It’s Friday, May 14th, 2021…but before we begin, allow us to offer some random thoughts on the ever-worsening passing scene:

Random Thought (A). TLJ suggested the Colonial Pipeline shutdown should at least lead Americans to conclude we need more pipelines, to which we promptly responded, “No, The Left will claim it’s a clear indication an immediate and total shift to electric vehicles is in order.”  Hat tip to The Boss for the linked article which proves our point.

Random Thought (B). Any question Hamas would never have attacked Israel if The Donald still occupied the Oval Office?  Or perhaps there’s something about releasing $235M of aid to terrorists with no strings attached that just brings out the worst in them.

Random Thought (C). Demarcus Adams, Jarius Brunson and Brandon Miller, three Black soldiers stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have been arrested in connection with an illegal weapons pipeline which supplied the guns used in a number of shootings in Chicago, at least one of which was fatal.  Based on the following April 7th text exchange, it’s not hard to figure out the enterprise was gang-related:

Miller: “We gotta hold this shit together ima still play the back role g I ain’t never turning my back on gang whatever got going on y’all ina door wit me stand on business ima stand on my business to make sure mfs got what they need.”
Chicago phone number: “Sayless.”
Miller: “We gone win this *war* we losing the battle but this a marathon not a race.”

We can only assume Mr. Miller meant “sprint”, as a marathon is still a race.

So while our new SecDef is focused on rooting out White supremacists in our Armed Forces (i.e., any White male with Conservative political beliefs), in an eerie replay of the Obamao’s Fast & Furious fiasco, the illicit activities of three Black soldiers have claimed actual lives. 

BTW, gangs infiltrating our Armed Forces has been a problem dating back decades.  Funny Lloyd Austin isn’t concerned about gangbangin’ supremacists of color.

Random Thought (D). Though we recognize the results of the 2020 election cannot be overturned, we’ll never believe multiple efforts by Dimocrats to impose illegal, last-minute election law alterations, or to exclude Republican observers from the vote counting in cities such as Philadelphia, Atlanta and Detroit, or the zero-dark-thirty flood of nearly 100% ballots for Biden in various states didn’t involve and weren’t intended to perpetrate electoral fraud on a massive scale.

Random Thought (E). We’re glad to see the CDC has finally grasped what the rest of us, unschooled though we are in the complex sciences of epidemiology and virology, understood to be the case months ago.  Which fairly screams the question, if all our supposed leaders are “following the science”, why isn’t this policy nationwide?!?  We note 46*’s contribution to the announcement of this long-overdue milestone was to warn us the pandemic will not come to an end until it is tackled globally.  Trust us, this is another way of saying his handlers don’t WANT this to end.  And the timing can’t have anything to do with attempting to distract from The Groper’s ineptitude in dealing with all his various and sundry crises.

Random Thought (F). Ya gotta love John Kerry’s response to a question regarding the ChiComs using Uyghur slave labor to fabricate solar panels as recorded by’s Katie Pavlich.  After first admitting it’s precisely what’s happening, Kerry attempts deflection by lamely stating, “That’s not my lane. My lane is very specifically is to try and get the Chinese to move what we need to do with respect to climate itself.”  Hey, it’s “not his lane”, and he’s a REALLY important guy on a REALLY important mission.  And he only has…what,…ten years now to save the planet?

Millions of the Uyghurs WISH they had that long.

P.S. We wish for once some Republican would question Kerry’s climate change myth in its entirety.

Random Thought (G). We were struck by Mayor Pete’s response to a CNBC host’s question regarding whether infrastructure shouldn’t be limited to the types of things within his purview as Secretary of Transportation.  You can view the entire clip, as it’s not very long, but the Money Quote comes at the 2:02 mark, at which point Pothole Pete clearly confirms he’s living in an alternate reality:

Sure we’ve got a $100 trillion, ’cause in Pete’s world, all we need to do is print it.

Now, here’s The Gouge!  And be sure to make it to the end, ‘cuz we saved the best for last.

First up, the Morning Jolt responds to 46*’s continuing illegal immigration prevarications with an emphatic…

NO, Mr. President, This Is NOT the Usual Seasonal Migration


I told you, back on April 19, that this month’s immigration numbers were going to be high, and represent a blinking red light. On May 4, I reminded Jen Rubin that no, nothing “happened” to the border crisis, the media just stopped discussing it. On Monday, I pointed out that the federal government’s official statistics were undermining Biden’s argument that what Americans were seeing on the border was just a routine seasonal pattern.

“The truth of the matter is, nothing has changed,” President Biden insisted in his press conference on March 25. “It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.”

I’m sorry, Mr. President, but that is a load of bull. It is not a regular seasonal pattern to break a two-decade-old record two months in a row. In the month of April, U.S. Customs and Border Protection caught 178,622 individuals attempting to cross the U.S.–Mexico border, one month after they had caught an eye-popping 173,348 individuals.

