It’s Friday, October 29th, 2021…but before we begin, for anyone still operating under the delusion those in positions of power view their subjects with anything but complete and utter contempt, we offer a photo of Michigan’s Wretched Gretchen Whitmer blatantly violating D.C.’s mask mandate earlier this week…

…along with this video in which a hot mike revealed the true feelings of the president of the Los Alamitos school board for a mother who took time from her busy schedule to voice her heartfelt and legitimate concerns:

Wake up and smell the derision, America!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Speaking of the contempt with which Progressives view loyal, law-abiding, patriotic Americans, the Journal is reporting the…

U.S. is in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border

Government is considering payments of $450,000 per person affected by Trump administration’s zero-tolerance policy in 2018


The Biden administration is in talks to offer immigrant families that were separated during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation, according to people familiar with the matter, as several agencies work to resolve lawsuits filed on behalf of parents and children who say the government subjected them to lasting psychological trauma.

The U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. included one parent and one child, the people said. Many families would likely get smaller payouts, depending on their circumstances, the people said.

The total potential payout could be $1 billion or more…”

So at the same time 46* is taking our money through the shortages and inflated prices he’s created, and proposing to take even more with his proposed tax increases while saddling our progeny with perpetual, unpayable debt, he’s trying to give it to criminal foreign nationals who illegally entered our country.

We should also note the three glaring inaccuracies in the five short sentences above: (i) These aren’t “immigrants”, they’re ILLEGAL immigrants; (ii) The “government” didn’t subject them to anything, rather they subjected themselves to whatever they experienced; and, (iii) They weren’t “asylum seekers”, but dirt-poor peasants looking to take advantage of a better life north of the border.  Thus does the reporting of the Journal differ almost completely from its editorial page.

Here’s the juice: As a Navy classmate we spoke with earlier today observed, Biden is essentially proposing to provide illegal aliens the same benefits accorded a military officer who honorably served his country for 20 years, and far more than any enlisted retiree.  Sorta puts this incredible insult into proper perspective, no?  

Or, as this meme from Balls Cotton puts it:

Since we’re on the subject of incredibly misguided, purely political Progressive policies, The Washington Free Beacon relates a…

White House ‘Gender Equity’ Plan Calls for Elimination of Cash Bail

United States saw unprecedented murder spike in 2020, according to FBI data


As the country faces an unprecedented murder spike, President Joe Biden is claiming that eliminating cash bail for violent criminals is critical to promoting “gender equity and equality.”

A 42-page report from the White House Gender Policy Council entitled the “National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality” outlines a “whole of government” approach to ending so-called inequality between men, women, and transgender people. Among the critical steps necessary to remedy disparities between these groups, the White House alleges, is working to overturn cash bail, a legal mechanism that proponents say helps keep violent criminals off the street. “We will work to end cash bail and reform our pretrial system, recognizing the harm these processes cause, particularly for Black women and families,” the report says. (As Elizabeth Warren would say, HOW?!?)

The Biden administration’s decision to push for a radical criminal justice reform measure—even as broad swaths of the public say they are concerned about rising violence—reflects the political tensions of an increasingly unpopular president who feels compelled to placate his party’s radical base. Polling from the summer showed crime emerging as a top issue for voters, and some Democrats blamed rioting during Black Lives Matter protests for their poor down-ballot performance last November.

According to FBI data, the country saw a nearly 30 percent increase in homicides in 2020. Such a jump was the largest in one year since the federal government started collecting crime statistics in the 1960s. Overall, violent crime increased 5 percent.

Advocates of maintaining cash bail policies point to cities such as Chicago and New York City, which eliminated the practice for most offenses and saw murders and shootings rise above the national average. One study by researchers at Stanford, Harvard, and Princeton universities concluded that pretrial release increases the likelihood of rearrest before the offender’s trial by 37 percent, as well as the chance the alleged criminal misses their court date…”

Yet another counterproductive Progressive policy whose impact will never be felt by those imposing it, but instead will fall on those they purport to support.

