It’s Wednesday, December 15th, 2021…but before we begin, consider the following FOX headline…

Owner of diner where shooting suspect worked places blame on parents


…then you tell us: Why would anyone…other than a complete imbecile…care about the thoughts and opinions of the owner of a diner where a demented young man worked on a mere eight or nine occasions?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, speaking about those whose thoughts and opinions only an imbecile would value, just when we thought we’d heard everything, FOX informs us…

Richard Blumenthal spoke at Communist award show, touted ‘Build Back Better

Democratic senator pitches ‘Build Back Better’ to Connecticut communists


Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut appeared Saturday at the Connecticut People’s World Committee Amistad Awards. CPWC is a Communist Party affiliate political advocacy organization. Blumenthal appeared at the event to distribute certificates of special recognition to the three recipients of the awards, video from the event posted on Facebook shows.

“We invite you to join the Communist Party in this epic time as we make good trouble to uproot systemic racism, retool the war economy, tax the rich, address climate change, secure voting rights and create a new socialist system that puts people, peace and planet before profits,” emcee Ben McManus told the audience during the event.

Blumenthal was introduced as a “special surprise guest.” “I’m here to honor the great tradition of activism and standing up for individual workers that is represented by the three honorees here,” Blumenthal said…”

Yes, that same great tradition of activism and standing up for individual workers which has been directly responsible for the deaths of some 100 million humans, and the enslavement of well over 1.5 billion more.  Then again, having gone toe to toe with the Red Menace in the jungles and rice paddies of Vietnam…er, we meant landing under fire in Bosnia…sorry, defending the Alamo with Brian Williams.

Seriously, here’s the juice: When your conscience is okay with the slaughter over 65 million unborn babies since 1973 in the U.S. alone, the murder of over 100,000,000 adults worldwide by an ideology espoused by your political supporters isn’t likely to bother you one bit.

Since we’re on the subject of the patently politically-correct, writing at White House Dossier, Rebekah Koffler details, despite the specter of three wars posing a significant danger to America’s world dominance

Biden Joint Chiefs vice chair nominee agrees on need for ‘gender advisors


President Biden continues woking up the military. Adm. Chris Grady, the nominee for vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says using a gender advisor is part of ensuring a “safe and secure work environment” for the military.

What about going into battle? Seems like that might disrupt the notion of a safe work environment.

In his eight years, Obama succeeded in infiltrating all of our institutions (military, intelligence, big business, etc.), and this administration is finishing the job in destroying them. And with the woke youth of today poised to be tomorrow’s leaders, it’s only going to get worse.

The incompetent ideologues now running this country perceive only one enemythe American people. They will roll over anytime for Russia, China, Iran, even Lower Slobbovia. But for them, every day is January 6th.

And every one of YOU is him:

Next, NRO‘s Kevin Williamson relates the nature of…

The American State Cult


Williamson’s commentary is well worth the read; And while we don’t agree with everything he asserts, we’ve no doubt he’s dead-on, balls accurate with his last three paragraphs:

“…The difference between a Republican who says that he is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and a Republican who says that he’s going to balance the budget is that somebody might believe the first guy.

A nation that looks to its politicians to provide spiritual nourishment needs that nourishment badly — and it is going to starve.

It is also going to face endless political disappointment and misgovernment. It is important to bring the right tool to the job: Bananas are great, but you can’t hammer in a nail with one.

In other news of note, NRO’s Zach Evans reports the…

Key Inflation Metric Grows at Fastest Pace EVER Recorded


Not that Paul Krugman, Jen Psaki or Kommielaa should…or would…care.

Moving on, NRO’s Rich Lowry records…

The Failure of ‘Latinx

The vast majority of Latinos dislike the term and have zero interest in being used as pawns by progressives in the culture war.


What the progressive culture elite wants, it usually gets. Single-sex bathrooms changing overnight to all-gender or non-gender bathrooms?Done. Illegal immigrants becoming known as “undocumented persons”?But of course.

So when it was decided in the precincts of fashionable opinion that the term “Latino” would be retired in favor of “Latinx,” one could have been forgiven for thinking that this hideous neologism would, like so much else in American life, go from a fringe cause to mainstream soon enough.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the Latinx ascendancy — Latinos have rejected the term, at the same time that a big swing toward the GOP among these voters has highlighted the perils of high-handed cultural politics for the Democrats.