Biden told NBC News that he “inherited a Godawful mess” from Trump at the border, but in January, CBP had only 78,443 encounters at the southern border. The first big jump came in February when it rose to 101,120, and then it continued rising into March. Hey, what happened in late January?

These are cold, hard numbers which prove that Biden’s assessment of the situation in late March was completely wrong. Whether or not Biden wanted to tell Central America that the border is open, his first moves on immigration — halting construction of border fencing, new guidelines to ICE agents to sharply curb arrests and deportations, an attempted moratorium on deportations, proposing a path to citizenship — all sent a signal to migrants and human traffickers that the door was wide open and everyone was welcome.

There is only one way that people in the poorest and most isolated communities in Central America will disbelieve the false promises of human smugglers and coyotes and understand that the border is not open. It requires the U.S. president to send a clear signal, loudly, frequently, and publicly, that U.S. immigration laws are still enforced, and that those caught crossing the border illegally will be criminally charged and quickly deported…”

Yeah, fat chance.

Next, NRO‘s Charlie Cooke recounts what happens when a biased press, overeager for any hint of dirt on a rising Republican, runs with a story they know to be false, as he tells the twisted tale of…

Rebekah Jones, the COVID Whistleblower Who Wasn’t


That’s Rebekah Jones on the left, Theranos’ Lyin’ ‘Lizbeth Holmes on the right.

This is a story about Rebekah Jones, a former dashboard manager at the Florida Department of Health (FDOH), who has single-handedly managed to convince millions of Americans that Governor Ron DeSantis has been fudging the state’s COVID-19 data.

When I write “single-handedly,” I mean it, for Jones is not one of the people who have advanced this conspiracy theory but rather is the person who has advanced this conspiracy theory. It has been repeated by others, sure: by partisans across the Internet, by unscrupulous Florida Democrats (Is there a different variety?!?) such as Nikki Fried and Charlie Crist, and on television, by (GASP!!!) MSNBC in particular. But it flows from a single place: Rebekah Jones. To understand that is to understand the whole game. This is about Jones, and Jones alone. If she falls, it falls.

And boy does it deserve to fall…”

Can you say, “Russian collusion” or “Dan Rather”, boys and girls?  We KNEW you could!

Since we’re on the subject of scam artists, also courtesy of NRO, Phil Klein writes…

Biden’s Honeymoon Is Over

It’s still early, but this week demonstrated that there’s more to a successful presidency than simply slapping on a mask and avoiding late-night tweeting.


Many conservatives have observed this week that with a poor unemployment reportinflation on the risea gas crisis, and the Middle East in turmoil (Let’s not forget an uncontrolled southern border, a rising China, nuclear Iran and deliberately divisive social agenda!), Joe Biden’s presidency is starting to look a lot like Jimmy Carter’s.

Taken literally, this is obviously premature. The Colonial Pipeline has already resumed operations. Israel and Hamas won’t be fighting at this level of intensity forever. And two concerning economic reports do not constitute a longer-term trend.

That having been said, this week has been an indication that the honeymoon period of the Biden presidency is coming to an end…”

A grace period, we must note, his predecessor was never granted.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, courtesy of the WSJ via Jeff Foutch, Mark Mills reveals the truth behind…

Biden’s Not-So-Clean Energy Transition

The International Energy Agency exposes the hidden environmental costs and infeasibility of going green.


The International Energy Agency, the world’s pre-eminent source of energy information for governments, has entered the political debate over whether the U.S. should spend trillions of dollars to accelerate the energy transition favored by the Biden administration. You know, the plan to use far more “clean energy” and far less hydrocarbons—the oil, natural gas and coal that today supply 84% of global energy needs. The IEA’s 287-page report released this month, “The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions,” is devastating to those ambitions. A better title would have been: “Clean Energy Transitions: Not Soon, Not Easy and Not Clean.”

The IEA assembled a large body of data about a central, and until now largely ignored, aspect of the energy transition: It requires mining industries and infrastructure that don’t exist. Wind, solar and battery technologies are built from an array of “energy transition minerals,” or ETMs, that must be mined and processed. The IEA finds that with a global energy transition like the one President Biden envisions, demand for key minerals such as lithium, graphite, nickel and rare-earth metals would explode, rising by 4,200%, 2,500%, 1,900% and 700%, respectively, by 2040.

The world doesn’t have the capacity to meet such demand. As the IEA observes, albeit in cautious bureaucratese, there are no plans to fund and build the necessary mines and refineries. The supply of ETMs is entirely aspirational. And if it were pursued at the quantities dictated by the goals of the energy transition, the world would face daunting environmental, economic and social challenges, along with geopolitical risks.

The IEA stipulates up front one underlying fact that advocates of a transition never mention: Green-energy machines use far more critical minerals than conventional-energy machines do. “A typical electric car requires six times the mineral inputs of a conventional car, and an onshore wind plant requires nine times more mineral resources than a gas-fired power plant,” the report says. “Since 2010, the average amount of minerals needed for a new unit of power generation capacity has increased by 50% as the share of renewables has risen.” That was merely to bring wind and solar to a 10% share of the world’s electricity.

