It’s Monday, December 20th, 2021…but before we begin, Dr. Faux Chi’s latest pronouncement from on high patently proves the point Roger Simon makes in a recent commentary at The Epoch Times, a position we’ve espoused since the scamdemic started:

“…until there is a regime change at the presidential level, they will never tell us the pandemic is really over. Instead, they will say the situation is slightly better (for now), but we must always maintain our guard with extreme vigilance. Otherwise, it can come back at a moment’s notice. That means continued masking (where authorities deem necessary) and booster shots every few months like teeth cleanings, probably intermittent lockdowns as well. (Schools could practice those like fire drills.) We should still maintain social distancing when we can. You never know what your neighbor might be carrying. It’s a good habit. Like flossing. We must do all this into perpetuity.

Am I exaggerating? Not if you ask the prime minister of New Zealand, who has already asserted there will never be an endpoint to the vaccination program in her country.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has just informed us that he believes the “acute phase” of the pandemic will end in 2022, but evinces “surprise” that so many resist vaccination and masks.

The rules and regulations of the pandemic always have been first and foremost about control, not health. To declare them over is to lose control.

Specifically, it’s to lose a grip on the acquiescent masses, to lose the possibility of advancing an American socialism-communism, however you want to describe it, as long as the state is more important than the individual (except, of course, those individuals who are in charge).

This won’t be relinquished easilyCOVID-19 has provided excuses for state control beyond anything in most of our lifetimes. The last two years have brought the dreams of the left closer to reality—to transforming the United States—than they have been for decades.

Stopping them will be more difficult than stopping COVID-19 itself, even if it goes away. The residue will still be there. Cleaning that up and, yes, disinfecting it, will be all of our responsibilities.

In a recent segment on FOX News, Ben Shapiro echoed both Simon and Ron DeSantis:

It’s as retired physician Deane Waldman wrote in American Thinker in an article forwarded by Balls Cotton entitled “The COVID Scam: The Progressive Path to Power and Tyranny:

Physicians who still practice medicine cannot afford to write or say the following for fear of being canceled.  As a retired physician, I cannot be coerced to keep silent with threats to my medical license or hospital privileges. 

COVID-19 is probably the greatest and most successful swindle in history. By comparison, Carlo Ponzi and Bernie Madoff were pikers. The COVID scam has affected most of earth’s 7.8 billion inhabitants, consumed trillions of dollars, and achieved a level of government control unprecedented in modern democracies

The COVID “pandemic of fear” is a con, perpetrated by those in power to extend and expand their power. Their scheme is simple. Take a new flu-like respiratory virus created in China (With the help and funding of Dr. Faux Chi!), COVID-19; tout it as a threat to all human life; suspend (temporarily, of course!) personal liberty and freedom; then justify their tyranny by asserting a need to protect all Americans from death by virus. When the threat recedesredefine the terms, demand vaccine passports, and booster shots to maintain public fear. As new viral variants evolve such as Delta or Omicron, resume draconian measures including masks and lockdowns, more boosters, and loss of employment if unvaccinated. 

Make sure any evidence exposing the scam is labeled “misinformation.” Censor any reports that call into question the accuracy of official narratives. Punish those who question the government or refuse the mandates.

Is COVID a scam, or is it a real danger? Are masks safe? What are the effects of Washington’s anti-COVID policies: medical, political, financial, and social? Does natural immunity protect us? Do medications work?  What does the data show us?

Medical risk. Based on CDC data, the risk of death for children is less than 0.1 percent and for healthy adults less than 0.17 percent. COVID is dangerous only to a small segment of the population: the elderly, diabetics, and the infirm with serious pre-existing medical conditions such as immunocompromise, chronic lung disease, kidney or heart failure, often several of these illnesses in a single patient. 

Since the true health risk could never justify the imposition of pseudo-martial law and taking away constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, Washington (And by the way, this was The Donald’s Washington!) said COVID was an existential threat to all, like bubonic plague or Ebola

To provoke public panic, Washington reported “COVID deaths” on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis, claiming a total COVID death toll of more than 790,000. This mortality data is distorted. Only 12 to 23 percent of the deaths were actually due to the virus, based on autopsy data and medical demographics respectively. The majority died primarily because of their pre-existing conditions Anyone who died with a positive COVID test was classified by the CDC as a COVID death regardless of the real reason they died, viz., a fatal motorcycle crash…”

In their Socialist thinking, they’re doing right, because they’re advancing their goals for the common good of those who don’t know what’s best for them at the cost of personal freedoms and civil rights they see as an impediment to their wise and beneficent rule. 

