and won’t go to facilities voluntarily.” “Why?”, inquiring minds might want to know.

Here’s the juice: because facilities, be they rehab clinics or obscenely expensive taxpayer-funded housing projects, have rules.  And the last thing the drug-addicted and/or mentally-ill, who make up the VAST majority of the nation’s homeless, want to do is follow rules!  If the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results, Progressives demonstrate time and again they truly are

(7). A Texas judge has ruled against the NRA and its efforts to reincorporate in the Lone Star State.  Here’s hoping Wayne LaPierre and the rest of those responsible for this fiasco receive their due.

(8). As Jim Freeman details in his aptly entitled Springtime for Bureaucrats, there’s never been a better time to soak up taxpayer funded bennies functioning as another grossly overcompensated cog in the wheels of the federal government.

(9). NBC announced Monday it would not air the 2022 Golden Globes due to concerns with the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s diversity issues.  Yeah,…has to be the HFPA’s lack of diversity; COULDN’T be the show’s free-falling ratings:

In an equally principled and timely stand intended to emphasize HIS wokeness, Tom Cruise is returning the three Golden Globes he’s been awarded.  As TLJ is wont to say, “Whatever”.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…

…including two related views of the recent jobs report…

…along with several more from Fielding Cocke…

…and one we uncovered on our own:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of an errant marksman who might benefit from a little more time at the range:

Suspected Times Square shooter is career criminal with a lengthy rap sheet

Muhammad was arrested at least nine times — most recently on an assault charge


Farrakhan Muhammad, 31, who remains on the loose, has a criminal record dating to 2007, including two felony robbery arrests and a 2012 bust where cops seized a 12-gauge shotgun, a 22-caliber handgun, and body armor, according to sources. According to the sources, Muhammad’s first arrest was in January 2007, when he was picked up on a robbery charge for allegedly stealing a victim’s cellphone in Brooklyn. In November 2009, Muhammad was hit with another robbery charge for allegedly grabbing a woman’s bag while she was loading up a car — with him and a second suspect fleeing the scene, sources said.

His other busts include turnstile jumping and aggravated harassment, the sources said.

Muhammad, an illegal CD peddler, was identified by his brother as the alleged gunman who opened fire at the Crossroads of the World on Saturday and injured three people — among them a 4-year-old Brooklyn girl, police said. Muhammad was allegedly aiming for his brother when he pulled the trigger — with the sibling later dropping a dime on the shooter…”

So Muhammad’s graduated from turnstile jumping to attempted murder…of his brother.  We can just picture the Muhammad family’s Thanksgiving feast, as things go from “Man, I ain’t passin’ you no turkey!” to…

…in a nanosecond.


Video of the Day

Tucker offers the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding the latest on the Bidens’ ChiCom connections, as well as the sorry state of America’s Fourth Estate.

Tales of The Darkside

John Stossel highlights what essentially equates to welfare for the rich.

On the Lighter Side

We found this adaptation of the ending of Eight Men Out, the story of the Chicago Black Sox scandal rather amusing; make certain you watch the entire clip, as the conclusion is the best part.