Next up, in an item courtesy of Keith Calcote related to the Bill Whittle video accompanying our Quote of the Day at the top of the page, the Editorial Board at the WSJ details the Dimocrats’…

Fly-by-Night Taxation

The Democratic tax show has become a tragi-comedy of errors.


There’s never been anything like this, and we’ve been around a long time. Democrats are writing tax policy for a $22 trillion economy on the fly, floating new tax increases willy-nilly, with little thought to the consequences and no time for public debate.

One day it’s an increase in tax rates on corporations and the affluent. But wait, that doesn’t have the votes. How about a carbon tax? That won’t fly either. Hey, there goes Jeff Bezos. Let’s tax him and 699 other billionaires. It polls well. Everyone hates billionaires! Oh, but that may be unconstitutional. We still need money, so let’s try a 15% corporate minimum tax—though be sure to exempt investments in green energy and other pet progressive ideas. So it will have to be a minimum tax on some companies but not others. Bring on the Gucci Gulch lobbyists, campaign checkbooks at the ready.

And don’t forget to cut taxes for some of the rich by restoring the state and local tax deduction, though only for two years. Need those New York and New Jersey House votes.

Then let’s rush to get all of this “framework” agreed to by Thursday so President Biden can have something to boast about at the global climate gabfest that will do nothing that matters about the climate.

What a spectacle. For a century Democrats have been the party of higher taxes, but at least they paid some attention to the policy merits. Tax writers Dan Rostenkowski and Lloyd Bentsen were serious people. This crowd has no clue what the consequences of their proposals will be, and they don’t much care.

This is the rotten tax policy you get when a party is scrambling and desperate to pass legislation that is increasingly unpopular as more Americans discover what’s in it. The familiar tax increases that people understand are proving to be a hard sell. So Democrats are rummaging through the attic of bad socialist ideas to find some way to pretend they are paying for their multi-trillion-dollar spending blitz. The best result would be for the entire farce to collapse from its own dead weight.

You know, like…

But as this next item from Real Clear Politics via George Lawlor suggests, how can one expect a cogent, reasoned approach to anything from a government nominally run by the personification of malevolent stupidity Charles Lipson calls

D’oh Biden


So much has gone wrong so quickly, it’s hard to remember we are only nine months into Joe Biden’s presidency. Less than one-third of the country now thinks America is “on the right track,” according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls. That’s a dramatic deterioration since last spring, and a disturbing one, not only for the Biden and his party but for the country. Three developments are driving this collapse in confidence.

First, Biden is pursuing a self-proclaimed strategy to “transform” America despite his campaign promises to bring the country together, stress bipartisanship, and restore comity and normality. That’s not what he’s done. He’s tried to force big, progressive changes, a strategy that was bound to be divisive since he didn’t campaign on that platform or win a congressional mandate to pursue it. Second, all Biden’s major policies so far have failedsome spectacularly. He can point to no major triumphs to offset them. Third, Biden himself has been unable to mount an effective, coherent defense of his administration and its priorities.

The cumulative result is a sharp decline in public approval, especially among independents. Biden won the White House because he carried their votes, or perhaps because Donald Trump lost them. Now, with Trump gone and Biden standing alone, only one in four independents approve of the job he’s doing in the Oval Office. (And they likely haven’t ventured out of their homes since the WuFlu first hit.)

Instead of heeding those red flags, the Biden administration is plowing ahead, undeterred, as the disasters mount. What the public sees are rising prices, bottlenecked supply chains, an open Southern border, and a bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan. They see a wobbly president who seems overwhelmed by a sea of troubles.

What worries the White House now is more than the gaffes, confusion, failed policies, and sinking poll numbers. It is the public’s growing conviction that Biden is simply not up to the job. As his policies crash and burn, he refuses to change directions or acknowledge he is pursuing a divisive agenda far different from the one he ran on. As questions mount, he dispatches aides to parry them while he remains incommunicado.