And as the bloodthirsty, barbarous Captain Redlegs observed The Outlaw Josey Wales

Oh, and God bless Joe Manchin…at least for the time being.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject of an increasingly flailing and failing presidency, NRO‘s Charlie Cooke recounts…

How Biden Blew It

It is tough to find a modern presidency that has collapsed as swiftly as this one.


It didn’t have to be this way.

If he had wanted to, President Biden could have fulfilled the promises that he made during his campaign and set himself and his party up for a successful 2022

Instead? Well, instead he did precisely none of that. Instead, he ignored all evidence to the contrary and concluded that he was a world-historical figure

It is tough to find a modern presidency that has collapsed as swiftly as Joe Biden’s. After eleven months in office, the man is not only unpopular; he is a joke. Nobody admires him, except as an alternative to Donald Trump. Nobody fears him, except as a drag on their own political fortunes. Nobody wants him to run for office again, except, perhaps, if the alternative is a Democratic Party led by Kamala Harris. He vowed to be a “uniter,” but he has succeeded only in uniting the electorate against him. He professed to be a moderate but has lost the support of independents by two or three to one. He promised a return to normalcy, but he has somehow made things only stranger. He has continued the executive branch’s bipartisan assault on the Constitution, declined the chance to restore the presidency to a more modest place in our politics, and retained the destructive overpromising tendencies that have haunted so many of his predecessors. He is old, confused, inadequate, and, above all, demonstrably out of place. It did not take long after the inauguration for distracted Americans to ask, “Wait, that guy?”

This decline was not inevitable. Had he made better choices (Which we personally believe he was incapable of making), Joe Biden might have spun his improbable rise to the White House into a basket full of gold. Instead, he has repeatedly smashed the loom. Biden is president because the Democrats didn’t want Bernie and the country didn’t want Trump. His presidency has failed because, drunk on his improbable ascent, he forgot that. Next year, he will have a short window within which to correct course.

If he misses it? Deluge.

Here’s the juice, in the form of a meme we created for the occasion:

P.S. Hat tip to the lovely Shannon to Orange Man meme.

Next, FOX reports “There’s a new form of violence in Democrats’ vocabulary”, as

Squad’ member Rep. Pressley claims student debt is ‘violence


“…Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts took to social media to push President Biden to universally cancel student debt for U.S. college students and graduates. Reporting on her own canvassing efforts, Pressley said allowing student debt to continue was a form of violence. “Let’s make it plain: student debt is policy violence,” Pressley wrote. “We’ll keep fighting to relieve families across the country, to make sure our policies & budgets reflect their lived experiences & that we build this grassroots movement to #CancelStudentDebt together.”

The ‘Squad’ member described student debt as a “racial, gender, and economic crisis” before specifically calling on the president to proceed on the proposed debt cancellation…”

Two thoughts immediately leapt to mind: (1). Who would ever doubt the validity of the results of Ayanna Pressley’s personal canvassing efforts; and (2). Maybe…just maybe…if they hadn’t gone deep into debt for a degree in African Art, Black Cisgendered Studies or Human Services and Community Organization?!?

Just sayin’.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this stream of Conservative consciousness courtesy of Ed Hickey:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this just in from storm-ravaged Kentucky demonstrating the baseness of criminal behavior knows no bottom, as… 

Kentucky suspects arrested for stealing from tornado victims


Five Kentuckians were arrested for allegedly stealing cars, shoes, copper wiring, and other household items from victims in a southwestern part of the state that was “particularly hit hard by the tornado and resulted in deaths,” the Graves County Sheriff’s Office said Saturday. The thefts came about a week after a deadly storm swept the state, killing at least 78 people and destroying more than 1,000 homes. 

Sheriff’s deputies received a report of suspicious activity on Friday afternoon just half a mile away from a candle factory that was leveled during the tornadoes, leaving eight people dead. “It was reported that several suspects that appeared to have been working in a group were rummaging through persons personal property, and loading vehicles that were destroyed by the tornado,” the sheriff’s office said. 

When deputies arrived, they stopped the group before they could leave the area with stolen vehicles in tow…”

Sorry, but they could accord this quintet of perverted predators the same treatment given the Persian ambassador and his party in 300

…and it would still be a fate far less painful than they deserve.


Video of the Day

Courtesy of our sister-in-law Amy, Andrew Klavan’s description of Biden’s incredibly destructive Build Back Better plan is dead-on balls accurate.

Tales of The Darkside

A video which proves repeated non-answers eventually constitute an answer.

On the Lighter Side

Sorry, but this one cracked us up. The way the judge handled this miserable miscreant evokes images of Joe Biden conquering Corn Pop, that most infamous of bad dudes.