As the IEA notes dryly, the transition is a “shift from a fuel-intensive to a material-intensive energy system.” That means a shift away from liquids and gases whose extraction and transport leave a very light footprint on the land and are transported easily, cheaply and efficiently, and toward big-footprint mines, the energy-intensive transport of massive amounts of rocks and other solid materials, and subsequent chemical processing and refining…”

In other words…

Moving on, we submit for your perusal a septet of selections sure to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Writing at NRO, Douglas Carr proposes a way lawmakers could respond to MLB’s Georgia Boycott which might even garner some Dimocratic support, provided Progressives are serious about taxing billionaires.

(2). Though we find Marc Thiessen’s take on the Liz Cheney kerfuffle of interest, centering as it does around the rather intriguing factoid Liz was in synch with The Donald (93%) far more frequently than Elise (78%), what we find more interesting is Thiessen, like Cheney, still describes the brief occupation of the Capitol as an “insurrection“, just as he similarly continues to claim Trump was somehow responsible, a belief most outside the Beltway don’t share.

(3). And the Biden bennies just keep on coming, as NRO reports consumer prices saw their largest yearly jump since 2008, as evidence of inflation mountsIt’s like this meme from Speed so pointedly observes:

(4). Though we understand Senator Barasso’s point, the ChiComs aren’t playing Joe Biden, they’re paying Joe Biden…along with a lengthy list of other American luminaries who’ve put personal profit above their nation’s security.

(5). Courtesy of our expert Gary, here’s everything you need to know about the Colonial Pipeline attack, including the fact DarkSide has claimed responsibility for the catastrophic ransomware outbreak.  In the meantime, while Charlie Cooke rightly considers the White House’s approach to the assault on a critical piece of actual infrastructure to be baffling, Bloomberg just reported Colonial paid DarkSide a nearly $5 million ransom in untraceable cryptocurrency within hours of the cyberattack.  All of which leaves Jim Geraghty wondering, “Hasn’t ANYBODY in this administration read Kipling’s Dane-Geld? What do you think happens when people hear you’re willing to pay a ransom?”  Here’s a hint: None of it’s good.

(6). As this forward from George Lawlor tells us, someone in Mike DeWine’s office has a flair for innovation, as Ohio’s governor announced a $1M lottery for vaccinated citizens.Starting next Wednesday, adults who have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and are at least 18 years old, may enter a lottery that will provide a $1 million prize each Wednesday for five weeks.”  Not to be outdone, 46* has offered any girls between the ages of 8 and 13 who get the vaccine a chance to win an all-expense paid trip on Amtrak to join him in his pool the next time Dr. Jill’s out of town.*

*The total number of winners will depend upon how often Dr. Jill goes out of town.

(7). Turning from the good to the bad and ugly, Michigan’s Wretched Whitmer is at it again, attempting to exercise powers her own Dimocratic attorney general says she doesn’t have to seize the profits of a Canadian pipeline passing through the Straits of Mackinac if they don’t shut down operations, all because the 60-year-old pipeline might spring a leak.  No word on whether Wretched plans to force Delta Airlines to cease all flight in and out of Detroit because one of their aircraft could crash.

This couldn’t have anything to do with Wretched attempting to divert attention from her refusal to come clean about who footed the bill for the private jet she took to visit her father in Florida in violation of her own COVID travel advisory?

Inquiring minds also have to wonder whether Whitmer has the faintest understanding a going concern would infinitely prefer to slug it out in court and risk losing some portion of its net profits rather than shutting down and losing its entire stream of revenue.  As Jim Freeman noted, echoing what we’ve so often observed, if politicians like Wretched Gretchen didn’t have double standards, they’s have no standards at all.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Breeze…

…Balls Cotton…

…the lovely Shannon…

…and last, but never least, Major Jon:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with our Heresy Section, courtesy today of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, who, in a blinding moment of unaccustomed honesty admitted when it comes to the cheapest, least environmentally-damaging way to transport the petroleum products and natural gas on which our entire civilization depends

To which The Groper’s degenerate son responded…

Reports Granholm will be hauled before the Grand High Climate Inquisitor first thing Monday…

…remain unconfirmed…but highly likely. 


P.S. If we might impose upon you, please forward The Gouge to a right-thinking friend.  No, we won’t claim you’ll die, or your finances will drastically dry up if you don’t.  After all, 46* will take care of the latter regardless.  We’re just trying to increase our circulation, and there’s no one a Conservative trusts more than a like-minded acquaintance.  In any event, we…

Video of the Day

Ben Shapiro gives us an accurate assessment of the latest Hamas terrorist assault on the sovereign state of Israel, the only truly functioning democracy in the Middle East.  The clip is a bit lengthy, but it’s well worth your time to get the facts.

Tales of The Darkside

As if America’s enemies didn’t already have reason enough to dismiss our resolve.

On the Lighter Side

Everything you wanted to know about tree crickets…but didn’t care enough to ask!