“Latinx” may end up being a woke experiment that failed, showing the vast gap between the identity-politics-obsessed progressives earnestly talking to one another in seminar rooms and on social media and the Hispanics in whose name they presume to speak…”

And here’s another quintet of items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Bloomberg gave some interesting advice on Saturday for American families that are struggling with inflation. An article entitled “For Americans Shocked by Inflation, Argentines Have Some Advice” written by Bloomberg reporters Patrick Gillespie and Ignacio Olivera Doll included the suggestion Americans spend their paycheck right away and borrow more.

(2).‘s Leah Barkoukis records the woke mob meltdown over J.K. Rowling’s latest tweet:

Oh, how the truth HURTS!!!

(3). Just going to prove bad things sometimes happen to bad people, Sonny Cuomo has been ordered to relinquish the $5M+ he made from his fanciful WuFlu memoir.  The former governor and serial sex predator’s attorney says he will go to court to fight the ethics commission’s order he give up the money owing to the fact he used public resources on his book.

(4). For those still requiring proof what has definitely become a scamdemic is all about controlling YOU rather than a virus birthed in China, if this doesn’t convince you, you probably voted for Biden.  Here’s a second shot of the juice: They’re going to cling to the control their concocted calamity has granted them if it kills you!!!

(5). The Washington Times reports Biden’s Beijing Olympics boycott sputters as South Korea, other U.S. allies say “Let’s go, Brandon!”

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from the lovely Shannon…

…Rick Page…

…and Kevin Nielsen:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another unfortunate and sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of The Mercury News via Best of the Web, and what has of late become a recurring theme.  Namely, the total and complete failure of government in its most basic duty: Protecting the lives and property of its citizens.

East Bay woman’s husband was killed even after months of frantic police calls. Could it have been prevented?

We were being traumatized in our own home.’


Spoiler alert: That would be an emphatic not only “yes”, but “HELL yes!!!”, but we digress: 

“…Born and raised in New York, Miles Armstead was a larger-than-life personality — a die-hard New York Giants fan who adored his family, loved his job at Fremont Bank and was active in his church. Jamal Thomas, whom everyone knew as JT, was a smart East Oakland kid with dreams of becoming an architect whose life was derailed by a decade of drug addiction, said his mother, Patricia Thomas.

The two men’s paths converged in 2017. Miles and Melina Armstead had just bought their first house together — a 1929 Tudor on 76th Avenue, next door to the home the Thomas family had rented for two decades. As the Armsteads, newly married with four kids from prior marriages, settled their “Brady Bunch” family into their dream home, Miles made friends with Jamal Thomas — as he did with everyone. He wanted to help a neighbor who was clearly struggling, and sometimes gave him $10 or $15 to help with yard work, Melina said.

But their relationship took a turn when Thomas and his family lost their home two years later, pushed out when an investor wanted to buy the house unencumbered by tenants.

Patricia Thomas, a retired nurse, and her husband, a retired bus driver, went to live with relatives while they waited for a spot to open in an affordable housing development for seniors. But Jamal, an out-of-work carpenter in his 40s, had nowhere to go…”

Three thoughts immediately come to mind: (1). Anyone buying a rental property, particularly in California, couldn’t HOPE to “evict” an existing tenant inside of eighteen months, twelve at the inside, so what was the Thomas family doing in the interim?!?; (2). We find it more than passing curious although the mother and father immediately found room with relatives, there was no room at the inn for their drug-addicted, 40-something, mentally-impaired, out-of-work-carpenter son; and, (3). How DID, in a state with the most-restrictive guns laws on the planet, a convicted felon obtain the firearm he used to murder an innocent, law-abiding American?!?

Not that anyone in the MSM is curious…or serious…enough to ferret out the facts surrounding any one of the three obvious questions we’ve posed.


Video of the Day

We wish every Republican politician came from the same mold.

Tales of The Darkside

As Tommy of Goodfellas would have said, “You know Kommielaa, you’re a f*%#in’ mumbling stuttering little prick; You know that?!?”

On the Lighter Side

Given Kommielaa’s cratering approval rating (28%), whoever thought it was a good idea to demonstrate her cluelessness about electric vehicle charging stations should be fired…if they haven’t already quit. No wonder ABC, CBS and NBC all avoided airing the clip. Imagine that had been Dan Quayle or Bush II!