It is not a happy picture. President (“46*” to us!) Biden has squandered the public’s trust and morphed from his carefully constructed image as Good Ol’ Scranton Joe into something closer to a fumbling, incompetent cartoon character: D’Oh Biden.

We’re of the opinion he’s always been “D’Oh”, not “Joe”; He just wasn’t in the public eye a sufficient length of time to demonstrate the true degree of his ineptitude. 

And The Groper isn’t the only Socialist shying away from prying eyes, as The Washington Free Beacon records…

Dem Candidates in Virginia Ban Cameras From Public Campaign Events


It’s as this adage forwarded by Balls says:

Moving on, we offer a septet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). NRO‘s Caroline Downey tells us, despite the National School Board Association apologizing for the letter which served as the predicate for a DOJ task force formed to investigate non-existent threats to school-board members by parents, Attorney General Merrick Garland is refusing to disband it.

(2). The WSJ‘s Kim Strassel recounts though 46* promised Progressives his budget bill would finally deliver them their long-sought climate stick, what they’re getting instead is the same old carrot: corporate welfare.  And the EnviroNazis are…a titch ticked!

(3). Having gone from ahead by 5% to behind by 8%, it’s been revealed Terry McAuliffe’s campaign spent nearly $60,000 to hire a high-profile attorney known for masterminding election-related legal challenges, someone who, as Jonathan Turley wrote, has been “accused of lying to the media, advancing rejected conspiracy theories” and is “currently involved in a major federal investigation that has already led to the indictment of his former partner”.  When FOX sent the McAuliffe’s campaign a request for comment, they scrambled to “kill” the story, according to emails mistakenly sent to FOX.

Nothing to see here, Virginia…please move along.

(4). As NRO‘s Phil Klein suggests, even scaled down, Biden’s Build Back Better framework STILL represents a reckless expansion of the welfare state, and some of it may end up permanent.  And why on earth does Joe need to wear a mask here

but not there?!?

(5). Jim Geraghty writes how, despite his repeated promises to the contrary…

…when he’s not forcing them to pay unnecessarily higher prices for their food, energy and every other commodity, 46* is pummeling the poor with tax increases.  Yeah, we have his word…as a Biden!  You know, the family that lies, cheats, steals, extorts, smokes crack and sleeps with their brother’s widow.

(6). In another story related to the Biden crime family, the Conservative Brief carries Jack Posobiec claim “Doctor” Jill Biden has been inquiring how to remove a sitting Vice President.

“Over the summer, Posobiec also intimated that there is a growing amount of friction between Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Reportedly, Jill Biden became intensely upset with Harris during the Democratic debates in 2019, when she attacked husband Joe Biden over his stances regarding forced busing to schools in the 1970s as a means of achieving desegregation, as well as his close working relationship with Democratic segregationists in the Senate.”

Even more so than Hell, Dimocratic politics hath no fury like a faux-doctor woman scorned.

(7). Couldn’t happen to a more-deserving fellow!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s some inflation-related bon mots from Mark Foster…

…along with these from Balls Cotton…

…and the perfect stocking stuffer for the inquiring Conservative mind in your life brought to you by the lovely Shannon:

Finally, regarding the Holidays, we’ll call it a month with a must-see Tucker Carlson segment which doesn’t bode well for travel or gift-giving over Thanksgiving and Christmas:

It’s one thing for the clown car which is the 46* Administration to deliberately harm its own workers, but quite another for Southwest Airlines, what was once the model of efficiency and corporate culture in America.


P.S. We know, when it comes to The Gouge

What we DO request is you forward us on to ten…only ten, mind you…of your likeminded racist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, reactionary friends, thus aiding us in our effort to enlighten a world descending into Dimocratic darkness.

Video of the Day

For those still requiring further proof Dimocrats are the party of evil, this should serve as the clincher.

Tales of The Darkside

Is there any depth to which these people won’t sink?!? Hint: That was a rhetorical question.

On the Lighter Side

Submitted for your perusal, two species of lyin’ asses: The absolute lyin’ ass on the left, and the lyin’ horse’s ass on the right.
