It’s Wednesday, December 22nd, 2021…and though there’s only THREE shopping days until Christmas, can you even begin to imagine the hue and cry which would have resulted had the following been set forth in one of Trump’s tweets?!?

We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right thing, and we will get through this. For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.

REALLY?!?  First, let the complete text of the comment sink in:

Then review the reality as recounted by retired physician Deane Waldman in the December 20th edition of The Gouge, and subsequently swallow this regurgitated shot of the juice:

Lastly, and most seriouslyconsider the fact the ONLY way 46* and his a*sclown of an Administration will allow the Omicron (not to mention an inevitable and lengthy list of follow-on variants, which curiously won’t include “Xi”!) NOT to disrupt school and work for the fully-vaccinated (that is, based on whatever Dr. Faux Chi pronounces the term “fully” to mean on a particular day!) is if they behave as if they were never vaccinated in the first place!!!  Hell’s bells: As if the vaccination Trump funded never existed at all!!!

C’mon, America: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL TYRANNY!!!  And Christians, stop cowering in fear and start living the power of your faith!!!

Or do you not believe God’s sovereignty extends to a virus manufactured by the Communist Chinese with funding from the NIH?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since we’re on the subject of the most American-hating Administration since The Obamao left office, in a forward from Jeff Foutch, Frontpage Magazine‘s Daniel Greenfield informs us why…

Biden Won’t Stand Up to China or Russia, Only to America

The Summit for Democracy shows how much Biden and Kamala hate the USA.


Biden convened his Summit for Democracy “to renew democracy at home and confront autocracies abroad”. But in the speeches by Biden and Kamala Harris, neither could think of a single foreign autocrat or enemy they wanted to confront. Instead they bashed America.

While China and Russia waged a concerted propaganda campaign against the summit, they need not have worried. Not only did Biden and Kamala refrain from slighting Putin or Xi, but when the Taiwanese delegate displayed a map in which Taiwan was marked in a different color, her feed was cut off and an apologetic message was displayed disavowing Taiwan’s existence“Any opinions expressed by individuals on this panel are those of the individual, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States government,” the democracy summit clarified.

The censorship occurred during a session on “countering digital authoritarianism” to helpfully remind everyone that the Biden administration and its Big Tech allies are digital authoritarians.

The Zoom Democracy Summit wasn’t actually about democracies. The Biden administration didn’t reach out to the leaders of some democracies while inviting brutal thugs like Pakistan’s Khan. Khan, fresh from praising the Taliban takeover, was persuaded by his Chinese allies not to call in. Taiwan, which was allowed to attend, was not allowed to even imply that it was a separate nation from Communist China despite the fact that its independence is democratic.

Taiwan’s leaders are chosen in free elections. China’s leaders are Communist apparatchiks. When a democracy summit censors democracies when they make this point, then what’s it for?

Biden used the Summit for Democracy to pitch his Build Back Better pork sandwich. Foreign leaders and diplomats must have been confused to hear Biden falsely talk up BBB as “an extraordinary investment in our people and our workers” as if he were addressing Ohio Dems. Confronted with an international forum, Biden and Kamala could think of nothing else than to spout generalities written by their overpaid speechwriters before pivoting to a pitch for their partisan pork along with some of the same old attacks on their Republican political opponents.

There could hardly have been a clearer message to world leaders that the Biden administration doesn’t have a foreign policy, doesn’t want a foreign policy, and couldn’t care less about the world unless there’s a clause ensuring that 10% of the world will be held in trust for the big guy. The only enemies that Biden and his people can conceive of use an elephant as their symbol and pledge allegiance to the United States, instead of taking a knee at the anthem.

Russia and China weren’t worried before the summit. They’re worried even less now…”

And if Russia and China are even less worried than before, 46* and Kommielaa care even less about you than they ever have…assuming that’s even possible.

But nothing is less, as NRO‘s David Harsanyi relates, than…

AOC’s Grasp of American Governance

Build Back Better’s failure was predicated on Biden’s ill-conceived decision to cast his lot with the hard Left.


Speaking of patent Progressive prevarication, there are lies, bald-faced lies, and then there are the lies of slavish, self-serving Socialist apparatchiks, such as when…

Outgoing NIH director Francis Collins dismisses Wuhan coronavirus lab-leak theory as a ‘distraction’ on his last day in office


Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins told Fox News on Sunday that he’s “sorry” the Wuhan lab-leak theory has become such a “huge distraction” for the country, despite there being “no evidence” to support it…”

No evidence at all…except for the fact a demonstrably insecure lab in Wuhan, China, one of only THREE facilities ON THE PLANET conducting gain-of-function research on coronaviruses was located in the same city in which the “Wuhan virus” originated.  Oh,…and the ChiCom’s repeated attempts to cover up the WuFlu’s origins.

Not to mention a new poll finds 72% of Americans believe the WuFlu originated in self-same Wuhan lab…and the NIH’s own admission it funded said gain-of-function research.

Who are you going to believe: The lies of The Left or the facts standing right in front of your lying eyes?!?

Then there’s this quartet of items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). There’s undeniable evidence the CCP paid a D.C. radio station $4.4 million to broadcast ChiCom propaganda, as Potomac Media Group repeatedly aired content from China Global Television Network.

(2). An Alabama judge has been removed from the bench for terming a fellow jurist an “Uncle Tom”, along with numerous other ethics violations.  Jefferson County Judge Nakita Blocton also called another judge a “fat b*tch”, as well as another employee a “heifer”.  Talk about a Black calling the pot a kettle!

(3). The fact a mother said a librarian made her 3rd-grader participate in a Holocaust reenactment, THEN told her students NOT to tell their parents is only in keeping with what we’ve seen thus far in the hallowed halls of America’s Leftist-dominated halls of public education.  This is a woke system gone COMPLETELY off the rails.

(4). In a related item, if you’ve ever wondered at the nature of college “education” in America, the fact a prominent Harvard professor has been found guilty of lying about his ties to the ChiComs should tell you all you need to know.

(5). And just when you thought The Left couldn’t get any weirder,‘s Matt Philbin reports certain Quidditch leagues are changing their names because J.K. Rowling isn’t woke enough.  That, and a little trademark issue with Warner Brothers.  Still, as the author noted, this really is the Golden Age of Stupid.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Sports Section, and this reminder from FOX why their blatantly biased coverage hasn’t caused us to miss Tiger even one iota:

Tiger Woods, son Charlie set impressive record in 2nd-place PNC Championship finish

The Woods narrowly lost to John Daly and his son


“…Woods and his 12-year-old son strung together a tournament-record 11 consecutive birdies and pushed John Daly and his son John Daly II, a freshman golfer at Arkansas, to the finish.

The Woods duo’s birdie streak ended on the final hole of the tournament, which gave the Daly bunch some wiggle room in case they faltered. Team Daly two-putted for birdie on the 18th hole for a 57 and set their own tournament record.

There you have it: Tiger and his son come in second courtesy of an “impressive” streak almost as meaningful as CPG’s legendary “8 Straight Pars to Glory” on the Mexican Mini-Tour… 

…while John Daly and his son shoot a tournament record 15-under par to win...

…yet FOX deems it somehow appropriate to highlight the former rather than the latter.

Which is why we’d rather not see or read about the guy, no matter how good a golfer he was.  Just sayin’.


Video of the Day

Jesse Watters highlights how Joe Biden, the very personification of the Peter Principle, has finally run out of luck.

Tales of The Darkside

Yes, Erin Marquis of The New York Times, there IS a Hell, but God doesn’t send people there because they defend the 2nd Amendment rights of their fellow citizens. Advocating for abortion on the other hand…!?!

On the Lighter Side

Even though Fresno State held on for the win, these are the plays that make college football fun.
